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Have played 40K for years, but always been imperial (Imperial Guard, Sisters, Imperial Knights & Marines) - So I wanted to do something totally different.


So here is the start of my new 2,000 point list - 1,310 points so far


HQ - 405 points




Troops - 472 points

Genestealers x20

Termagants x30 (Devourer x10, Fleshborer x20)

Tyranid Warriors (Devourer, Scything Talons)


Heavy Support - 433 points

Carinifex (Two Devourers with Brainleech worms x2)





- Termagants stay near the Tervigon

- Genestealers stay near the Broodlord

- Genestealers deep strike with a Trygon


But I have questions

- Is the Carinfex putting out 24 shots ?

- How can I get the Brood lord up field quickly.

- I think a need more Heavy Firepower, but how ?

- I think I need more HQ, but which one(s) - Tyranid Prime ?

- What woudl you put in the tunnel of the 2nd Trygon.

- Where can I get a Tyranid Prime model from, a search on GW comes back with nothing.





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I haven't got my codex yet but I'll chime in with a few thoughts:

I think you can answer your own question in regards to the 2nd and 5th questions you asked. You state in your tactics the genestealers are in the Trygons tunnel and the Broodlord stays near them. So can you not put the Broodlord in the other Trygon tunnel?

A devourer with brain leech worms is assault 6, and you have two, so that's 12 shots, can they take two pairs, I'm not 100% sure but I think so, so that's 24 shots.

Heavy firepower wise, hive gaurd? Tyranofex? something like that?

As for the Tyranid Prime model, I've seen people use heavily modified Tyranid Warriors and Hive Tyrants as Primes. I guess it depends on you and your opponent, as long as you both know it's a Prime and agree to use it as such, you could probably use whatever you like. I briefly considered using a kitbashed Tervigon standing upright, but it didn't really work.

  On 11/13/2017 at 12:51 PM, wako1302 said:

But I have questions

- Is the Carinfex putting out 24 shots ?

- How can I get the Brood lord up field quickly.

- I think a need more Heavy Firepower, but how ?

- I think I need more HQ, but which one(s) - Tyranid Prime ?

- What woudl you put in the tunnel of the 2nd Trygon.

- Where can I get a Tyranid Prime model from, a search on GW comes back with nothing.

Yes, 24 shots on the dakkafex now.


Options to move him quickly are; put him in the 2nd Trygon tunnel, if playing Jormungundr use 1 CP and bring him in with the first Trygon and Stealers (may be tricky to fit them all within 3"), pod him in a Tyrannocyte, or slingshot him with a Swarmlord.


If you're going to add more Heavy slots with another detachment, Exocrines and T-fex with Rupture Cannon are both good ranged firepower choices. Otherwise grab some Hive Guard to put in your elite slots.


Another HQ depends on how you want your army to look at 2k, general rule of thumb though is a Prime isn't worth it outside narrative games.


2nd Tunnel, with your current list I'd put the Broodlord, otherwise it can be useful to invest in a large unit of Hormagaunts to put in there to soak up overwatch for your Stealers.


Tyranid Prime is an upgrade sprue included in the Tyranid Warrior box, you can't buy one separately.


Silly, silly typos corrected

Edited by Sabadin

As above, prime bits come on the new (2013?) Warrior sprue.


Jormungandr rules with trygon are the best way to get stealers and brood lord upfield together. Then you can use the other tunnel for the gaunts.


Beware though, you won't have much in the board and risk being shot up if you don't get first turn.

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