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What will you be doing in preparation for the codex to drop?


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For those of you who haven't heard yet, Codex: Blood Angels will be making its Angelic Descent by the end of the year. So in an effort to motivate myself to paint again, I am gonna force myself to paint up my Death Company Chaplain and Death Company marines by the time it's out. Having a sharp looking army for a sharp new codex is always a nice feeling.


Do you all have any plans in preparation for the new codex to come out? Wanna make a painting pact with me so we can guilt each other into actually painting things? Not just talk about painting things? :3

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in preparation for our codex to drop I sent,


Lemartes, leviathan dread, sanguinary guard x7, death company x7, company veterans with melta x4,  and 5 vanguard vets with plasma and chainsword off to be painted so be prepared for me to have given them the kiss of death and they all be poor come the codex. 

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I'm still working on my units. I just finished basecoating my Dev squad and started building my first MSU tactical squad. I'm torn between plasma gun or missle launcher. 


I'm going to finish my 5 man squad of melee scouts. I've got 3 done. Then for sure I'm going to paint my foot captain.


After that, not sure. Maybe a Dread or my DC. So much to do!

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Painting the stuff I already have and not buying more until I get a handle on our new rules. Nothing worse than painting a unit and it hitting the table only to reveal that under the time and effort spent on painting is a flaming trash heap.
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Trying to figure out how I'm going to buy it and the new Necromunda box without my wife finding out.

Mrs Lazyj: "where did that box come from, I haven't seen it before?"

Lazyj: "what that?! Oh, I've had that in the garage for ages"


Get the delivery right and it works every time.



Having a shared bank account makes this a bit trickier.

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Trying to figure out how I'm going to buy it and the new Necromunda box without my wife finding out.

Mrs Lazyj: "where did that box come from, I haven't seen it before?"

Lazyj: "what that?! Oh, I've had that in the garage for ages"


Get the delivery right and it works every time.


Or give your friends the money and let them gift it to you on christmas. :D

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Trying to figure out how I'm going to buy it and the new Necromunda box without my wife finding out.

Mrs Lazyj: "where did that box come from, I haven't seen it before?"

Lazyj: "what that?! Oh, I've had that in the garage for ages"


Get the delivery right and it works every time.

Or give your friends the money and let them gift it to you on christmas. :D

Wives always know....

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Put Thunder Hammers on all my Sergeants. Hidden Hammers!


Crouching Sergeants, Hidden Hammers: The direct to DVD movie, written and directed by olcottr. :wink:


RTS vow.

Still time to join in if you fancy it:)


This, a hundred times. I've been clearing through all my standard models, and I've been working toward magnetizing some arms and weapons moving forward. Otherwise, trying to simultaneously avoid (1) getting my hopes too high up that they do us justice this codex, and (2) getting to depressed about the possibilities of bad rulesets. For now, I've found painting has greatly increased my ability to stay in this happy medium! :happy.:

Edited by Brother Aether
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Trying to figure out how I'm going to buy it and the new Necromunda box without my wife finding out.

Mrs Lazyj: "where did that box come from, I haven't seen it before?"

Lazyj: "what that?! Oh, I've had that in the garage for ages"

Get the delivery right and it works every time.

Or give your friends the money and let them gift it to you on christmas. :D

Wives always know....

Can't help you with that one, pretty sure divorce will limit your 40k budget faster than your wife. I recommend practising a helplessly adorable look that results in her giving you what you want:


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Trying to figure out how I'm going to buy it and the new Necromunda box without my wife finding out.

Mrs Lazyj: "where did that box come from, I haven't seen it before?"

Lazyj: "what that?! Oh, I've had that in the garage for ages"


Get the delivery right and it works every time.



Having a shared bank account makes this a bit trickier.


Ah... 'Games Workshop' is a charity that makes toys for under privileged children. 

See - they take a donation out of our account every month... 

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