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Not sure what to do


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I bought a bunch of vehicles for 7th edition, and I'm not sure what I should do with them. Life got super crazy so a little after I started modeling all my stuff just sat in storage, but now I have started again. Mostly working on Cadian troops.


So I have 4 chimeras, a vailkyrie, 2 wyvern, 2 leman russ demolishers, leman russ battle tank, and an imperial knight warden. Everything but one chimera is NIB. I dont see me using the IK, most the chimeras, and maybe the wyverns. I plan on running a cadian army, seems to fit my play style. I dont ever plan on playing competative, but I dont want to be a door mat.


So my questions are what direction can I go with what I got? And what can/should I do with the models I dont plan using? Ideally Id like to trade them locally, but Im new to the area. Any suggestions/experiances would be appreciated.

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Well, I would have to ask how much experience/would you like the idea of/would you enjoy trying to do some conversions? If you like the idea, any vehicle you dont plan to use you could look into converting to be something you would use.


Thats what I am currently doing with some of my old admech stuff (i had like 12 dunecrawlers, new book makes that no longer really a thing to do).


I would say if you have the parts still, the demo tanks turn into punisher tanks myself.


Wyverns are okay i believe in current meta? Could turn them into manticores if you wanted though.


Chimeras can be converted into all sorts if your willing to put time in, I have seen plenty of really good chimera conversions turning them into battle tanks for example.



If your not feeling conversion friendly, trading them or selling them on would be the only other options, unless you park them in storage.

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Everything except the Valkyrie and maybe the chimeras are still decent in game. You could convert the chimeras into manticores, basilisks, wyverns, or hellhounds fairly easily. Valkyries are not horrible, but you really need a plan for them to be worth the points.

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I would hang onto the kits if you can and it's reasonable to do so.


There's also nothing wrong with running your troops as a Cadian detachment, and the tanks as a different regiment in another detachment. As long as it's clear what's what, I don't see many people having issue with that. It's a good way to try out different things, and to give the same models in different configurations some new aspect that you can explore.


Finally, if the models don't inspire you now, they might do again in the future.

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Everything except the Valkyrie and maybe the chimeras are still decent in game. You could convert the chimeras into manticores, basilisks, wyverns, or hellhounds fairly easily. Valkyries are not horrible, but you really need a plan for them to be worth the points.

How? Buying bits?

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Everything except the Valkyrie and maybe the chimeras are still decent in game. You could convert the chimeras into manticores, basilisks, wyverns, or hellhounds fairly easily. Valkyries are not horrible, but you really need a plan for them to be worth the points.

How? Buying bits?



Hellhounds are an easy conversion. Couple of barrels and a sentinel heavy flamer on the turret. All set! Others are possible. but trickier, buying the bits would help. However, manticore and basilisk bits are hard to come by since 8th dropped and artillery had a use again

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I am thinking of a word... Starts with mag and ends with nets.......... Then you have all the choice

I have a buch of magnets. Planned on magnatizing everything. You recommending coverting the chimeras to other vehicles?

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I am thinking of a word... Starts with mag and ends with nets.......... Then you have all the choice

I have a buch of magnets. Planned on magnatizing everything. You recommending coverting the chimeras to other vehicles?



I would magnetise all of the vehicles. Gives you choice of all of their turret, hull and sponson options 

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Build them all! :D

Always fun to mix and match what you play with! Admittedly Chimeras aren't in the best spot this edition ...


Definitely magnetise the demoliser variants! They're great this ed! :)


Or if they're still sealed you could always exchange them at a GW. ;)

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Build them all! :D

Always fun to mix and match what you play with! Admittedly Chimeras aren't in the best spot this edition ...


Definitely magnetise the demoliser variants! They're great this ed! :)


Or if they're still sealed you could always exchange them at a GW. ;)

If its sealed I can exchange them at any GW store, even if I didnt buy it there? Edited by Kona
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Build them all! :biggrin.:

Always fun to mix and match what you play with! Admittedly Chimeras aren't in the best spot this edition ...


Definitely magnetise the demoliser variants! They're great this ed! :smile.:


Or if they're still sealed you could always exchange them at a GW. :wink:

If its sealed I can exchange them at any GW store, even if I didnt buy it there?



think you still need a receipt 

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My general experience is that they'll accept any kit as long as they're still sealed, no receipt required.


You'll only be able to exchange for items they have in store. I've also known the guys at stores I've done it at fairly well too. Certainly wouldn't hurt to call and ask or go in and try. :)

Edited by duz_
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I am lost on the hate for Chimeras. Twin heavy flamers and las arrays are great. They are poor mans hellhounds which happen to carry your troops to the objectives. I have had really good luck using them.


Wyverns I have had poor luck with so they are iffy for me as to whether I bring them. If I am point cutting they are usually high on the drop list.

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I am lost on the hate for Chimeras. Twin heavy flamers and las arrays are great. They are poor mans hellhounds which happen to carry your troops to the objectives. I have had really good luck using them.


Wyverns I have had poor luck with so they are iffy for me as to whether I bring them. If I am point cutting they are usually high on the drop list.

It's because for 1 more point. Your twin heavy flamer chimera becomes a hellhound, with +1 W and + 8" range and another D6 hits at a higher strength on the main gun. You loose the transport and arrays. But hey ho

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Chimeras aren't really bad, they just don't do anything IG needs in the current meta that can't be done better by another unit.  Taurox are cheaper/faster, Taurox Prime have legit firepower, and the Baneblade transport family offers massive capacity and dominant firepower.  The Chimera is also overpriced for what it is and has (as referenced in comparison to the Hellhound).  The only way I've been able to rationalize keeping one in my armies is as a mobile bunker for a 4-strong Bullgryn Squad, and only because I can't afford/don't want to build and paint a Stormlord  :P

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If you don't need the money, hold onto them. You can guarantee that you'll end up seeing an inspiring model or batrep that'll make you kick yourself for selling up.


My experience so far is that LR are very solid, as are Chimeras, especially with flamers if you're being aggressive with them.


LR being able to shoot twice if you move under half range is epic now, the past couple of games I've played they've pretty much single handedly won me the game within a couple of turns.

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For your vehicles you're better going with catachan to reroll all those d6 shots


Don't worry about powerunits, what's strong now will be nerfed next edition and viceversa, and with constant faqs and actualitzations things can change in a few months

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I converted hellhounds using the space marine predator turret with admech robot flamethrowers. Looks rad

I converted hellhounds using the space marine predator turret with admech robot flamethrowers. Looks rad.


Also keep in mind with the cadian tank order you can reroll number of shots and reroll ones is almost passive.

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