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Blocking the Alpha strike


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Well they're at least experimenting with it in new necromunda so it's at least on the plate and probably got considered for 40k once or twice as well.


I hope they'll introduce it as alternative in the Chapter Approved one day so everybody can test it out without being forced to and then can give GW feedback.

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Regarding melee; everything can fight twice per game turn? Run through once to completion then run again? That would mean berzerkers could fight 4 times.


The other thing it would create is units running away from chargers (but I'm not sure that's a bad thing)

Edited by Iron_Within
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My best results for surviving scary alpha strikes have been by 1. going first 2. having everything in the list either embarked or capable of popping smoke 3. pop smoke on everything. An army capable of major alpha strikes will probably have a pretty good amount of drops, so going first shouldn't be too difficult to mostly guarantee (5/6 chance) in that case. Rhinos popping smoke become hilariously survivable for what they are. This past weekend I played against an Admech gunline list similar to what you described and he had a very difficult time dealing with massed armor popping smoke- all of my Berzerkers were in combat by turn 2.

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Regarding melee; everything can fight twice per game turn? Run through once to completion then run again? That would mean berzerkers could fight 4 times.


The other thing it would create is units running away from chargers (but I'm not sure that's a bad thing)


A game turn is two player turns.  All units engaged in melee combat get to activate in both players' combat phases, providing they're still alive when their turn comes along, so that's potentially two combat phases worth of fighting for melee units for each one phase of shooting that units can do in the same game turn, theoretically to make up for the hassle of closing to melee in the first place.  A revision of game turns that combines both player turns into alternating activations would need to take that into account or risk further skewing the game in favor of shooting over close combat.

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Regarding melee; everything can fight twice per game turn? Run through once to completion then run again? That would mean berzerkers could fight 4 times.


The other thing it would create is units running away from chargers (but I'm not sure that's a bad thing)

A game turn is two player turns. All units engaged in melee combat get to activate in both players' combat phases, providing they're still alive when their turn comes along, so that's potentially two combat phases worth of fighting for melee units for each one phase of shooting that units can do in the same game turn, theoretically to make up for the hassle of closing to melee in the first place. A revision of game turns that combines both player turns into alternating activations would need to take that into account or risk further skewing the game in favor of shooting over close combat.

Just for claritys sake, a game turn is now called a battle round in 8th.

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