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book has been leaked


Preorder on the 2nd of December

Available on the 9th of December


A few changes in a couple of units. Points moving to match the vanilla codex.


No Sammael in Sableclaw in the codex


Black knights and deathwing terminators may now be upgraded to a command squad (1 per army) this basically gives them the bodyguard ability.


Now the juicy stuff




And they shall know no fear


Inner circle

This unit automatically passes morale checks. In addition it may reroll at to hit rolls against Heretic Astartes and all to hit and to wound rolls against Fallen in the fight phase



If this unit moves it gains a 6+ invulnerable save to all shooting attacks. If it advances it gains a 5+ Invulnerable save to all shooting attacks


Grim Resolve

All UNFORGIVEN units may Overwatch on a 5+ and will only lose one model to a failed morale test


Have the same space marine stratagems as vanilla marines with the exception of

Masterful marksmanship

Cluster mines

Tremor shells


Also access to these unique stratagems


Fury of the First


Use this stratagem in your shooting phase. All plasma weapons may use the supercharge weapon template but ignore any mortal wounds that would be caused by a roll of 1.


Repent for Tomorrow You Die

Unforgiven Stratagem


Use this stratagem before overwatch, the UNFORGIVEN unit may fire overwatch at full BS.


Teleport Homer

Unforgiven Stratagem


Play at the beginning of your turn. Any DEATHWING unit may deepstrike from reserve within 9" of an enemy unit as long as it is within 6" of a RAVENWING UNIT


Deathwing Assault

Unforgiven Stratagem


Play at the beginning of your turn, any DEATHWING unit entering by deepstrike may fire twice or add 3" to a charge roll this turn.


Same standard space marine Warlord Traits as vanilla marines with the following unique ones.



Hold at all costs

Your warlord and UNFORGIVEN units within 9" of your Warlord may roll a D6 for every wound sustained, on a 5+ it is ignored.



Courage of the First Legion

UNFORGIVEN units in your army may use your Warlords Leadership for morale checks.



The Hunt

Any enemy Character that your Warlord slays in the fight phase grants one victory point



Rapid Manoeuvres

Your warlord and any RAVENWING units within 6" of him may add 2" to all move, Advance and charge distances and add +1 to all JINK rolls




Sacred standard

Only one sacred standard can be taken per army


Standard of Devestation

All UNFORGIVEN units within 9" of the standard may fire twice in the shooting phase and automatically pass morale checks.


Standard of Retribution

All UNFORGIVEN units within 9" of the standard may attack twice in the fight phase and automatically pass morale checks.


Standard of Fortitude

All UNFORGIVEN units within 9" of the standard when suffering an unsaved wound may roll a D6 on a 5+ the wound is ignored and automatically pass morale checks.


Mace of Redemption

S+3 Ap-3 D2

If a unit suffers damage from this weapon reduce WS by 1 until the end of the next fight phase.

Against Heretic Astartes weapon is AP -4


Lion's Roar

When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon-

Boltgun 24" Rapid Fire 1 S4 AP0 D1

Plasma 24" AssaultD3 S7 AP-3 D1


Foe Smiter

Rapid fire 3 S4 AP-1 D1


Monster Slayer of Caliban

S+2 AP-2 D d3

If this weapon causes at least one unsaved wound roll a D6 on a 6 the model is removed from play. Does not effect models with the VEHICLE keyword


Shroud of Heroes

The shroud of heroes confers a 4+ cover save and for each unsaved wound roll a D6 on a 6+ the save is ignored


And finally the biggest news in my opinion


Lion El’Jonson

M 8"

WS 2+

BS 2+

S 6

T 6

W 9

A 7

Ld 10

Sv 2+


Hope Melee Melee S+2 AP -3 D 2 If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts Mortal Wounds instead of its normal damage.


Despair 18” AssaultD3 S8 AP -3 D3 If a unit suffers any damage from this weapon, roll a D6 on a 6 the unit suffers D3 Mortal Wounds


And they shall know no fear


Master of the First – If your army is battleforged, you receive an additional 3 CP if Lion El’Jonson is your Warlord.


Armour of the Order – Lion El’Jonson has a 3+ invulnerable save. In addition all UNFORGIVEN units within 8” receive an 5+ Invulnerable save.


Blade Master - For every unsaved wound Lion El'Jonson causes in the fight phase he can immediately make an additional attack. This ability can only be used once per fight phase.


Master Strategist- each time a stratagem is used roll a D6 on a 4+ the CP for that stratagem is not spent


I Primarch – You can re-roll any failed hit and wound rolls for friendly UNFORGIVEN units within 6” of Lion El’Jonson

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Brother Tyler, November 7, 2017 - Picking a fight for no reason
Hidden by Brother Tyler, November 7, 2017 - Picking a fight for no reason
  On 11/4/2017 at 4:30 PM, Sete said:



I come back from a long hiatus, when did our family become so rude?


Source? From Time of Madness. It's a rumor. Why you need sources? Either believe or don't believe. Why do a lot of people feel the need to question people? It might be fake? Even if it is, so what? Take it as you will. 

Edited by HsojVvad
  On 11/4/2017 at 4:42 PM, jbaeza94 said:

The lion!

I hope it's true.


Well it's either a lie or my wallet is going to be crying. With the Games Workshop rule of thumb, no mini, no rules, and since The Lion has stats in the rumour that would mean it will be getting a mini, or the rumour is false. What ever it is, it's exciting non the less. :D

I feel like they would have started building up the release of another primarch by now. They teased mortarion for months. I can't imagine they'd just throw the Lion in there with no build up and only a month remaining until the alleged release date. Edited by ShadowCore67
  On 11/4/2017 at 6:11 PM, ShadowCore67 said:

I feel like they would have started building up the release of another primarch by now. They teased mortarion for months. I can't imagine they'd just throw the Lion in there with no build up and only a month remaining until the alleged release date.

either that or it shows how little games workshop actually gives a single feth about our book and army

Edited by aura_enchanted
Posted (edited) · Hidden by Brother Tyler, November 7, 2017 - No reason given
Hidden by Brother Tyler, November 7, 2017 - No reason given
  On 11/4/2017 at 4:34 PM, HsojVvad said:


  On 11/4/2017 at 4:30 PM, Sete said:



I come back from a long hiatus, when did our family become so rude?


Source? From Time of Madness. It's a rumor. Why you need sources? Either believe or don't believe. Why do a lot of people feel the need to question people? It might be fake? Even if it is, so what? Take it as you will.

You think I'm rude? Oh boy you are in for a treat!


It's a legit question.

Its a rumour so it originated somewhere. I asked for the source.


Let me rephrase.


Source, please?

Edited by Sete

Сmon guys. The whole "leak" looks like somebody took 6th edition codex and current Index, then added wishlisting and as a cherry on top -- primarch. . Primarchs are a big deal, remember how Magnus was introduced, along with 1000 sons and a whole campaign, then we got gathering storm and Roboute, along with Cawl and a whole new range of Primaris dudes later on. Then we got Morty with the release of a WHOLE new army along with a huge release of new minis. 


N-ah, not gonna happen. Double release of BA/DA and a good'ol Lion thrown in? Phhft. 


I know we all want this, but the "leaked" rules are so badly done, it just reeks fake to me. I would kill myself digesting that amount of salt to even consider this as true. :smile.:


Added: And what with this badly given names like "hope" and "despair" for the weapons? Laughable. 

So we just throw away Cypher and a sword he was carring for 10k years... right.

Edited by Komodo
  On 11/4/2017 at 6:50 PM, Komodo said:


Added: And what with this badly given names like "hope" and "despair" for the weapons? Laughable. 

So we just throw away Cypher and a sword he was carring for 10k years... right.

Hope and Despair are actual names for the twin swords the lion has during the heresy he loses one fighting a tzeech greater deamon.


the lions sword wasnt even the lions he borrowed it from one of his captains. the sword is important because of what it being broken represents.


so names are not far fetched. i'm taking this with Salt but if remotely any truth would make for a good codex and a different army build to SM lists.

Hmm. Doubtful at best. While there have been some hints that we would see the Lion (Rumor Engine pics of possible armor), I don't think that GW would have a Primarch release with less than two months of hype. Going to label this as unfounded without any further proof/leaks.

Is this a wish list haha



Honestly though I do predict some of these things. The unforgiven traits and the strategems seem fluffy. Those relics will certainly be same names as the ones we had in 7th. But the lion? Without further proof I don’t believe

Edited by dtse
  On 11/4/2017 at 6:50 PM, Komodo said:

Added: And what with this badly given names like "hope" and "despair" for the weapons? Laughable.

So we just throw away Cypher and a sword he was carring for 10k years... right.

I agree with everything else you said, but Hope & Despair are a pair of swords the Lion has in the Horus Heresy books. And someone correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he give the broken Lion sword to someone and told them to get rid of of it, but they didn't?

If true, this will be immensly powerful. Hard to believe though. This would break a whole lot of boundaries like Deep Striking within 9". And c'mon, a banner that allows you to shoot twice? This is insane to say the least. I hope this is true, because this sounds like fun, but I also hope it is nit, because it would break what little balance we have. Edited by Frater Cornelius

It seems unconventional, but maybe GW isn't planning on releasing the model for the Lion at the same time as the codex.  With Chaos Daemons coming right afterward, maybe there will be a thing involving the Angels of Death chapters and Daemons, and the Lion model will be released for that.  Just a thought.


Frater Cornelius, on 04 Nov 2017 - 5:13 PM, said:
If true, this will be immensly powerful. Hard to believe though. This would break a whole lot of boundaries like Deep Striking within 9". And c'mon, a banner that allows you to shoot twice? This is insane to say the least. I hope this is true, because this sounds like fun, but I also hope it is nit, because it would break what little balance we have.



Khorne Berserkers can fight twice every fight phase, and Leman Russ tanks can shoot their turret weapons twice a turn if they keep their movement down.  The banner seems more plausible when taken in that context.

Edited by Grand Master Raziel

Those are select units that are costed appropriately and maybe even designed around that idea. Taking that rule out of context is nuts. Imagine a Razorback with Twin AC firing twice or Rapid Fire Hellblasters. Heck, imagine a Repulsor firing twice with its bazillion guns. Also, there would be a design flaw. What if DW use the Stratagem to fire twice and are within banner range. How often do they fire? This is Ynnari levels of rules here. No one should wield that amount of power.

Maybe there are restrictions, but taken at face value this seems a little hard to believe.


Edit: I suppose there is Guilliman though with his insane bubble, so I guess everything is possible...

Edited by Frater Cornelius

The wrong edition wording for the cover save for the Shroud, and the fact that aside from vehicles Khârn is the only unit in the game that recieves mortal wounds with a roll of 1 on overcharged plasma is a big red flag. All other infantry units, including the likes of Chaplain Grimaldus and Cato Sicarus, have the wording that the bearer is slain if they roll a 1 with an overcharged plasma weapon. There is also no unit target for the 2CP stratagem for the plasma weaponry, making it seem like your entire list benefits from it, which seems significantly overpowered/undercosted.

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