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Quick question about daemons and summoning!

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I was just reading over the chaos codex and spent a few minutes reading about summoning and daemons and had a few questions...


Can summoned daemons move after being summoned or is it like deep striking?  

Do summoned daemons from the CSM codex gain legion traits?  Seems like they should since they have the infantry keyword.



Does anyone have any in game experience with summoning?  How useful is it?  

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Do summoned daemons from the CSM codex gain legion traits?  Seems like they should since they have the infantry keyword.

No, they don't get any traits. They are the same Daemons as the ones in the Chaos Index (and soon Codex Chaos Daemons). They are just in the CSM Codex so you don't have to buy two books to summon the basic Daemons.

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