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Finally got some BA's...how should I load them out?


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Got the Start Collecting box and a Tactical Squad box. Building them up now...need help figuring out how to arm them. I won't be doing any tournament or at least nothing beyond friendly shop tournaments so looking for something that's fun but can be competitive and easy enough for a newb to learn and get my feet wet. If possibly I'd like to get a couple heavy weapons incorporated...they look pretty badass...unless they aren't good. Same with a powerfist or two...love the way they look...are they worth adding in?

Edited by Nubster
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That's a Terminator Captain, a Tactical Squad of 10 and a Baal Predator, right?


Well for the Baal Predator I'd honestly wait for the Codex since right now he is a lot weaker than the regular Predator.

The Tactical Squad...well a Lascannon for the heavy weapon slot is never wrong imo and you can never go wrong with Plasma and Combi-Plasma for the Special weapon and Sergeant. That would be the best all-comers loadoud I'd say. If you want something else then you should have a specific plan for them in mind. Alternatively you could just keep them cheap and call it a day.

For the Captain, I'm not sure honestly. I tend to equip HQs that don't have any overwhelming loadout with whatever I think is cool. :P That being said I haven't played BA in 8th yet so my knowledge is purely theoretical and from what I've read here on B&C.

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Yup...10 man tactical squad, terminator capt. and the Baal.


That's what I've heard more than once...that the Baal isn't all that and that I should possibly even convert it into a Razorback and then maybe get a couple more to add to the army. I'll probably build the body up and then not attach any of the weapons until the codex comes out. Leave it so I can convert if need be.


Thanks for the troop recommendation. 

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That's a Terminator Captain, a Tactical Squad of 10 and a Baal Predator, right?

Almost, it's the BA Tactical Squad. Which is great but it limits the choice somewhat.


This means the only heavy weapon choices are the heavy flamer or the heavy bolter. Whilst the former was popular, it now requires delivery arguably more than ever before and this can only be achieved if you run the Baal as a Rhino (magnetisation is doable but that's the sort of madness I divulge in...) The heavy bolter has arguably improved this edition but whether or not it wins out over a heavy flamer is hard to say.


You get a full spread of special weapons in the squad and these are, iirc, easily interchangeable. However, flamers are currently out of fashion despite the low cost (especially as you don't strictly need to equip the same as a heavy weapon these days due to everything having split fire) while plasma weaponry is finally getting it's day in the sun.


Sergeants are in a funny place. Due to pistol rules (and the points cost associated with them in the Index) the plasma pistol is arguably the better choice but even then opting for a combi weapon (of which there is a full spread) is probably the better option - it all depends on how you want to use the squad. You also can't go wrong with the melee weapon with your choice only restricted by points (if you play that way)


The TDA Captain is a rigid build and will require conversion should you wish to alter him, whilst the correct answer for the tank is to magentise (I appreciate that's not for everyone so it might be worth going full dakka (assault cannons and heavy bolters) to make more use of the range.) I do recommend the stormbolter upgrade whilst acknowledging that the hunter-killer missile is situational and not everyone's cup of tea.


As you can see, even in the vacuum of just sticking with the box it's not an easy choice. This is where Panzer is on the mark - by getting more kits you can mix things in (such as the lascannon found on the Devastator sprue) and start to specialise as your forces grow. From a ££ perspective, it's certainly better to work out what you want and then plan your purchases around that rather than add things piecemeal, generate a backlog of models to build/paint, and get to the point where you think painting three Thunderhawks (one in red, one in black, and one in gold) is a good idea as you look to reach Chapter strength one day :blush.::blush.:

Edited by Jolemai
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Get magnets for your tank. It's a bit of an extra step but it saves you as rules and points values shift over the years.


I'm currently building the same thing but am going to be using the models as Sternguard and Company Veterans.

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Yup...10 man tactical squad, terminator capt. and the Baal.


That's what I've heard more than once...that the Baal isn't all that and that I should possibly even convert it into a Razorback and then maybe get a couple more to add to the army. I'll probably build the body up and then not attach any of the weapons until the codex comes out. Leave it so I can convert if need be.


Thanks for the troop recommendation. 


I would second that. The best configuration for a Baal Predator is a Rhino or Razorback, if you have the right plates/pieces.

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I don't mind magnetizing if it's worth doing. I did my dread yesterday so it can run any combo of fist and range weapons. I should have magnetized the front too but I didn't think about it as I started gluing...so now it has the Librarian front but I'm told that doesn't really matter much as long as the arms/weapons are WYSIWYG. I'll probably start putting together the predator tonight or tomorrow. At least get the pieces cut out and cleaned up and figure out my game plan on adding some magnets. 

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I got the same box a couple months ago when I started. 

For the Tacticals, I went with a heavy flamer, plasma gun, and a combi-flamer on the sgt. It may not be the best, but I've enjoyed using them. I'm not super competitive either. The flamers have definitely made people think twice about charging them.

For the Baal Predator, I went with the twin assault cannon and heavy bolters. I generally just leave it stationary and shoot the crap out of things. I haven't used it too much, however, so I'm not sure how well it really works. 

I haven't used the terminator capt, too much either, but he has been useful when I have. He beat down a Tau commander suit with his Thunderhammer. I tend to use my Gravis captain, primaris librarian, and librarian dreadnought for HQs. I like psykers and play Thousand Sons frequently, so they come in handy. 

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I dunno, my Baal has yet to be destroyed, that could be the guys I play with or what ever, and has always gotten a return on the points. They get really mad when I run both of them too, I run mine with asscans magnetized heavy bolters. I don't have a BA Tac squad yet, but I do have an idea how I'd run them. Melta and Heavy Flamer, but I have a Storm Raven for them to get where they need to go. Oddly enough the Storm Raven has yet to survive a battle....

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I dunno, my Baal has yet to be destroyed, that could be the guys I play with or what ever, and has always gotten a return on the points. They get really mad when I run both of them too, I run mine with asscans magnetized heavy bolters. I don't have a BA Tac squad yet, but I do have an idea how I'd run them. Melta and Heavy Flamer, but I have a Storm Raven for them to get where they need to go. Oddly enough the Storm Raven has yet to survive a battle....

Could be because he is so low on the priority order due his low damage output for its cost compared with things like AssBacks and LasPreds. It really is not that durable to survive any half-serious attempt at destroying it. Your Stormraven getting all the focus is a strong indication for that.

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Not to high jack the thread but units that I use that most here say are not good, do the best for me. Death Company, Baal Pred, Primarus Dudes, and normal assault marines. In one game 10 DC took out 5 chaos termmies and chaos veterans, Lemartes took care of the Lord and the Baal took out a Mauler Fiend and Hell Brute. Now that could be the players in my local group or maybe better tactics on my part. I am curious as to your thoughts on how or why this keeps happening for me. I'm in no way flaming you or anyone else, I am genuinely curious. I don't remember the full details of said battle but I do remember for some unknown reason he left Mephy alone for most the battle. 

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In the two games I've played of 8th my Baal pred has deleted a unit almost every turn while my lascannon pred did pretty much nothing... two games isn't really much to go off though and I'm not playing competitively either...


And welcome!!


I would make one squad more kitted out for close quarters with all the flamers and maybe a melee weapon on the sarge(I have a dual hand flamer sarge in my tac squad!) The second squad I would give the heavy bolter and a plasma gun to fill longer range role. You should have all those options in the BA tac kit. Please note that this is not solid or competitive advice in any way, but just what I would do.

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Just built this box over the past few days; I bought Crusader sprues for assault cannon turrets and ordered magnets; the predator can now be either loadout of Baal Pred, an assault cannon Razorback, or a rhino.


Tactical squad I’m magnetizing heavy weaponry arms and pack, as well as sergeant hands. If I was gluing I would run Heavy Bolter and Stormbolter on one squad, and Melta/Combi-Melta or plasma/combi-plasma on another.


The Start Collecting! box is quite a good value so I’ll likely buy another box or two just to flesh out options.

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Baal - asscan, hvb's, storm bolter


Split the 10 man tax unit into 2x5, one with serge, combi melta, meltagun (or plasma, combi plasma) and the other with combi flamer, heavy flamer.


Get another Rhino (or Razorback) don't glue the top plate on, so you can use it as either.


With the other tac squad I'd get an additional devastator squad and make 2x 5man dev squads with 4 heavy weapons. You should have enough to go round :)


Get a cheap captain with combi plasma and power sword to babysit the devs and let them reroll 1's.

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