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What will you be doing in preparation for the codex to drop?


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remember, with reivers you can get some real opportunity targets on a table with terrain that has multiple levels.


deepstrike more than 9" from a target that is high up in terrain (you measure from the model), then charge ignores the height for charge distance, which means there is potential for some incredibly easy charges. And when there isn't, just drop them into terrain themselves and you have a 2+ save and 2 wounds to keep you going for a round, jump pack priest could drop with them to both improve their survivability for a turn and increase their damage output on their next turn too.


I wonder if you could get away with modeling the priest with a grapple instead of a jump pack. :) Use the new Primaris model too.. Man.. I'm really looking forward to this release. But hesitant to buy anything non-primaris. 



So I'm about halfway through Devastation of Baal and think I'll be going with a Primaris Charnel Guard army (apparently they have "sombre grey armor", whatever that means)- problem is I haven't the slightest clue what I'm doing as far as list building with all this newfangled "technology"...



Some info about the Charnel Guard if you want:



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- problem is I haven't the slightest clue what I'm doing as far as list building with all this newfangled "technology"...

Man, go with power levels. So much easier. List building with points is now a nightmare.

If someone really wants to abuse power levels they can, but:


1) equipping every model in the army with 2 thunder hammers is expensive


2) you'll never play them again.

WYSIWYG isn’t a rule anymore as best as I can tell; it’s an etiquette thing now. So...those chainswords are thunder hammers if the list says they are.
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- problem is I haven't the slightest clue what I'm doing as far as list building with all this newfangled "technology"...

Man, go with power levels. So much easier. List building with points is now a nightmare.

If someone really wants to abuse power levels they can, but:


1) equipping every model in the army with 2 thunder hammers is expensive


2) you'll never play them again.

WYSIWYG isn’t a rule anymore as best as I can tell; it’s an etiquette thing now. So...those chainswords are thunder hammers if the list says they are.


WYSIWYG was never a real rule outside of tournaments. It was always just advised to follow it. Nothing changed there.

Edited by sfPanzer
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Memories are not always true. The brain actively changes memories and the longer ago they are the less you can be sure of them reflecting the exact situation back then. ;)

Then again I wasn't playing during 3rd edition and it was a very different game back then so anything is possible.

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I did something stupid in prep for the codex drop... 

I had a bunch of DC ready to prime and thought I'd hold off in case I want to make some last min changes on loadout before they go under the airbrush. 


Instead, I decided to start a side project from last Christmas - I had bought a couple of Hirst molds and went about building a set of 3D tiles for space hulk (see... it's still BA related... sorta on topic?) 


Turns out casting and building a set is somewhat... extensive. 

30-34x casts of each mold (approx 550 pieces from the edge molding, and 350 floor tiles), to make ~60 odd floor pieces. Then glue to foamboard.


So far, I have made... 7 space hulk floor pieces.

It is taking long enough that they should be done by 9th Ed 40k, rather than codex drop.


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WYSIWYG isn’t a rule anymore as best as I can tell; it’s an etiquette thing now. So...those chainswords are thunder hammers if the list says they are.

WYSIWYG was an official rules for a while, but has always been there. With power levels your models are armed with what they are armed with. If you rock up every week and say your 10 BP+ccw armed company vets actually have twin hammers, then you ID yourself as a beardy douche immediately, with the massive advantage taking of the rules, and I am going to give you no mercy in game.


If you had actually taken the time and effort to model 10 guys with dual hammers, no probs, that's a hell of an awesome unit.


As above it's an etiquette/respect for your opponent/social contract thing.

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