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Daemon princes in 8th?

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I'd definitely make him Slaanesh in that case. Always striking first sounds very fitting for precognative visions even without using any psychic powers.

I love the idea. But (forgive my ignorance, only got the chaos marine codex recently) i can't see where it says that being slannesh gives that ability. Again sorry for any ignorance.


Huh..I could've sworn Daemon Princes get Quicksilver Swiftness when chosing Mark of Slaanesh but apprently only the ones from the Chaos Daemon Index get it. Ignore what I said then. :D

I guess it then boils down to what god specific Psychic powers you might want to use. Buffing his own invul save to a 4++, getting -1 to-hit against him and gaining a 5+ FnP are all equally viable to represent precognative visions I'd say.

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Yep you get to choose between a Legion Trait + DttFE or God bonus when choosing the type of Daemon prince (not to mention faction keyworld).


A Khorn Daemon Prince stat with double claws should be the best to represent Cruze in a 40k game. You got a special warlord trait for this "prescience" ability. 

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I'd definitely make him Slaanesh in that case. Always striking first sounds very fitting for precognative visions even without using any psychic powers.

I love the idea. But (forgive my ignorance, only got the chaos marine codex recently) i can't see where it says that being slannesh gives that ability. Again sorry for any ignorance.

It'd need to be from the Daemons section of the Index so it has Quicksilver Swiftness. A CSM prince wouldn't get that - it would get the legion trait instead.

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