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Anti-vehicle suggestions


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What are people's suggestions for dealing with vehicles/heavy armor? That seems to be the weak part of my army right now. 

The units that I currently have for dealing with vehicles are the Repulsor with lastalon and twin-lascannon, Redemptor with plasma and 1x5 Hellblasters for range. And dreadnoughts (furioso, DC, redemptor, librarian) that can get into close combat. 

I know devastators with lascannons would be helpful. I've been thinking of getting a predator, but not sure what the best loadout for it is. I was thinking autocannon and lascannon sponsons. 

What are some other suggestions?

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I take lots and lots of lascannons. My current standard list uses 2 lascannon razorbacks, a pure lascannon Predator, a devastator squad with another 4 and a captain to give re-rolls. If I feel fancy sometimes I'll swap the Predator for my Sicaran with lascannon sponsons.


Taking that many lascannons is a bit of an investment but still leaves enough room for some fun stuff, while at the same time being able to handle fairly vehicle heavy lists without too much issue.



Edit: Oh, and I also like to put in a Stormraven with multi-melta and lascannons. There's no such thing as too much overkill.

Edited by Pendent
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More lascannons.


Sprinkle in some lascannons.


If you want variety, get Twin Lascannons.


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-S9 means you’re wounding 95% of the units in the game on a 3+

-AP-3 is self explanatory

-D6 Damage shaves off W reliably

-48” means you can do this from across the board meaning you have way more options on survival.


You have to have a bonified reason to take anything else instead*.


If melta was 2D6 Damage (so potentially 12!!! D) < 6”, then it would be a different story.

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Lascannon is prolly best bet stand off weapon currently - agreed.

Predator with autocannon/lascannons as you listed is good.

Razorbacks with twin lascannon are in most of my lists.


Some other thoughts since you asked:

Multi-melta from drop pod is not something I would recommend for the points, but your opponent will know they were shot at for sure.


Melta guns from assault or veteran squads can do good work.

Deploying on table (perhaps in a vehicle) is better chance of getting stuff that comes at ya generally with melta guns.

Dropping in melta guns (even tho its at 9 inches and not in optimal range) can still work, but I like the deploy on table application better.


Thunderhammer Sgts etc are also worthy CQC options currently. If that is of interest, see also Mephiston.


Our codex was just announced as coming soon so would strongly advise work on what you already have and wait for that to make your choices.

Perhaps they will make inferno pistols decent / cost effective.

Perhaps we will be able to drop in closer than 9 inches or something etc.

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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If my flgs did forgeworld orders, id stock up on legion lascannons (i like ryza patterns for 40k and the other kind for 30k). they seem to do a lot more work than 7tb edition.


but i still have a 10 man dev squad with 2x las and 2x plasma yet to be built. seriously considering breaking the squad up for more heavy weapons. my many heavy bolter really should be built.

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