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What will you be doing in preparation for the codex to drop?


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Now I am torn. I was planning on getting a Redemptor when I pre-order stuff but now I am thinking about aggressors since they now come with BA sprues included. AND the dice seem really nice too.


I didn't get enough of the original dice the first time around so by hook or by crook I scrounged some off various trades/deals (even though they had icons on the 1s). Because they were limited, people are asking WAY too much for them now. I'd be worried that the new dice would be in the same, limited numbers so it would hurt to pass on them now only to have them disappear later.

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Finishing up painting my final RTS vow before the deadline and then waiting.


I have 2 boxes of DC waiting for the Codex to decide what they'll be equipped with and a bunch of unpainted Marine units that were going to become Imperial Fists but I held off painting them in case we got access to those units (LS Storm, Ven Dread etc.). I'll see what they give us and then decide how they'll be painted up if there's the choice.


I'm also hoping SG weapons get buffed, otherwise I'll be gathering a bunch of extra power fists to replace their swords/axes. Still got around 8 of those and about 10 DC (plus the extra 10 still boxed) waiting to be painted in case I want to swap weapons around first.


Plus, of course, checking at 4pm each day for any news. Each day I think it's finally our turn they put something up about a short story or Necromunda. Looks like the next few days will be more Battleforce boxes too - maybe we'll only get the pre-order announcement?

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Inceptors are mostly done at this point (need to finish up the heads and do some touchups) and I've moved on to a couple of Stormtalons. I'm really liking how they look in Khorne red.



I've also been refreshing the Warhammer Community site every few minutes because I desperately need to see some previews. The wait is killing me.

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Inceptors are mostly done at this point (need to finish up the heads and do some touchups) and I've moved on to a couple of Stormtalons. I'm really liking how they look in Khorne red.



I've also been refreshing the Warhammer Community site every few minutes because I desperately need to see some previews. The wait is killing me.


I'm doing the same thing. Come on!!!!

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I think just the preview today has me excited to drop a couple hundred dollars on more BA specific units; I’ve been mostly sticking to stuff loyalists have access to (magnetized Baal Preds helps with that). A couple DG boxes and maybe a Furioso in my near future. Terminators might finally be useful enough for me to spend money on; playing against Blightlords has impressed me and with new rules and stratagems I think I’m sold on some BA ones.
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Trying to decide whether I want the Assault Bolter on Intercessor or the Rapid Fire Bolter.


I mean I want to play a very assault focussed army due it being a Knights of Blood honor chapter and all, but the Assault Bolter just seems bad. Sure it allows you to advance and shoot which means ~7" more movement (aka 100% more) if you advance even just twice and roll average numbers but you shoot with -1 to-hit and only AP0 and as long as we don't get something that lets us advance&charge the same turn it's pretty pointless once you are close to the enemy anyway.


On the other hand the Rapid Fire Bolter lets you shoot better with more punch and you can still move, shoot&charge the turn you are close to the enemy just like with the Assault Bolter.

And that's considering I want them to be in melee. While I wouldn't mind throwing them into melee as they are okay-ish with +1 to-wound and the Primaris stats, they are still no dedicated melee unit after all. As I said, the Assault variant just seems overall worse no matter how I look at it. In 7th it used to be clear that Assault weapon = for units that want to charge, but in 8th it seems that Assault weapon = for units that want to be mobile and not necessarily charge (basically FLY light in their battlefield role). :ermm:

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Trying to decide whether I want the Assault Bolter on Intercessor or the Rapid Fire Bolter.

I think the regular RF Bolter is the best default choice. Longer range and AP-1 are good things to have on a basic Troop unit. Auto-bolt rifles only become better if you really need the mobility and in the 15-24" bracket. If we get something that lets us Advance and Charge they might get some mileage but 9 times out of 10, the RF version is better IMHO.

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Assault 2 is the better alpah strike. When taken with the -1 modifier, 2 shots 4/0/1 are just as good at 1 shot 4/-1/1 against a 3+ save, inferior against 2+ and superior against all else. When there is no modifier, Assault 2 is the same as the single 4/-1/1 shot against 2+ and superior against the rest. The only time Rapid Fire pulls ahead is within 15". The thing is, many games are decided by the time you reach the 15" mark. Having said that, it is dependent on the meta. If you face loads of aggressive Khorne Berserker lists or cover camping Marines, the RF Bolter is superior. If you face loads of Astra or horde-y Eldar, Assault 2 will pull ahead.

Assault 2 is the better alpah strike. When taken with the -1 modifier, 2 shots 4/0/1 are just as good at 1 shot 4/-1/1 against a 3+ save, inferior against 2+ and superior against all else. When there is no modifier, Assault 2 is the same as the single 4/-1/1 shot against 2+ and superior against the rest. The only time Rapid Fire pulls ahead is within 15". The thing is, many games are decided by the time you reach the 15" mark. Having said that, it is dependent on the meta. If you face loads of aggressive Khorne Berserker lists or cover camping Marines, the RF Bolter is superior. If you face loads of Astra or horde-y Eldar, Assault 2 will pull ahead.

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I think I'm just going for the RF one. It just feels better and I already have S4 AP0 Assault bolter with my Noise Marines anyway so I don't need inferior versions of them on my Primaris too. :tongue.:


I am also tending towards RF with both Plasmas and Bolters, even though I successfully ran the Assault versions. The cost changes is what triggered this though. Assault Plasmas are more expensive now and I can save even more with the RF Bolters. Most armies are mobile and aggressive these days, or are cover camping 3+ and 2+ saves, both of which are in favour of the RF Bolter.

Verdict is still out on the Plasmas though. Two shots at 24" is very powerful...

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I am in process of dumping my space wolves for blood angels so this is a whole new army for me. Spent sunday building most of my army. I have one more tactical squad and some more death company to buy to make my list up to 2k then I can start adding in more units after the fact. Just truing to get 2k on the board painted by the end of this year.
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I am in process of dumping my space wolves for blood angels so this is a whole new army for me. Spent sunday building most of my army. I have one more tactical squad and some more death company to buy to make my list up to 2k then I can start adding in more units after the fact. Just truing to get 2k on the board painted by the end of this year.


Not that I'm complaining but if I may, why the change from SW to BA? New challenge?

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