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Alternate Earthshaker battery models.


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The model is basically out of production. I know forgeword makes one technically but I'm not really looking to spend £260 on the DKoK set. While perusing GW's website and saw the AoS Warp Lightning Cannon and I think it could serve well enough as a proxy model, but I would like to know what the community thinks




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Hi brother, just here to help with an example I was working on earlier.

1st things 1st - did you mean the Earthshaker Battery or the Earthshaker Carriage Battery? Both are in the same Forgeworld Imperial Armour Index, but the former has/needs no crew and fires basically like an automated turret, while the latter actually has Guardsman crew and costs more points.

In my case, I just did the crew-less, lower-points Earthshaker Battery. I basically took the following advice, let me share the results for your reference:

Use the Basilisk, buy bitz, get a Chimera too.

This was from my Renegades & Heretics project. I bought the regular Basilisk kit and just used the guns. Here's basically bits of 1 and a half Earthshaker guns:


Notice that odd T-shape. It's supposed to spill over the back of the Chimera chassis and works as a platform, but doesn't look great. So I added some sandbags...


...and some Nurglings. They're not Guardsman crew, as I said this model operates as a turret, but they're like decoration to explain how the gun can fire.

Then I basically got an open-topped Chimera chassis (it lacks the cover and the lasgun array and turret of a normal Chimera transport) that I plan to convert:


Please note it lacks some things that comes with the Chimera kit, but with a little conversion it can be one, while also allowing it to be converted into other stuff.

Just providing an idea because I already worked 2 of these for Armies on Parade and I actually really liked how it turned out.


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