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The Rusted - Toomanyproject's Death Guard

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So, here is my newly started Death Guard army. I've always been a fan of the scions of Nurgle, they were in fact my first playable 40K army ('crons got there first, but never really got above a lord and two squads) and I have always kept my eye in with them.

Recent Chaos codices were not too kind to my fetid brethren, and their character seemed to get rather lost amidst the seeming focus on Khorne and Tzeentch. However, the new codex has given us a truly distinctive force for the first time in a long while and so I thought it would be good to get together a new army. 


One of the only aspects of the new Death Guard that I don't like is that the models in the codex and online all look far too clean, the colours have become very bright and everything looks like it works properly and is well maintained. This doesn't really gel with my idea of the death guard, and some of the more ostentatious bits (icon on the top of the lord of contagion, Typhus being surrounded by flies etc) also jar against the ultimately pragmatic and practical nature of the death guard.


My solution: The Rusted. My own warband where I can paint them to be as grotty as I like, and can remove almost all of the silly extra bits hanging on around the edges of the models. The army will be ruled by the rule of cool, which to me means that It will be composed of whatever I want it to be composed of, although i do seem to be using up the troop allocations rather quickly in order to make a footslogging army.


My first completed model was my Lord of Contagion




And just yesterday I got these fellas done in the GW Birmingham store:




But I do have a bit of a way to go, as you can see from the pictures below (and that not even my finished army, got deathshroud, Typhus and more Plague Marines to pick up yet.






And I must not forget my beloved cultist champion - one of the most character filled models GW has produced IMHO, so I'm going to makes sure he's included in the cultist force of my army.




I've yet to work out any serious background for these guys, but I hope that their look is at least distinctive. The way I was painting them almost made a the staff in GW cry :smile.:


Oh yes, then there is this guy: :biggrin.:



Thanks :smile.:

As I said, I really wanted to have a genuinely ‘dirty’ death guard look, as opposed to a clean look or a weathered one. My method of painting them is a tad haphazard; had my friend who works in my GW store prepared to confiscate them from me because of how they looked when I started :smile.:

Yup. Corax white undercoat (doesn’t even have to be neat or complete to be honest), with a layer of typhus corrosion over the model (that’s the point where everyone thought I had lost my mind). A heavy drybrush of Ryza afterwards and I then pick out all the edges in leadbelcher.


For skin, I mix rathbone flesh with Eshin grey in roughly enqual parts, and cloth I leave with just the corax white showing through, bone horns etc are done in ushabti bone.


Then the whole model is done in Nuln oil, and voila :)

  On 11/5/2017 at 9:14 AM, Toomanyprojects said:

Yup. Corax white undercoat (doesn’t even have to be neat or complete to be honest), with a layer of typhus corrosion over the model (that’s the point where everyone thought I had lost my mind). A heavy drybrush of Ryza afterwards and I then pick out all the edges in leadbelcher.


For skin, I mix retaking flesh with Eshin grey in roughly enqual parts, and cloth I leave with just the corax white showing through, bone horns etc are done in ushabti bone.


Then the whole model is done in Nuln oil, and voila :smile.:

Brilliantly simple! I may have to pinch the idea for my own squad of Plague Marines I've vowed to paint :D

Hey guys,


As there is such interest in the colour scheme, I thought I'd do a little step by step for you all. there isn't much to tell, but piccies show better than words sometimes.


I begin with a Corax white undercoat.  At this point I also block out the flesh in a 50/50 mix of Rathbone Flesh and Eshin grey





This undercoat really doesnt need to be anything approaching good, indeed, I find when it's patchy the detail is more evident to me as there is a greater contrast between the white and grey.


Then comes the leap of faith, where everyone around you looks at you as thought you have utterly lost your already tenuous grip upon reality: the typhus corrosion layer.




It looks truly awful doesn't it? :smile.:



Next is the bone, and other cream coloured things, along with any sundry details 





And here is where the magic begins, the next step is a nice heavy drybrush of Ryza Rust, even if it looks too bright, do not panic :smile.:




You'll notice that some of the rust has got on to other areas. provided that these areas are below the rust, they actually look effective - as though the orange is leeching downwards.


Now, the next two stages have been combined here for the sake of brevity. the final step is to use Leadbelcher/Ironbreaker to go back over all of the detail on the model and lightly edge it. Not only does this highlight the detail, it creates the illusion that the rust has been broken off of the edges of rusted armour plates.


What follows that is an overall wash of nuln oil, which brings out the detail of the model in the flesh, tones down the Ryza Rust beautifully and blends the silver in to make the illusion even better.




Now I must confess that I ran out of time to complete these guys properly, so I'm going to give them another once over before I put them up on here as finished articles, but I hope that this gives a bit of insight into my method of painting

I do hope you don't mind me borrowing this scheme, brilliant as it is! I've got more than a few Death Guard I have somewhat... inadvertently gathered, such as it were, and the combination of such a (relatively) simple technique and  such a beautiful result is too hard to pass up. They look absolutely perfect, man.

People were looking at me as though I was from Alpha Centauri :) and yes, I agree about it hurting to look st it, and I was the one painting the thing :)

  On 11/7/2017 at 7:33 AM, Soldier of Dorn said:

I do hope you don't mind me borrowing this scheme, brilliant as it is! I've got more than a few Death Guard I have somewhat... inadvertently gathered, such as it were, and the combination of such a (relatively) simple technique and such a beautiful result is too hard to pass up. They look absolutely perfect, man.

Thanks very much, it’s always nice to have such comments :) I look forward to seeing your models too :)

  On 11/7/2017 at 11:27 AM, Charlo said:

This is just the kind of tutorial I needed to Inspire me for my Death Guard!


They look amazing mate. Take great pleasure in the fact you've just really sold me on some nurgle fun.


Thanks very much, I must confess that the reaction to the few models that I've already completed has bowled me over :) thanks to you all, and I hope to have some new stuff for you this weekend

Hey Guys,


here are my latest bits for the army, the Tallyman and Noxious Blightbringer have been finished off:




And some of you may have spotted them in a couple of previous shots, here are my completed squadron of Bloat Drones, including the lawnmower of DOOOOMM




Thats all of the new stuff that I have for you, but here is an overall shot of the army:



  • 4 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Hi Guys,


Its been a long while since I added anything to this thread, and to be honest The Rusted have stalled somewhat since you last heard from me. I have however, made a Kill team from my bits I had hanging around. 


Hope you like:





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