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Base sizes


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I have been collecting and painting Space Marines since 3rd edition and have a somewhat large collection.  Almost all of them are on old 25mm bases, including all but 11 or 12 terminator.  In one of the old editions the rule was you should use the bases that came with the models and all my models do.


My question is if this is still the rule or are you suppose to rebase models on whatever the current base is.

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Actually, I don’t think there is anything in the rules (as far as I’ve seen) to mandate “official” base sizes. The first page of the Battle Primer (under the Tools of War sidebar) just makes reference to measuring distances from the nearest point on the model’s base, if it has one. None of the data-slates mentions base size and I’ve not seen a table listing official standards. As further evidence, some kits come with a mixture of base sizes (e.g. GSC Neophyte Hybrids are mostly on 25 mm but include 32 mm for Heavy Mining weapon carriers). Also, when Marine kits started coming out with 32 mm bases, I don’t recollect any official communication from GW that they expected players to rebase their existing models.
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I think rules assume the current model range (much as is the case for missing weapon options etc) and are simply not designed to cater for older models.

I mean, current models aren't even sold with consistent bases in the GW range. Check for instance deathwatch bikers (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Deathwatch-Bikers) and regular space marine bikers (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Space-Marine-Bike-Squad).

Edited by Ciler
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I think rules assume the current model range (much as is the case for missing weapon options etc) and are simply not designed to cater for older models.

I mean, current models aren't even sold with consistent bases in the GW range. Check for instance deathwatch bikers (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Deathwatch-Bikers) and regular space marine bikers (https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Space-Marine-Bike-Squad).


And for some time, the rules also were under the consideration that a model is based on what it came with.  Without specific direction, either way, in the current edition, it is up to the game organizers to make that determination.

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