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Chapter Approved


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The pay off of being able to fire without LOS is a bit mutable based on terrain, which is not a constant.  It makes pointing it fairly difficult.   


I believe 8th does not function at a competitive level without breaking up the map with large blocking terrain pieces.  Shooting galleries make for forgone conclusions based on firepower and deployment.  Therefore, I vote and argue for lots of terrain and most of my opponents agree after some explanation.  In tournaments you play the map you are dealt but I still often negotiate moving the terrain around to create taught cerebral maneuver oriented games vs target priority roll offs.  Usually this means just asking if we can put the biggest terrain piece on the map in the middle.  Even so I use lots of lascannon and missiles so I am probably working against myself a bit. 


All in all I value no LOS targeting highly and wish I had a WW or 2 to pummel infantry from afar.  But Earthshaker platforms are better. 280 for 3 and a psyker as a tidy little fire base. Too bad you have to make your own now

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They really need to make terrain a bit more solid. Being able to shoot through terrain is problematic to me because I can't guarantee that the table I am playing will have lots of LOS blocking terrain.

Yeah, we went over to use the Ruin rules from Cities of Death actually. Makes it way easier to get cover and stationary infantry gets +2 instead of +1 even.

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So I attended Pax unplugged this weekend and inadvenertently found myself in a tourney on Saturday (I had gone to do the scenario/event play but there weren't enough people so I got roped into a tourney, which I didn't want to play in, but oh well, I brought my little plastic soldiers 300 miles and I wasn't about to leave them in the hotel room).


I ended up playing against a fellow B&C'r (OrbofAntioch); he had a 5 assback guiliman list, 5x dev teams, each with a grav and lascannon, fire raptor and tigurius.


he basically set up middle board and just firebased me down with hit/wound rerolls.


The terrain was nice, but pretty much nothing except one wall on m left flank was LOS blocking.  I won the roll off and was able to go first, but wasn't really enough. By the end of turn 2, he had shot off about 3/4 of my army, and I conceded then since I was very hungry and was ignoring all my friends that I came down to Pax with.


Later on i talked to the tournie organizers and got 2 different answers about whether 1st floors all counted as LOS blocking per ITC.


Anyway, yeah, LOS blocking.

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Jumping in late to the convo, I really feel whirlies aren't much better than in 7th where they at least had a shot of ignoring some guard in covers saves completely. The 2d6 is puny, and the 2d3 nothing compared to a pred cannon.


As is, I think the whirly should be about 65 pts, same as a naked razor, trading transport slots for shots roughly 1:1. I think it's highly comparable to a 2*hvb razor for 85, but the razor gets transport slots. Alternatively 90pts and let it shoot twice if it doesn't move.




Actually that might be a bit much. 3 Hive guard put out 6*S8 D2 shots that ignore cover and Los for just under 150pts. The exocrine 12*S6 D2 for about 200. I guess maybe razors are just massively underpriced.

Edited by Xenith
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Jumping in late to the convo, I really feel whirlies aren't much better than in 7th where they at least had a shot of ignoring some guard in covers saves completely. The 2d6 is puny, and the 2d3 nothing compared to a pred cannon.


As is, I think the whirly should be about 65 pts, same as a naked razor, trading transport slots for shots roughly 1:1. I think it's highly comparable to a 2*hvb razor for 85, but the razor gets transport slots. Alternatively 90pts and let it shoot twice if it doesn't move.




Actually that might be a bit much. 3 Hive guard put out 6*S8 D2 shots that ignore cover and Los for just under 150pts. The exocrine 12*S6 D2 for about 200. I guess maybe razors are just massively underpriced.

Better compare it with a dakkafex when talking about Tyranids imo. 24 S6 AP0 D1 shots at BS3+ at 18" range and has a -1 to-hit modifier against shooting himself. For 115p. ^^

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I wonder if the regular sicaran will come down in points to. I would love to play it more often!

We can only see the points cost for the chaos version of the gun in the leak, but it's still the same gun and it's now FREE and the hull is 155. Meaning that unless the leak is wrong or something a normal Sicaran with Lascannon sponsons is down to 205 points!

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Between the price drop for the Sicaran and all varieties of Intceptors I'm going to be pretty happy in a few weeks regardless of what our actual codex brings.  130 points for 3 Inceptors. 390 for 9 bodies pumping out 54 heavy bolter shots anywhere on the table.

I am so pumped for Chapter Approved/our rulebook it's probably driving my poor wife nuts.

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Between the price drop for the Sicaran and all varieties of Intceptors I'm going to be pretty happy in a few weeks regardless of what our actual codex brings.  130 points for 3 Inceptors. 390 for 9 bodies pumping out 54 heavy bolter shots anywhere on the table.

I am so pumped for Chapter Approved/our rulebook it's probably driving my poor wife nuts.


Good sounding for sure. Unfortunately, I can't stand the models. They just always look gangly and out-of-position, no matter how the pose is set up.


Too bad for me, that's a very strong sounding set-up.

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