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Hey there Hive Lords and Ladies.


I'm so exited to be able to get back into my Tyranids after an on-again-off-again relationship with them over the last 8 years.

I've seen the hype build up for a new codex 3 times now and I'm ecstatic to actually have all that hype build up into a solid, usable and well rounded book! :biggrin.:


I've got a pretty substantial collection of models at my disposal, although 90% of it was unpainted and caked in layers of dust from years of sitting on a shelf. 


Here's what I have to work with:



Hive Tyrant with Wings - Heavy Venom Canon

Hive Tyrant with Wings - Scything Talons

Swarm Lord




Old One Eye

Tyranid Prime - Lash Whipe, Bonesword, Rendingclaws

Tervigon - Scytals

Tervigon - Crushing claws



30x Termagants - Fleshboarers

30x Termagants - Felshboarers

10x Termagants - Devourers

30x Hormagaunts

23x Genestealers

6x Ripper swarms

7x Tyranid Warriors - mostly Deathspitters and Scytals, but 2 with Stranglethorne Canons. One with Boneswords.



1x Haruspex

3x Hiveguard

2x Venomthropes

2x Zoanthropes

1x Lictor


Fast Attack:

60x Gargoyles (I really love gargoyles)

8x Sporemines

6x Shrikes - All Deathspitters and Rending Claws



3x Biovores

3x Carnifex - All Scything Talons

2x Exocrine

1x Toxicine

1 Trygon Prime

1x Tyrannofex - Not glued the gun yet



1x Crone

1x Harpy



1x Tyrannocyte.


I spent my entire weekend dusting off the models, Spraying them all with "Army Painter Bone", getting a coat of Purple on all the carapaces, red on all the claws and green on all the guns. Most of the army is now at least a 3 colour minimum.


My first question I pose to you guys is; What weapon shall I put in my Tyrannofex?

My first instinct is to go for the Rupture Canon which gives us some kick-ass anti-tank firepower.

That being said, I really, really like the Acid Spray. 

I think dropping down in a Tyrannocyte and bursting acid over hoards of my enemies bubblewrap units would be tremendous fun. 

What do you guys think? 

Edited by Bukimimaru

What hive fleet you going for? Obviously kf Kronos, stick to the big heavy guns, don't move and shoot everything twice! You have plenty of artillery to support this play style I think.

I think if you deepstrike it,you should deep strike more units along side it. Maybe use a trygon or something to rush a few units to the front to give the opponent something else to shoot at, hopefully ignoring your tfex enough to let is survive a few more rounds. Personally I love the idea of the acid spray!


As always, I strongly suggest magnetize everything, or at least what you would like to use. It gives you some flexibility for future games and saves some money. I know I will be magnetizing all my by big bugs for what I think would be nice weapons. :)

Haha, Bandersnatch, nice! Was that because Jabberwocky was taken? :wink:
Look forward to see what you come up with :smile.:

To answer your questions -

Rupture or acid are the standouts for me. I'd magnetise if possible, although I think the arms can possibly 'pincer in' themselves.

Rupture sees the TFex shooting twice from T1 onwards, while acid spray he needs a turn to come down. The Acid spray one then becomes a 'must deal with' unit in your army, as the opponent will not want that shooting twice. Unfortunately it leaves him open to being assaulted, so screen with a unit of deepstriking gargoyles.

A small Kronos detachment with 2x exocrine, rupture TFex, Hive guard 3 venomthropes, neurothrope and your choice of troops would be a good backfield unit. Rerolls 1s to hit on all that and the venoms keep the monsters safer.


Kraken will be fun with the crone and harpy, allowing them to fall back, shoot and assault every turn.

Edited by Xenith

Well, my lads are all painted in Leviathan's scheme, so I feel obligated to use their Hive Fleet rules, which is fine; they arny great, but not terrible either.

Thanks for the advice, I think I'll go with the acid spray as Getting up in my opponents face ASAp is going to be my preferred playstayle. 

Lots of Deepstriking, flying, drop-podding, tunneling and spawning in order to get across the board as fast as possible. 


Speaking of which, I've got my first game on Friday and I'm exited to see what my bugs can do.

It's going to be a 1,500 game using the Open War Cards and my opponent will be using the new Deathguard codex.

I've double checked that he isn't running Mortarion, so I don't need to bring anything too cheesy, just a nice fun list to flex my new codex muscles a bit.

Here's what I'm thinking:

Flyrant with Scytals

10x Genestealers
10x Genestealers
3x Warriors (deathspitters and a Strangler)

1x Haruspex (I've always wanted to use this model! :biggrin.: )

1x Exocrine
2x Screamer Killers
1x Trygon

Turn one sees the Flyrant, The Haruspex, the Broodlord and one of the 'Stealer broods bomb up the field as quick as possible.
The Tervigon pops up with the other squad of 'Stealers.
The Warriors sit back and babysit the Exocrine.
I'm playing Hive Fleet Leviathan so pretty much everything will have a 6++ and the Warlord is taking the Leviathan Trait which gives me some free re-rolls.

Not sure what relic to take tho, any ideas? Maybe give my Flyrant the Reaper of Obliterax?


I've always used the name Hive Fleet Bandersnatch, but as this is a fresh start, I think I'll rename them.

From here on out, I Christen this Hive Fleet "Jiburiru"!

Edited by Bukimimaru

If you use Jormungandr rules, you can bring both squads of stealers and the broodlord up with the trygon. It also gives your stuff at the back +1 save. 


Behemoth make the charge more reliable, however Kraken means everything can run faster.


It's odd that nids have so many options :teehee:

Beats me, lol.

Its just watered down a bit and splashed over everything with a recess.

I don't really know what I'm doing, I just follow Duncan's great wisdom. :biggrin.:


I've finished one or two test models and I like how they have come out.

They are pretty quick and slap dash, but as its mostly a hoard army, I'm hoping that the quantity will give it a quality of its own:






Edited by Bukimimaru

Made a start on the Genestealers and the Broodlord.

I've gone for a 90's "Space Hulk" theme.






Early days yet, but you get the idea.


I know my opponent is taking Typhus and a hoard of Poxwalkers, so I'm hoping my 'Stealers will be able to much through them without too much trouble.




I feel like a teenager whose been caught looking at pictures of naked ladies by his stern father. :sweat:


I'm assuming the sad face is due to Black Maru's lack of new recruits recently?

I'm sure the new codex will bring new adventures and painting projects, I'm just getting my gribble on in the mean time. :wink:

@jolemai, here's a little something I've been working on for The eventual HQ for my Tyranid army: A neckbeard Otaku Called Terrance Nedstein - The Keyboard Warrior.

The plan is to get a Magus model, sculpt some glasses and a big gut onto it, then have Doritos bags and cans of Mountain Dew on the base.

It's not directly related to Black Maru fluff, but its not a stretch to imagine these guys in the same alternate 40k universe.


"Terrance Nedstein was never a popular man. Raised on the Imperium controlled planet "Grapejuice IX" to bartenders Horace and Susan Nedstein, Terrance was harassed by his peers in school for being the only 12 year old in his class with a beard. In his early adulthood he was, like all young men, conscripted into the "Proud Grapers", the planets own regiment of the Astra Militarum, but was shortly kicked out for being overweight, obnoxious and unable to do a single push up. After several years of working in his parents bar (a popular establishment for off duty guardsmen and the local peace-keepers) he remained the butt of many jokes, largely due to his receding hairline, greasy complexion and open fondness for a popular tabletop board-game called Dungeons and Gnarlocks.


Terrance had a passion for collectible merchandise, frequently dealing with off-world traders and merchants that would visit the bar to get his hands on rare collectible cards, out of print board-games and (much to his parents disappointment) painted sculptures of scantly clad Tau women which he described as "His Waifus". During one particularly eventful trade with a mysterious paleskinned junker, Terrance came across a specific treasure among the box of usual multi-sided dice, lead miniatures and old rulebooks; a very fanciful but rather dusty golden crown.


Unbeknownst to Terrance The artifact was in fact a faulty Norn Crown which had been crafted by a cult priest on a neighboring planet. The priest had come afoul of a passing Space Wolf, who had damaged the crown in the process of removing the priests head from his body. The crown had been scavenged and sold from pillar to post with no one realizing its potential until it eventually came into the hands of a troupe of travelling LARP enthusiasts. Sadly, during a re-enactment of the Battle for Macragge, the players realized all too late that the very lifelike monsters they were shouting "bang bang" at, were not other role players but genuine Hive fleet abominations. The entire cast was devoured, cardboard power-armor and all.


Now in Terrance's possession, the crown has granted him the power to summon a Hive Fleet of his very own; powerful bio-weapons and hulking monsters are now his to control. Taking on the mantel "Terry Nidstein - King of Monsters", he now travels the galaxy, getting petty revenge on his childhood bullies and scouring planets for collectible gaming merch for his ever growing collection."


@Jbaeza - I'll have a look and see which blue I used when I get home. :smile.:

Edited by Bukimimaru


Hey there Hive Lords and Ladies.

The Proper term is Tyrants and Dominatrixes



I've tried calling random ladies "Dominatrixes" before and it causes nothing but trouble...


Got my first game with my Nids tonight, wish me luck. ;)

It was a super close game, 11 points to 10 and the game ended turn 6 for a Tyranid Victory!

My Haruspex was man of the match, scoffing down almost 40 Poxwalkers and then gulping down Typhus.

He lost 7 wounds across the game but was back up to full health by the end of the game.

My exocrine was punked turn one by some jammy terminators, but 2 screamer killers soon sorted them out.
Trygon popped up and chopped down 7 plague marines while the Tyrant and Brood Lord pumped Smite into anything with an invun save.

All in all I really love the new codex and I cant wait to get some more games in.








Nearly finished Broodhilda, just some work to do on her claws and tongue then I can shelf her.





I'm still stumped as to how I'm going to base these guys.

My Black Templars have martian red bases, my Necrons and Blood Angles have rocky grey bases so I'd like to avoid those colors.

I'm worried that a pale sandy color would blend in with their skin-tones too much.

Anyone got any suggestions? 

Swamp/marsh? I have a little bit of "water" on most of my bases for my marines. It's different. Check out my gallery for ideas.


Another idea would be, and these are close enough names I don't remember the names of the top of my head, mournfang brown, with a heavy wash of nuln oil or agrax earthshade, your choice, keisev flesh dry brush,ushabti bone drybrush. Add flock to taste.

She's done! (At least until I decide on how to base my army)





Now to get to work on that Haruspex I pledged to complete by the end of the month. >_<


On Saturday I have a Narrative event down at my FLGS and I'll be playing against mostly Orks and Marines.

I know for sure my first match is against my friend Sam's amazingly painted Howling Griffons (I'll try and get some pics of the game because his models look sweet).

It'll be a few 75PL narrative games with customer scenarios followed by pizza and beer, so pretty much my idea of a perfect night. 


Here's my list for the day:

Flyrant - Scytals + Norncrown


15x Genestealers

20x Horms

3x warriors - Deathspiters, Talons and a Strangler

3x Hiveguard

3x Spore Mines

1x Exocrine

2x Screamer Killers


It's not the most bad ass or OP list, but its got everything I associate with classic nids: Genestealers, Hormagaunts, Hive Guard, Carnifexes and then a couple of gunbeasts for dakka. :)

I'm trying to get them all 3 color minimum by Saturday, but that leaves me with 13 Genestealers to paint up in 2 days. T_T

Is that 2x scytals on the tyrant? What fleet adaptation are you going with?


Would consider Norn crown on the brood lord and using a cp for another relic on the flyrant, depending on what it's armed with.

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