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Bloodletter Question


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First of all a question about summoning... can I summon daemon units in a force org chart or do I have to take them in a "summoning pool"?.


Also how are you running your bloodletters? Blobs look deadly obviously but they're pretty cheap and look useful for just filling a Battalion with 10 man units.

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1. You either take them as a part of a detachement build around the for example "Chaos" keyword, but you lose legion specific rules that way. But you can use one detachement with for example "Night Lords" as the Keyword and another with "Chaos" so you get the legion rules for one and the deamons (and CP) for the other. (Remember only the units in Night Lord Detachement would get the Legion Trait, but Stratagems can be used for both)


You leave some points in the summon poll and summon the daemons. This way you do not mess up your detachements. Summoned daemons are not part of a detachement and do not get "Objective secured"


2. The Bloodletter +1 to hit for units of size 20+ is imho not as powerful as the bonus plaguebearers or daemonettes get. So I would use many 10 daemon with an instrument of chaos to speed them up. That is if you use them as a detachement. For summoning I would see what I roll and then decide how many models I want. Dropping a full unit right in opponents face is way to much fun to pass up.

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Yeah there are two ways to take Daemons in your army:


1. In a detachment. You chose and pay for the units like with any other army. Make sure to put them in a seperate detachment if you want to keep your CSM bonuses of your main detachment since they don't have the Heretic Astartes faction keyword and would turn any detachment they join automatically into a mixed Chaos detachment.


2. Put reinforcement points aside when writing your list and summon a daemon unit mid-game. You can chose which unit to summon after you made the roll (have to select from which god before rolling tho or are fixed into summoning from only one specific god if the summoner isn't undivided). In that case they don't join any detachment. They are outside of any detachments (basically unbound, but since they aren't part of your initial list it doesn't turn your list into an unbound one).

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That clears things up a lot, thanks guys :smile.: nice to know I can run 60 bloodletters with skull taker and 3 heralds,summon them in and generate 6 CP for just under 700 pts

What? No! You don't generate anything by summoning. If you summon them then they are just there, independent of any detachments. Each unit you summon is essentially unbound.

If you want them to be in a detachment to generate CP and whatnot, you would have to include them the normal way in a seperate detachment without summoning them.

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Wow, I learned something new in this thread too. No CP from summoned daemons, even if they form a proper detachment? Even less reason to do that, then.

Yeah no CP. They don't form any kind of detachment. Detachments is something you build when writing lists, not when you summon things. ^^

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Hope when the daemon codex comes out it gives them some means of getting around, even blobs of 30 bloodletters will get shredded at tough 3 walking across the field...

Then summon them!


On a different post: If you see it the "If I summon I cant get CP" way, it sounds bad. I prefer the "I pay CP to shock them in and be able to choose after I see what my opponent brings". That sounds way better ;)

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