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8th edition custom dice run?


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Hey guys, love this idea, but do they deliver in the UK do you know?



Usually someone will collect the order then ship everything out to everyone. The BT dice thread showed that the UK has an additional charge on the shipment of the dice as well. I would check that forum to see if you can find out what it was all about.

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Chessex has a UK office but I don't know if they do the custom stuff there. On the US site it says they will ship outside the US. So...I guess the options would be either order the custom dice yourself...maybe start a UK group buy to drop the price...or get in on this one if it takes off and see if the person that is ordering and shipping out all the dice would be willing to ship to you. 

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So...we have some interest.


We have the ok on the icon. 


We have a color list. 


So what 5 colors should be offered? I know personally I'm probably going with Scarab Scarlet/gold or Gemini Black-Red/gold. Maybe some of both.


Here's the color list pared down to what seem to be the most appropriate colors...however that's not to say that if someone wants an oddball color...it can't be done.


Opaque Red/white

Opaque Black/red
Gemini Black-Red/gold
Gemini Black-Red/white
Scarab Scarlet/gold
Velvet Black/red
Velvet Red/white


And thoughts on making this official and setting a cutoff date? Do we want this done in time for possible Christmas delivery? I'm not sure the lead time...I want to say I saw somewhere it was like a week unless it was a really big order then the time could be extended. Not sure if they are going to be back logged due to holiday season. I have an email in asking. Also consider shipping from them to whoever and then from them to everyone else. So that's probably another week if everything is done quickly on the shipping side of things.

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Velvet Black/red (Can we get the seconardy color white here?)



What do you mean secondary color? Like the icon colored in white with the pips being red? I did ask if it was possible to fill the icon with a different color than the pips...in case that was something folks would be interested in. Waiting for an answer. But if that is doable...might add to the lead time for getting the dice made if Christmas delivery is a concern. It's not for me...I'm buying these for myself. 

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Velvet Black/red (Can we get the seconardy color white here?)



What do you mean secondary color? Like the icon colored in white with the pips being red? I did ask if it was possible to fill the icon with a different color than the pips...in case that was something folks would be interested in. Waiting for an answer. But if that is doable...might add to the lead time for getting the dice made if Christmas delivery is a concern. It's not for me...I'm buying these for myself. 




I meant to have the Velvet Black die with white pips and the normal Blood Angel coloring white white wings red blood drop. ^_^ If they can make the blood drop red on all the dice that would be awesome.

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Probably not something they would do. They do say full color isn't possible. But not sure about 2 colors. I'd imagine most likely the icon with either be raised and the same color as the dice in which case there would need to be something like a circle around the icon such as this....




The icon is a relief so it will be pip color (or if the can do it a different color from the pips)...




Or best case they can do 2 colors and maybe we can get something like this....



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It just occurred to me that if enough people don't get in on the same option paying shipping twice may negate the savings of ordering this way. It may be worth limiting what options are available. Edited by NTaW
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I'd still be 100% up for the Gemini black/red with gold pips. I think they would be utterly glorious and I can't imagine better dice to represent the noble IXth!


The number I order is partly dependent on how many others order, as the price will vary.


My suggestion, based on reading the previous run:


Organise everything via a trusted Frater (or Soror) who is based in the US.

Determine the maximum cost of shipping from Chessex within the US.

Determine the realistic costs of shipping from the US to the UK and of shipping internally within the US.

Our esteemed and revered American brother (or sister) receives the package and splits up the order, sending individual orders to any other US brethren and sending a bulk order to one person in the UK.

Our European Frater/Soror then divies up the remaining order and sends them out individually.

So, if we're going to move forward, the next step is finding a stateside member who is willing to play mail man.


We then need to know how much Chessex will charge to send an order within the US and how much it will cost to send the dice on to those who order them. Those costs will depend on where exactly you live, but should be fairly simple to estimate for the US and the UK.


Then whoever is taking overall responsibility can take orders from the forum. Perhaps a live spreadsheet can be kept where members can see what their order will be (I'm very happy to keep a spreadsheet updated. Like, actively happy. Like, I seriously enjoy playing in Excel.... I would set something up which includes a live cost tracker which updates automatically as new orders are added, so that people's postal costs and dice costs are taken into account. Heck, I'm excited just thinking about it!)


We open orders to the forum with an end date. For myself, I'm not bothered about Christmas, but I can understand if some people are. We then advertise the ever-living heck out of the dice until the final order date and then, I guess, submit the order.


Payments are probably best organised through PayPal. With all due respect to all Fraters, I propose that everyone use the Goods and Services option and factor in a fee to the cost.



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Also, re: design, I think we should keep it simple. The BA chapter symbol should be reasonably ubiquitous, though I apppreciate some may not relate to it as much as others.


I wouldn't worry about colours for the symbol, either. Trying to specify colours when we're ordering up to five different colours of dice is setting ourselves up for a logistical nightmare. Easier to just leave it standard as per the pips.

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I'm going to assume there's only going to be two options anyways...either just the icon cut into the die and colored the same as the pips....or the circle around the icon will be cut and colored the same as the pips and the icon will be raised and the color of the die. 


Of course only one icon can be used. 5 color options but must use the same icon throughout the same order.


However...there's a hiccup. The icon. I asked about lead time and was asked how many dice I'd be ordering. I responded saying I wasn't sure but potentially several hundred or more. I was then informed that since the icon was copyrighted Chessex couldn't do it on such a large order. Personal use and small runs they will do. But large orders seems to be a no-go. 


So...I need to either convince them that I need hundreds of dice for my own personal use...or a non-copyrighted image needs to be used.

Per Chessex "For a design to be different enough to be safe, it has to be

definitely different.  Minor adjustments will not cut it as long as it
is still recognizable as the original design."

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I'm guessing like 25 max. If a new icon can't be figured out...might just see if they'll do a run of 26 so at least there's a slight price break...lol...sent an email to see what the max number is. 


Otherwise...anyone have any ideas for a icon that can be used that's not copyright protected? Would there even be any interest in doing this if we can't get the wings and blood drop? How about just the drop? Or maybe I can see if the chalice and drop are copyrighted. Skull and drop?

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Isn't that part of the problem though...there are already official BA dice...but folks don't like them because the icon replaces the 1 instead of the 6. Do you think GW would put out another set of faction dice? I mean even if GW does....I'll probably just get the Chessex ones made anyways. 


I was looking at some Chinese companies that do custom dice. There's one place that even does square corner. Minimum order is 1000 pieces put the cost is WAY less than Chessex even with the maximum price break. Could be something to consider. It would probably take away color options but I'm sure China could give two :cusss about a copyright icon engraved onto a set of dice. 

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Well, here are clearly enough of us to warrant spending time agreeing a symbol. There are a few on the first page, of course. Does anyone have any other ideas? How about a single blood drop? Maybe we need to collect ideas and put it to a vote?

Isn't that part of the problem though...there are already official BA dice...but folks don't like them because the icon replaces the 1 instead of the 6. Do you think GW would put out another set of faction dice? I mean even if GW does....I'll probably just get the Chessex ones made anyways. 


I was looking at some Chinese companies that do custom dice. There's one place that even does square corner. Minimum order is 1000 pieces put the cost is WAY less than Chessex even with the maximum price break. Could be something to consider. It would probably take away color options but I'm sure China could give two :cusss about a copyright icon engraved onto a set of dice.


That sounds good to me. Are you able to contact them and explore options?

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I'll see what I can do. 


And Chessex said they'll do a max of 50 per order at $.75 per. So...I might just end up doing 26 Blood Angel and 26 Flesh Tearer dice (if the Chinese connection doesn't work or another icon for a group buy can't be decided on)...and see if they'll ship together to save a little money. 

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Hm. Knowing now that dice can be made with the actual emblem and they can't get any less expensive than .75 per takes the wind right out of the sails for this idea on my end. If I just order them myself I'll get the same deal as ordering with others and likely save on shipping. 

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Right...unless there's a new icon that's not a copyright...group buy is dead. Everyone can order up to 50 dice for themselves at $.75 each so yeah, no point. I am waiting to hear back from a couple Chinese places. Dice from there are running $.10-$.50 each but with a 500 and a 1000 piece minimum order. Work looks nice and there's a few good color options but I'm not sure if they will mix colors and it might be more PITA than it's worth having to deal with Chinese manufacturing. 

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