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Storm trooper doctrine


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In the new guard dex there's a list of units (such as aircraft, commisars, abhumans, priests, enginseers, servitors and psykers) that can be included without disallowing the regimental doctrine.


However the book also says in order for Militarum Tempestus units to gain a doctrine all units must have the Tempestus key word. The general consensus seems to be the aforementioned list of exceptions takes precedence, however I'm not so sure.


What are people's thoughts?

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Way I understood it. 
For the Tempestus to get their doctrine they must be in a Tempestus Detachment.

So an army of....

Tempestus Battalion <----Gets access to Tempestus Doctrine, Orders and Strategems
Mordian Vanguard <----Gets access to Mordian Doctrine, Orders, and Strategems
Mordian Spearhead <-----Gets access to Mordian Doctrine, Orders and Strategems

Officers from Tempestus can't order about Mordians and vice versa.   
All the "other" units can be added in anywhere so long as they are on the list that do not disallow regimental doctrines (Ratlings, Psykers, Ogryn...)

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Is the wording for getting the Tempestus doctrine different from that of the other regimental doctines?

I believe the intent of the exception for the listed units is to allow them without interfering with the doctrines. Unless there is a difference in the wording for the Tempestus rule compared to the other regiments, those units should be fine. 

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They worded the rules so you can "Have your cake and eat it too".


Meaning If you want to take a pure Tempestus force.  You can and they will get their buff for being so just like any other regiment.

However many folks only had "Stormtroopers" as an add on force.  They had to also make rules so that you can add Stormtroopers to you primary regiment and they would not mess up your Regimental buffs.

They could not just treat Stormtroopers like Ratlings or Ogryn or Psykers, and not give them the option to make a force of their own.
They could not just treat Stormtroopers as their own regiment, as so many players only have a squad or two of them.  

The phrasing of the ruling for Tempestus is no different than it is for <Regiment>.  Almost a word for word repeat.  Think of Tempestus as the special case that can both act as a regular regiment or as an add on force that will not mess up the other <Regiment> buffs.

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I think I see the confusion.


Advisors and Auxiliary state:  Units listed below can be added to an Astra Militarium detachment without preventing other units from gaining a regimental doctrine.

A Militarum Tempestus Detachment is an Astra Militarium Detachment, therefore as long at any additional units in that detachment are from the Aux and Advisor list...the MT's will get their buffs.

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