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Analyzing forward to Cyraxus


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I have very little knowledge of the 30K stuff, but I can tell you the biggest challenge I have in my AdMech games is claiming loot for the omnissiah. Most tournies or run of the mill Maelstrom are loaded with 'you gotta get this' objectives. 


It's super challenging. Weighing the lists between shooty bots and bots that get junk for you... then there's the other balance of time... how long can I sit there and shoot the crud out of my opponent before it's too late for me to grab objectives? Then there's opponents (like Astra) that do both well, and you are in that cat and mouse game, again trying to juggle shooting vs. grabbing stuff.


I don't know if a 30K army will help any of that out or not. I do think you'll find those are your biggest challenges though. Congrats on the cool purchase though. You'll have to show it off here!

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My 30k Mechanicum is the army I spent the most time playing with in my career as a hobbyist so far, so I have some experience. I won't engage in rampant speculation though. It would just be guesswork. The army is extremely powerful in 30k, but that's a whole different game system now, and the units who are ported will be likely to function completely differently with new stats and point costs.

If they somehow decide to keep Castellax (think Kastelan robots, but more generalist and less of a one trick pony), and thallax (pretty much jump pack ogryns) as troop choices, that would be a game changer either way. Deep striking highly mobile troops for objective grabbing would really catapult the Mechanicus in 40k to a much more interesting playstyle which is easier to integrate into game modes which utilize mealstrom missions in some way. Castellax with objective secured would be close to impossible to remove from an objective.

And then there's the addition of transports... In 30k the Triaros is less than 150 p for what's effectively a huge vehicle with 15/12/12 in the old armor system, with some allright small arms, the ability to ram and tank shock with added effect, and room for 20 passengers. It's utterly fantastic, and if they keep it close to this format, which I find extremely unlikely, then one filled to the brim with buffable skitarii with heavy weapons would be a very viable choice.

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Aye, Triaros are going to revolutionize 40k Ad Mech, as will the Macro Arid!


Just being able to deliver a block of Skitarii + Domunus into range will be brutal, let alone the possibility of transporting Elec Priests/ Sicarians?! Maybe even with Cawl for some insane roll to hit slice'n'dice bubbles?!

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just leaving this link here.  http://heresy30k.invisionzone.com/topic/10551-mechanicum-for-8th-edition/


This is probably the most thorough type of speculation you will find as it attempts to convert the rules from Horus Heresy 7th Edition to 8th Edition. I think it does so very well with a lot of focus on keeping units balanced and being faithful to both the 7th edition version and the 8th edition changes to rules where possible. then again I am biased as I am a contributor. I will say that the rules done for the Legions are looking great as well.

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All I can say there is we have had kept this at the forefront of our minds when working on these rules. There is literally no point in doing this if no one is willing to play against them. So that being said we have done an extensive amount of playtesting and have made adjustments where needed to try and make these rules viable both for the Mechanicum player but also for their opponent. In other words even though I am a Mechanicum fan I have tried to not make that apparent in the balancing of the rules where we tried to er. on the conservative side of power level where possible. Also if you do play and find something that is busted please let us know so we can fix it.

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I'm just annoyed that in order to make AdMech work in anything other than a friendly environment I'll be "required" to purchase a bunch of expensive resin.  May be time to retire as a scion of the Omnissiah if this is the only way to go . . . :(

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I'm just annoyed that in order to make AdMech work in anything other than a friendly environment I'll be "required" to purchase a bunch of expensive resin. May be time to retire as a scion of the Omnissiah if this is the only way to go . . . :(

Converting Land Raiders to Macrocarids is somewhat viable! :)

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I'm not saying that my local meta won't let me use Mechanicum in 40k due to balance issues. Looking over the custom rules you posted, they look well done so far. It's mostly just the stigma of bringing Forge World in a non-tournament game among some of the players there. Plus there's a few people there who just hate the idea of what is essentially custom army rules, whether they're balanced or not. I know some of the players will be okay with it, so I'm not too worried about it. I'll be respectful of everyone's wishes, whether I agree with them or not.


And I think I might have to buy myself a Land Raider now. That Macrocarid is callin' my name!

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