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I have a Cadian / Catachan force.  I've been weapon swapping between the 2 regiments (at least the plastic ones) for 8th edition.  The obvious ones are plasma on the Cadians and flamers on the Catachans.  The one choice I'm struggling with is where to put the meltaguns.

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I have a Cadian / Catachan force.  I've been weapon swapping between the 2 regiments (at least the plastic ones) for 8th edition.  The obvious ones are plasma on the Cadians and flamers on the Catachans.  The one choice I'm struggling with is where to put the meltaguns.


Militarum Tempest. :biggrin.:


More seriously, if it's between Cadians and Catachans, I'd definitely lean towards putting them on the Catachans. I don't think they give meltas a direct benefit, but meltas definitely fit their strategy of wanting to get close to the enemy. I think it fits their fluff, too.

Steel legion doesn't help you. It's fluffy to put them in Chimeras, but it doesn't actually increase your mobility thanks to the fact disembarking happens before moving. Tallarn is better since you can outflank and suffer no penalty on advancing, but it's 1 shot on a 4+ vs 2 for half the price when talking about plasma. If you put them on suicide vets or Scions your hit chance goes up and it's 12vs13 points, but it'll always be a 1 shot weapon you will almost never get to shoot at from 6in away because of our bad saves and poor toughness.


If you're absolutely dead set on taking meltas, Tallarn gives you the best chance to use them, but it's not optimal.

Edited by Tirak
Yeah their order lets them mount up after shooting so long as you didn't disembark that turn, but then when next turn rolls around, you're exactly where you started or you have to sacrifice a turn of activity on their part to ride in the Chimera. If they could get out after moving they'd be great, even if they couldn't move after doing so, but as is it's incredibly lackluster.

I have a Cadian / Catachan force.  I've been weapon swapping between the 2 regiments (at least the plastic ones) for 8th edition.  The obvious ones are plasma on the Cadians and flamers on the Catachans.  The one choice I'm struggling with is where to put the meltaguns.

Between those two, I'd say Catachan so you can punch things if you get charged (because when was the last time you saw a stationary meltagun?).

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