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Flesh Tearers Tactical Squad


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Hi there, been lurking for a while ago and this is my first post.


I am building a Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force and I am looking for advice on how to equip my 3 Tactical Squads. I have 1 ten man unit and 2 x 5 men units. My opponent plays Deathguard.


Any help and advice would be great.



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I play against Deathguard a lot and my advice is you need high strength weapons. Nurgles boys have at least T5 for the most part meaning all those S4 weapons we have become pretty ineffective wounding on a 5+, you also want multi-damage weapons were possible as this forces more disgustingly resilient saves and thus more chances for them to take damage. Plasma is really good if you have the re-rolls to overcharge and still good without. Heavy Bolters aren't terrible if you just want something cheaper to sit on objectives, being S5. Las Cannons also are pretty good on tac squads. As most of the time they won't be targeted down and those Las Cannon shots will strip down wounds here and there which can build up over a battle.


Deathguard are tough and hard to wipe off the board, but they are also quite slow so you can control the board quite well if you bring mobility and fast units. Oh and beware their ability to dish out mortal wounds left, right and centre.

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Against Deathguard?

Well expect to see a lot T5 models with 5+ FnP and vehicles. So a Lascannon is definitely worth it. Shoot transports to make them walk towards you (they are rather slow), shoot their Drones since they are fast and pretty strong, or just shoot at their infantry if all targets are gone to rather safely kill one of their models (Deathshrouds are expensive so they are nice secondary targets for Lascannons).


Other than Lascannons, Plasma is always a good choice. Or just keep them cheap with minimal upgrades so you have more points for your Elite units.

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