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Imperial Coalition - Toomanyprojects Imperial Army

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Good day all,


Well following on from my small but increasing Chaos nurgle based army, I thought I'd share my nearly finished but still being added to in bits and pieces. The army began as a 'purebreed' deathwatch army without any additions, but I found myself being pulled this way and that by various shiny new things that began to appear. So without further ado, here are the majority of the finished models in my collection


My Watch Master - very fond of the cloak on this one, a feat which I have been unable to repeat on literally any other model that I've tried. Also kicks genestealer butt in close combat - took out 20 neophytes, three acolytes and a goliath truck all by his lonesome in his most recent match:







Now, without a doubt my favourite character in whole game is Cypher. I love the mysteriousness surrounding him, and indeed the ultimate question of whose side he is on. So naturally when the dataslate came out a few years ago i grabbed the metal model as fast I could and replaced the arms with forge world shoulder pads and plasma pistol, and a drum fed bolt pistol (ironically from the Ravenwing sprue). I also couldn't resist picking up the new model as well - I figured that the least of Cypher's feats is appearing in two places at the same time...






Now I must also confess to going somewhat dolally when it came to heroes. I blame the previous codex, which had a hero leading every kill team (or at least, the ones I wanted to use had heroes leading them). So i grabbed and converted the deathwatch chaplain model (you get the sense that they hadn't sold as many Reclusiam command squads as hoped), my favourite plastic librarian and the blood raven from the Deathwatch board game.






And not forgetting the backbone of any Deathwatch army, the kill teams:






And finally, the seldom used but rather effective venerable dreadnought





It is at this point that things began to go slightly wrong for the 'purebreed' deathwatch army (except for Cypher of course), as I began to add things which didnt belong in one...


Inquisitor Greyfax was my first addition. I messed up the assembly a bit, but nonetheless im very happy with how she turned out.




Some more golden armour loonies then got a look in:




and a sneaky one arrived:






making the overall army look like this (you may notice a couple of bits that I didnt do a close up of too)




However, the army still is very much a work in progress. 10 Sisters of silence remain to be built, and the deathwatch have recieved reinforcements (after my friend damn near tabled me in the first turn with Hybrid acoyltes and a goliath truck in the game where the watch master kicked butt):





I'll keep on adding to the force sporadically, but its more or less done now. Ad Mech and Fleshtearers await...

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Well here are the last two guys for my Deathwatch army in the foreseeable future. May add some more, but not for a while.


First up, my Blood ravens Watch Captain:




My new Black Dragons Kill team Veteran:




And the first member of my newest Imperial Army: a Lamenters Chaplain :)



  • 2 months later...

Got a couple of updates to my army (nothing massive, although that is certainly on the way.


First of all, my first attempt at Greyfax sucked. Made without instructions (bought from eBay split from the triumvirate), I made a total hash of things and the longer I had the model the less happy I was with it.


So here is the new one: built properly and I think painted a little better this time around:




And then there is the big man himself, Mr Eisenhorn:






And his gribbly (probably evil) friend:




Finally a quick snapshot of the 500pts force that’s going to a store birthday this weekend:




Thanks for the kind words from everyone btw, it’s nice to know that people like my work :)

  • 2 months later...

Well to add to the general coalition-ness of the army, I’ve just completed 2000pts of Custodes. Meant to represent a force composed of many shield companies under the overall command of Captain-General Valoris.


First up, the man himself:




And a Vexillius Praetor from the Emisaries Imperatus




Shield Captain of the Aquillan Shield




Shield captain in Allarus Terminator Armour




Wardens from the Aquillan Shield




Generic Guardians




Guardians of the shadow keepers




Guardians of the Solar Watch




Allarus Custodians of the Dread Host




Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought




Hope you all like :) I expect to be adding a fair amount to the imperial force in the coming few months :)

Love the lamenters chaplain! Is that a sculpted shoulder pad I spy? If so pray tell where you acquired it! I am in need of some for my badab war project(s). Any more plans for more deathwatch? I love projects that inspire my own future plans for a deatwatch force!

Here are the chapter pads that I used. I can’t paint detailed stuff freehand so I had to go for pads with embossed detail




I do have plans for a bunch more deathwatch - Primaris based expansions. Two ten man furor kill teams and a Primaris watch captain too - but need to wait for the next paycheck for the aggressors, more hellblasters and inceptors and their various shoulder pads to arrive.


I’ve also done a squad of five reivers, although I doubt they will ever be used in a game - they will be just for the modelling fun

Well here we are again. After saying that I was done with my Desthwatch, it would appear that I’m not done with my Deathwatch. I blame the new codex, and you should all read nothing in to the fact that I’m going in to my local GW store to buy the imperial knights codex next.


However I do have some more models to show you, and in keeping with the spirit of the new book, they’re all Primaris based.


First of all, my new Primaris Watch Captain:






Converted using the Dark Angels Primaris Lieutenant as the base, replacing the right arm with a bolt pistol/auto bolt rifle combo from the intercessor kit and a death knight head (didn’t like the hooded head from the actual kit, he looks like he is grinning. Dark Angels don’t grin) along with a deathwatch pad from the upgrade sprue.


I’m also adding in two Furor kill teams. Each needs five intercessors as a ‘base’ for the unit, so here are the beginnings of each unit:






The sergent for the unit had his hand replaced by the power sword from the deathwatch upgrade sprue, but is otherwise made from normal intercessor bits with deathwatch shoulder pads. The dark angel in this squad has his helmet from the DA lieutenant sprue used to make my watch captain. And if you look at the chapter badge of the guy at the front of the second picture, you’ll be able to see that Mr Cawl has once again been doing stuff that big Robby wouldn’t like very much...


And my second furor team:






Got no idea what the chapters are for the sergeant (candle) and the flaming skull guy, so I’ve probably painted them wrong. Look cool though.


All models made with vanilla intercessor bits and deathwatch pads. The sergeant has the helmet from the deathwatch upgrade sprue


All of them are quipped with stalker bolters as both units will include aggressors so they can move and fire without penalty.


Three aggressors, three inceptors and four hellblasters to add and I will once again be done with my deathwatch army :)


Hope you all like :)

Well to add to the general coalition-ness of the army, I’ve just completed 2000pts of Custodes. Meant to represent a force composed of many shield companies under the overall command of Captain-General Valoris.


First up, the man himself:




And a Vexillius Praetor from the Emisaries Imperatus




Shield Captain of the Aquillan Shield




Shield captain in Allarus Terminator Armour




Wardens from the Aquillan Shield




Generic Guardians




Guardians of the shadow keepers




Guardians of the Solar Watch




Allarus Custodians of the Dread Host




Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought




Hope you all like :smile.: I expect to be adding a fair amount to the imperial force in the coming few months :smile.:

thanos, is that you?

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there guys,


Finished up the bits for my deathwatch and i'm once gain declaring them finished, so I thought I'd share them with you.


First up, the new Primaris chaplain for the army




Cheap HQ with the Tome of the Ectoclades, his absolver bolt pistol is also rather potent at short range with SIA




The new troops for furor kill team alpha. Raises the overall toughness of the unit to 5, has rather a decent kick at short range




Overall shot of Furor Kill team Alpha fully assembled




Additional bits for Furor Kill Team Beta




Kill Team Beta fully assembled. Generally speaking, there is a longer range on this unit, which is suprisingly mobile considering that nine out of the ten are carryingheavy weapons.




And finally, a couple of shots of the complete 2000pt army






Hope you all like. I'll be doing some imperial knights next...


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