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WHW Doubles in November, my 1000pts worth...


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In only my second formal competition in 25 years of having SM around the house I am teaming up with my Guilly Fanboy son to try and not come last in a few weeks time across in Nottingham. So, I have a list and I know it's almost meaningless given that I am not posting the 1k Ultramarine half of the 2k but I'd appreciate comments.


Essentially I am fielding two Vanguard Dets


Vanguard Det 1


DC Chaplain with Inferno P

 and his 9 jump suited DC chums: 4x standard BP+CS; 2x P Fist; 1x Inferno + CS; 1x Pwr Sword; 1x Pwr maul. All with BP where appropriate. These guys are what they are because of how I built them in the past - so if they are a waste then they are out as I want to avoid cutting them up for now.


Company Champion

with 5 Company Veterans: 1x gun slinging Flame Pistol Sgt; 1x Melta; 1x CombiMelta; 2x BP+CS.  These will hitch a ride in an RB with LCannons.


Vanguard Det 2


This time around, Buffy Greyfax has ditched her Corvus Blackstar taxi for an Ass Cannon RB. Her wound tampons are 6x Acolytes: 4 with lasguns and 2 with plasma guns as well as the real reason she is not flying posh - she is bringing 1x Jokaero Weapon Smith along to distract the enemy with monkey business.


Comments welcome. Have I too small a model count? Are my DC just too varied to be meaningful? The Corvus could come back in, and so could Rapier Quad Bolter units (x2) - I like the idea of those.  I also took out snipers and Hvy Bolter/Grav and Missile wielding units (troops/Devs) to make this work despite dominating in earlier ideas of a list. Should I ditch the Inquisition (Shhhhhh) and go full on Red Carpet of Death with Black edging? Will anyone notice that I a packed Average dice!!





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What's greyfax going to do? I don't know her rules. Either way, she can't do anything of she's in a transport, and 6 T3 bodies aren't going to protect much.


The veteran squad loadout is also eclectic. What's their purpose? What are they doing that a tactical squad isn't?

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IMO your death company aren't ideal, because they are only one wound they still die incredibly easily even with their 6+, so the more points you put into them the more painful it is when they get shot off the table. Low model count armies tend to suffer, i've found this especially apparent at low point levels unless they are incredibly durable.


I assume Greyfax is in there for some anti psyker abilities, because Blood Angels currently don't have any requirement to be purely blood angel detachment, you don't need to separate Greyfax and pay the tax of the acolytes. your second detachment isn't really going to do a great deal of damage.


my recommendation would be that if you have a Storm Raven, then take it. I would probably ditch Greyfax and the acolytes, if you need to fill up slots for your detachment then 2 man company vet squads do it for 32 points, or you can give them melta/plasma and use as an alpha deepstrike (might not be that good with just 2 guys but its something)


HQ wise I cant recommend Mephiston enough, fair enough you don't get any buffs, but he's a potent psyker, unleash rage on himself + the warlord trait for an additional attack gives you 6 x S10 AP-3 D3 attacks, and his 2+/5+ and T5 make him pretty resilient too, he's also quite cheap. put him in a transport with a squad of hammernators or sanguinary guard and they will do well (most likely) although that is a lot of points which goes against what I said before :) I'm rambling.


basically try to compliment your partner, pick something (assaulting or shooting, not both), try to be as good at it as possible, and stick to the plan. if you split your forces and throw one or 2 CC deep strikers up and they fail charges they will get massacred.

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Thanks for the thoughts guys, I have gone back to the drawing board on this one -  Greyfax was as muctch about getting the Corvus in the list but my team mate has psyker'd-up so I am rethinking the list and will likely go back to good old Bolters and lascannons, I do like my DC though and they have played out well in the past, but we will see. As far as the Veterans go, they ended up doing alright with Greyfax previously...by alright they survived which probably reflects the zero threat they posed, apart from taking out a fair few orcs.  I wonder if I can be bothered to paint Mephiston before the 18th;-/

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the end here is what I went for:


2x Quad Rapier H Bolters - they did well

1x Laser Destroyer - he did well

1x Baal Predator, full of flame - did well when not targeted. there is a lot to be said about auto hits v fliers!

Lemartes and 9 DC - their load was what it was, the point being they got into CC in the first game only - even with rerolls I failed to get my charges off

a 10 Man troop with dual hand flamer (did well), Melta gun (almost did well) and Missile launcher (Saw a lot of action0 - over all, split into two sections, they were resilient and held key points.


My partner had Bobby G and played him aggressively which made it fun for everyone I think - his two RB were largely ignored as the opposition tended to target my Rapiers and Laser Destroyer / Baal P but that was fine.  His RB had Sternguard within and they did okay too. His Psyker (some high falluting Smurf Dude) and finally three Aggressors which seemed to me to be a bit flakey.


We won 3 from 5 games and ended top third, so we were happy with that. I am going to post something more critical about players in another post, observations really entitled, "Please don't throw your dice at my models!"

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