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DV minis and advertising.


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Hey guys, I was browsing through the Codex the other day when a matter for discussion popped into my head.

Why does GW still display their Dark Vengeance minis so prolifically? 

For models that are no longer on sale, they show up a lot. Imagine being a newcomer who's just bought a Start Collecting box along with a Codex/Index/whatever, and you see all of these awesome models - Cultists with Heavy Stubbers, Chosen, all that good stuff; you want to buy some, only you can't, because GW doesn't sell them. 
It doesn't help that the models are leagues above what the standard CSM box gets you.

I thought it seemed like a pretty poor move. I'm also a little salty that they haven't adapted those designs into individual kits, we have the Aspiring Champion, why not the others? The fact that they're still displaying them makes me think that they may at some point, but that does feel a bit like wishful thinking.

What are your thoughts? Am I rehashing old issues?

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Probably because they look better than the "old enough to drink and enlist in the army" Chaos Marine kits.

No doubt! :laugh.:


Is displaying awesome - though totally unavailable - minis a new thing? It seems a little greasy to me.

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To top it off almost all the DV Chosen have hard-molded weapon selections that are illegal now. No more bp+bolter+ccw anymore.


So the codex heavily features models that look much better than what you can buy, and come with weapons that you are not allowed to field.


Strange choices by GW indeed.

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