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Any thought into replacing commisars with inquisitors? Units get to use the Leadership 9 of the inquisitor, and psyker inquisitors get access to Mental-Fortitude, which lets units auto-pass morale on a 4+.


Take your 30 man squad of conscripts and let them auto-pass morale on a 4+ sounds decent.

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I have been playing around with this concept since the change to conscripts.  It is a workable solution to morale with the added benefit of being able to cast as well.  The combination of the two abilities mean that opponents tend to try and target them early on.

I think this could be a good idea if your army has a lot of Infantry Squads or such, since you're basically adding 15pts to the cost of a Primaris Psyker to get a Ld9 aura as well.


However, if you're just buffing a single Conscript squad, why not just take a Primaris Psyker? They also have Mental Fortitude and, if you're only worried about 1 Conscript squad, Ld9 is basically irrelevant.


The other issue is that your Inquisitors basically need their own detachment. So either you take Auxiliary detachments and pay CPs or else you take Supreme Command Detachments and have 3+ inquisitors. Unless there's some other stuff you want to include for a Patrol detachment or such?

Depends on the size of area needing to be affected.


If I just need a 2ft area of the board to be affected, I plan to use venner(LD 9 base for ALL friendly units within 12 inches of him, so a 25inch diameter) with DKK support for LD 10/11 via flags and some troops that will hold to the last man(also opens up DKK unit selection for death riders and engineers), if I plan to spread out and need it in a larger area, I would go with inquisition possibly.

So they nerfed commisars to stamp down conscript spam but still left a variety of ways for conscripts to get leadership 9 or complete immunity to morale. Nice.

Get’s better. So Commissar’s Summery Execution was so broken they errated it to crap and immediately release the original ability as an army wide buff option for the Eldar. Only the pointy ears has no range limits or options to shut down through killing a special snowflake.

An inquisitor can be included for the cost of a command point as an auxiliary detachment if it's that serious. I would lean towards a character for Ld10. That new female Inquisitor is pretty good against Psykers, as is Hector Rex who can also teleport and is pretty beefy in melee.


It depends on what you're using them for, however. Conscripts with Ld10 is not really enough when they could take that many casualties and more.


That said, Commissar Lords are pretty cheap and are HQs that don't ruin regimental bonuses, so are a decent option.

For an extra 24 points, you can gain a CP by taking your Inquisitor with three Acolytes in a Vanguard Detachment, or cheaper still if you’ve already got “spare” non-<Regiment> units that don’t have to go in a pure Astra Militarum detachment.

I like bringing 1 and 2 primaris or company commanders in a supreme command detachment. That also lets me bring my knight. He's always a psyker. I just noticed that you don't have to give him a force weapon, that helps keep him cheaper. I use a bunch of infantry squads, so plant him kinda centered and it helps with morale.


I discovered the acolyte the other day, pretty awesome for filling up a vanguard.

Edited by mertbl

I has 2 with a primaris and an eversor assassin (just love this guy), extra 15 points on top of a primaris for ld 9 bubble, +1sv, +1W, +1A, buffs vs certain opponents (malleus vs demons with a condemnor bolter is great!) Greated you do loose the invun, but oh well

Out of interest, do you guys tool your Inquisitors up at all?


The storm bolters are pretty cheap, but all their melee weapons and such seem very expensive.



I has 2 with a primaris and an eversor assassin (just love this guy), extra 15 points on top of a primaris for ld 9 bubble, +1sv, +1W, +1A, buffs vs certain opponents (malleus vs demons with a condemnor bolter is great!) Greated you do loose the invun, but oh well


Unless I'm mistaken, Primaris Psykers don't have an invulnerable save.

Storm bolter, maybe a power weapon. Primaries psykers have a refractor field. 5++ save. It's always been a joke against marines, that our payers have invuns, yet the superhuman uber paykers dont Edited by Halfpint100

Storm bolter, maybe a power weapon. Primaries psykers have a refractor field. 5++ save. It's always been a joke against marines, that our payers have invuns, yet the superhuman uber paykers dont


I've just double-checked and there's no Refactor Field listed on the Primaris Psyker.


Looks like their invulnerable save was removed in 8th. :unsure.:


Storm bolter, maybe a power weapon. Primaries psykers have a refractor field. 5++ save. It's always been a joke against marines, that our payers have invuns, yet the superhuman uber paykers dont


I've just double-checked and there's no Refactor Field listed on the Primaris Psyker.


Looks like their invulnerable save was removed in 8th. :unsure.:



You are indeed correct. Oops, need to remember that from now on



Storm bolter, maybe a power weapon. Primaries psykers have a refractor field. 5++ save. It's always been a joke against marines, that our payers have invuns, yet the superhuman uber paykers dont


I've just double-checked and there's no Refactor Field listed on the Primaris Psyker.


Looks like their invulnerable save was removed in 8th. :unsure.:



You are indeed correct. Oops, need to remember that from now on



Yeah, this is why I kinda like putting the Death Mask of Ollanius on my favourite Primaris Psyker. :thumbsup:



As an aside, it always puzzled me that Company Commanders, Commissars and even Platoon Commanders get invulnerable saves, yet Tempestor Primes don't. 

Yeh I noticed that too, for their price and what they do I don't really mind.

Psykers are cheap in the 41st M, and no one likes them either, so why waste a perfectly good refractor field on them! ;) 

I don't know about the melee weapons, but I think a storm bolter is almost always a good choice to bring. If you kill/wound anything in the game with it you will make your points back. Sisters of Battle Dominion squads with 5 storm bolters do extremely well because they are point efficient for a BS 3+, power armored storm bolter.

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