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History of the Athalasian System


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Hello to everyone in the barracks!  I have been lurking around the guardroom for a while watching the conversation, but never really contributing.  Back at the end of October there was a topic going around about "What motivated you to join the guard?"  After reading several of your posts, I finally made mine.  I described how a support platoon or two of Guard for my SW army grew into an obsession that is around 20k points (I think).


Commissar Duz was kind enough to remind me-pics or it didn't happen  :blush.:


Technology is the bane of my existence. :wallbash:  I think that I have figured out my wife's digital camera.  (At least I'm reasonably sure which way to point it.) :unsure.:


While I am figuring out my camera and how to crop and edit photos, I have been working on a brief history of what life is like in the homebrew system that I have created.  I also have a military organization of the regiments raised from that system.


As soon as I can figure out how to extract said writings from Microsoft word and post them here without angering the machine spirits of my computer (or worse, the interwebs :wink: ) I will get them both posted up here for your reading pleasure.

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Like WF said were happy to help! :D


Looking forward to see the thread grow! Copy paste should work, if there fancy formatting and all copying it to notepad first then to the reply section should clear most issues.


The B&C gallery is fairly straight forward to upload. Microsoft picture manager is good to resize pictures in bulk, otherwise there's always trusty MS paint for the one offs! If the longest edge of your photos are 1200 pixels you shouldn't have any issues with the B&C gallery. :D

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Well, the gremlin that has taken over my computer has decided not to be cooperative at all.  :verymad:  So I am going to attempt to type this out for your viewing pleasure.  Without further adoo...here we go.


History of the Athalasian System


     The Athalasian system is one of the most unique systems in the Imperium of Man.  The system is a complex binary star system with planetary orbits for each star at a roughly ninety degree planar difference.  The system is composed of 19 planets, 41 moons, one major asteroid belt and two smaller halo asteroid belts.  The system is also a convergence of several stable warp currents.  The planar planetary system is ruled by a Knight household supported by locally raised Imperial Guard Regiments and Planetary Defense Forces.  Its planets are designated Athalasia I through XI, including 26 moons.  The axial planetary system is claimed and administered by the Mechanicum of Mars.  Its planets are designated Axius I through VIII, including 15 moons.  The entirety of the axial system is dedicated to the production of war materials by the Mechanicum, from lasguns to superheavy tanks and shipyards.  The entire system is highly militarized.


     The seat of government and largest planet in the system is Athalasia Prime, also known as Athalasia VII; a knight world that dates before the founding of the Imperium.  The system is within close distance to the Fenris system and is a reasonably short warp transit away.  The system is not a protectorate of the Space Wolves, but enjoys a military alliance with the Space Wolves dating back to the family's patriarch Pieter Athalasia and the Primarch Leman Russ.  The Athalasian planar system is also home to the binary planetary anomaly of Athalasia V and VI.  Both planets share the same solar rotation pattern and speed, and are approximately equidistant in their rotations from each other.  They are agri-worlds that produce the food for the system and also for export to the rest of the sector.  All of the planets in the planar system are used for something, either military training or basing, food production, the manufacture of mundane goods, or administration.  Athalasia IX is home to a large Schola Progenium facility training Commissars, Adeptus Sororitas and Militarum Tempestus squads.  The enlistment ratio of the population into the Astra Militarium is roughly 30 percent.


     The planets of the axial system and their moons are completely given over to the manufacturing industry and capacity of the Mechanicum.  The Mechanicum produces an inordinate amount of war material for the Imperium including hand-held weapons, Chimera transports, artillery pieces, tanks, super-heavy tanks, and Titans.  Their holdings are protected by two legions of skitarii and the Titan legion Imperator's Vigilance.  There are also two major shipyards in the axial system for the refitting and resupply of the Imperial Navy.


     There are approximately 138 trillion people living in the system.  Life in the Athalasian system is brutal in the extreme.  Laws are rigorously enforced.  Crimes such as treason, heresy, sedition, mutation, and murder are punished by immediate summary execution carried out by law enforcement.  Minor crimes have two different sentences, depending on the severity of the crime.  The minor sentence is life imprisonment in a penal legion until, by the prisoner's death, the Emperor grants his forgiveness.  The major sentence is to be turned over to the Mechanicum; either to be turned into Skitarii or a servitor.  With that many people in one system, life is cheap and the loss of one's life is generally ignored by those around them.


Ath the age of 16, all citizens must take a standardized aptitude test.  The result of this test determines the job that one will do for the rest of their life.  The broad categories are: Recruitment into a Knightly Household, recruitment by the Mechanicum, asteroid mining, working for the rest of your life in one of the various factorium cities (72 percent of the test results), or serving in the Planetary Defense Force.


     Life in the factorium cities is so brutal that it is a matter of when, not if, you will die.  Most factorium workers do not exceed 32 years of age.  Working in the factorium cities is a living death sentence.  When one is injured or can no longer perform their job at an efficient rate, they are taken away and rendered down to the nutrient rich gruel that forms the diet of most factory workers.  This way the local government does not need to worry itself with pensions or old age health care.


     When an individual's aptitude sentences them to the factorium several take the legal option of joining the Imperial Guard.  They view this as an opportunity to at least die fighting.  If a recruit cannot meet the training requirements or adapt to life in the Imperial Guard, training accidents are frequent and fatal.  Because of this mindset, Regiments produces in the Athalasian system are grim and determined.  The Athalasian system typically produces several more regiments than their Imperial Tithe requires.  The regiments raised in excess of the Imperial Tithe are classified as Planetary Defense Expeditionary Forces.  These forces provided are typically used by the PDF as system wide expeditionary forces.  When the raising of additional regiments is required in the sub-sector or even further away in the sector the Munitorium is quick to issue an additional tithe to Athalasia.  It is known that completely trained and ready new regiments will be able to move as soon as the call is received.

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Part two of the background and organization for my army.


Military Organization


     The system produces almost every manner of military material; from APC's, tanks, super-heavy tanks, weapons, support equipment, and food.  On paper, the system's military is set up with like troop and equipment groupings as stated in the Tactica Imperium.  They produce some of the finest military regiments in the Imperium; light infantry, mechanized infantry, armored, artillery, and super-heavy regiments.  The actual practice, however, is different in some cases.


     The troops that form the infantry, tank, and super-heavy tank regiments are trained and indoctrinated from inception that they are already dead; their death just hasn't found them yet.  A typical drill sergeant saying is "Death is the only guarantee that life gives you.  Follow your orders and kill the Emperor's enemies.  If the man next to you dies, his death found him.  Just keep killing the Emperor's enemies until your death finds you."  This indoctrination combined with a brutal training regimen give each of them an extremely grim demeanor.  They will keep fighting on or pushing their tanks forward until there are either no more enemies to kill or they are dead.


     The troops that form the artillery companies have a slightly different indoctrination.  "Keep putting shells on the target; as fast and as much as you can until the target no longer exists."  These troops spend an inordinate amount of time training and shooting to improve the volume and accuracy of their fire.  In the end, the brutal strength of their fire always wins.


     Because the system resides at a convergence of several stable warp currents, there is a large Schola Progenium.  Orphans from all over the sector are brought there to be trained.  Because of the large number of regiments raised in the Athalasia system, many trainees in the Schola end up becoming either Militarum Tempestus storm troopers or Officio Prefectus commissars.


     When troops are raised to be sent off for the Imperial Guard it is on a massive scale.  Regiments are raised until and entire Army Group is formed.  Typical Army Group Formation:

Light Infantry Regiment                                   (5 companies)

Mechanized Infantry Regiment                       (15 companies)

Armored (Tank) Regiment                              (10 companies)

Armored (Artillery) Regiment                          (10 companies)

Armored (Super Heavy) Regiment                 (5 companies)

Stormtrooper Regiment                                  (5 companies)

Attached aviation assets: One Valkyrie Wing (15 squadrons)


     Occasionally, a group of household Knights will accompany an Army Group.


     Most times a conflict does not require the use of an entire Army Group.  Because of this, an Army Group is divided into five Composite Task Forces.  Slice elements from several different Regiments make up a Composite Task Force.  The most common form of task force consists of a headquarters company (usually led by a general), two companies of tanks, two companies of artillery, a light infantry company, three mechanized infantry companies, a stormtrooper company with three squadrons of Valkyries, and sometimes a super-heavy company.  To compensate for this, there are an inordinate number of Commissars and Commissar Cadets assigned to each task force.  Also, the Storptroopers assigned to each task force will obey the Commissars before they obey the officers.


     Because of their familiarity working combined arms drills together these Army Groups are sought out by Lord Generals.  Many Lord Generals in command of war zones utilize these task forces as their assault spearhead because of their grim demeanor and operational flexibility, following them up with armored and infantry regiments.  The Departmento Munitorium is uneasy about the task forces, but since the actual regimental organization is founded according to the Tactica Imperium there is not much that they can actually do other than send more Commissars.

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Technology is the bane of my existence. :wallbash:  I think that I have figured out my wife's digital camera.  (At least I'm reasonably sure which way to point it.) :unsure:

 Amen to that. Every five or so years I have to figure out the nuts and bolts of a new option to do FTP.

While I am figuring out my camera and how to crop and edit photos.

Imaging editing is smart. One thing I have not liked about the 21st century is how lazy broadband has made us. During my transition period while still using dial up some websites took an eon to load. It was ridiculous.


Nevermind the fact that excessively large images can clutter the screen or dump the viewer with excessive information.



Almost all desktop computers and many tablets have some kind of free imaging editing. I would suggest trying to use those instead of a camera’s option. You’d have more control with a program what had more effort put into its development.

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First batch of pictures has been taken.  I am now trying to crop and reduce their size.  I used a Cannon EOS to take the pictures.  Resolution was set to the lowest setting, but pictures are still big in pixel size.  I might have to use another camera to get a more manageable pixel size.  I have been reading up on B&C about creating a gallery and posting pics, but I still have some questions. :unsure.:


Questions from a tech-tard:


1.  Can I create a gallery and not put any pictures in it until I have figured that part out?

2.  What size (file size and pixels) can the pictures be?  I couldn't find that answer.


Thanks in advance for your help!  :wink:

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Once you create a gallery you can then upload to it through the My Gallery profile setting, select the Upload link on the appropriate gallery. Image size depends on what you're trying to do, but as a general rule of thumb not going above 800px wide works for me and keep the image file size as low as you can while keeping the detail you want visible. If you have any trouble just PM a member of the commissariat for help :tu:

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Gallery created. Most of my photos taken, cropped and uploaded. I need to retake the pictures of my light infantry company and command (and extra) units. I had the camera set to close-up and the pixel size was huge, even after cropping. I am going to post the overall army pics here (once I get that figured out) but I will probably start another WIP thread where I will post more detailed pictures of my army.

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Well, the first pic went up, so here we go with some more detailed picks of the 501st.  In its entirety the 501st is four Tempestor Primes, four Militarum Tempestus Command Squads, Two Scion squads with flamers, two squads with grenade launchers, one squad with melta guns, and one squad with plasma guns.  Most of the models are the old Karsikin models. They are red and black so I can also use them as Inquisitorial Storm Troopers.


ST Commanders

ST Volley Command Squad

ST Plasma Command

ST Melta Command Squad

ST GL Flamer Command Squad

ST Plasma Squad

ST Melta Squad

ST GL Squad

ST Flamer Squad


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Next up is the 3rd Company 555th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized).

3rd Company 555th Infantry (Mechanized) Regiment

The company has six officers with it. A Colonel (using Checkov's model), two Captains (using the alternate valhallan sergeant models), and three valhallan Lieutenants.  Nine infantry squads, three special weapons squads, and six heavy weapons squads. All mounted in Chimeras.  It is accompanied by five hellhounds. Brigade sized valhallan detachment.

Mech Officers

Mech Col 2

Mech Col 1

Mech Captains

Mech LT

Mesh Infantry Squad

Melta Squad

Mech GL Squad

LC Squad

HB Squad

Flamer Squad

Mech Mortar Squads 2

Hellhound support for mechanized infantry company.


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Now, just in time for Tanksgiving, here are my armored, artillery, and superheavy companies.  First off are the 1st and 2nd Companies of the 629th Armored Regiment (Tank). I am probably going to break down the companies into platoon elements using multiple spearhead detachments.  Valhallan doctrines.

1st and 2nd Companies 629th Armored (Tank) Regiment

Tank Commander 3

Tank Commander 2

Tank Commander 1


Next up are the 1st and 2nd Companies 731st Field Artillery Regiment. Spearhead detachments using Catchan doctrines.  Led by tank commanders in Leman Russ Demolishers. Since there are no longer rules for the Griffon, I proxy them as Wyverns.

1st and 2nd Companies 731st Field Artillery Regiment


Finally we have the biggest beasts in the army.  3rd Company 80th Armored Regiment (Superheavy). Valhallan doctrines.

3rd Company 80th Armored Regiment (Superheavy)

Baneblade 1

Baneblade 2

Baneblade 3

Baneblade 4

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Finally I have the air support for my army. Echelon Echo 160th Naval Assault Wing.

Echelon Echo 160th Naval Assault Wing


I have three different variations of flier. The first is the standard Valkyrie with rocket pods, multilaser and heavy bolters.



The second is a Vendetta.



And the third is a punisher Valkyrie that I hope I can make legal when the vehicle design rules come back.

Punisher Valk

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And no army would be complete without all of those added on odds and ends.

My army command group, complete with regimental advisors.

Army Command And Regimental Advisors


Enginseers and servotors to keep things running.

Tech Priests And Servitors


Ratlings and Orgryns.




Those troublemakers. I took a platoon of Catchan models, put then in orange jumpsuits and now they are my penal legion (counts as conscripts).

Penal Legion (Conscripts)


Then there are those that must enforce the discipline.

Commissars 1

Commissars 2

 And those who are still being trained to instill discipline. I painted these mordian models and I use then as commissar cadets (counts as veterans).

Commissar Cadets 2

Commissar Cadtes 1


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After sitting my tanks, artillery, hellhounds and chimeras next to my finished baneblade, I am not happy how they turned out. Compared to the baneblade they look like a bunch of black bricks. 62 vehicles back into the painting que. :censored: I was happy that I only had three superheavies left to paint for this army. :rolleyes:


Oh well. Once I get the painting finished, then it will be time to do the waterslide transfers for hull numbers and decoration. I have enough of the eagle aquilla wings to do the wings of each of my valks, but I haven't worked up the courage to try it yet. :unsure.:


I am going to work on putting my army into detachments so I can figure out what points and power level I'm sitting at. Will post that when I get it finished. :wink:

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This army is only the tip of the iceberg of my plastic crack collection. I also have ~10k points of wolves, a dark angels army, orks and tau. The dark angels army is 90% painted. Wolves are basecoated with some detail work done. Everything else is just primed waiting on motivation. Then I still have an Alpha Legion CSM army, two knights, custodes, SoS, and some skitarii that are still in the boxed awaiting assembly.


I am trying to get one army painted before I do assembly of the next. And I try not to let myself buy anything more than codices or other books until I get somewhat caught up.


Still trying to get caught up...:tongue.:

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