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it's already been answered by others and you went with 25's so this is just for discussion,

it works both ways i think - area denial, command bubbles etc, but the other sword edge has harder to fit in cover,you may even be easier for enemy players to get within charge range.

and i guess falling back...off the edge of the board :ermm: ...



I may be a bit of a stickler, but I think you should always use the 'official' base size, even if it changes. I re-based my Enginseer and power armoured Inquisitors onto 32mm bases. I also re-based all the marines in my Black Templars and Black Legion armies too. I think that power armoured models look much better on 32mm bases, it kind of bugs me when a model's feet hang over the edge of the base, lol! It is an added expense, and a pain in the butt for painted models, but at the end of the day I think it's worth it.

it's already been answered by others and you went with 25's so this is just for discussion,

it works both ways i think - area denial, command bubbles etc, but the other sword edge has harder to fit in cover,you may even be easier for enemy players to get within charge range.

and i guess falling back...off the edge of the board :ermm: ...



That's not how Falling Back works anymore.

I have put all five of my IG officers (1 company commander and 4 platoon commanders) on larger one and a half inch bases for aesthetic reasons.  Interestingly enough, over the years, no one has complained or even asked at tournaments or pickup games why they are on larger bases.  So I suspect no one will care if you put your officers at least on larger bases.


Here are a couple of images.



Red Platoon leader, Lt. Jihad Assad, about to get eaten by a Mawloc last year at Huzzan Hobbies in Ashburn, Virginia.  Commissar Guderian is offering him words of encouragement.




Blue Platoon leader, Lt. Muhhamed, equipped with a bolter and power sword, orders his squad to target Salamanders during a training mission this past winter in Seattle, WA


Edited by Tallarn Commander

Morale and Falling Back are two separate things, 8th Edition is drastically different to everything that came before it.


Morale is an end of turn test for any unit that took casualties. You roll a D6, add the casualties, and subtract the a Leadership value. The remaining number is the number of models removed from the unit as "fleeing."


Falling Back, or Retreating, is simply a move in your Movement Phase where you may take a unit currently in combat, and move them out of it.

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