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Army Lists For Rating.


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These are more for fun than tournament but here are some lists:


6 Squads Of 6 Noise Marines Mounted In Rhinos.


3 Defilers Or 2 Defilers And 1 Vindicator.


A Lord.


Next List:


8 Squads Of 8 Berserkers Mounted In Rhinos.


3 Defilers


A Lord


A Blood Thirsters.



Next List:


120 Berserkers

3 Defilers

A Blood Thister

A Lord




Next List


120 Noise Marines

3 Defilers

A Lord

Maybe A Keeper Of Secrets




In All Lists, The Aspiring Champions Have: Combi Meltas And Power Fists


In Berserkers: All Berzerkers Have Chain Axes. 2 In Each Squad Have Plasma Pistols.


In Noise Marines: All Have Sonic Blasters And BlastMasters. The Champions Also ave Doom Sirens.



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Apart from fluff there's really no point in taking 6 Noise Marines. Either take 5 for an MSU approach or take 10 to maximise the damage output with the double shooting stratagem.


Not sure what you're aiming at with this thread tho.

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MSU Approach? Supposedly 20 would maximize the double shooting. I was trying to figure which would be stronger, since I like both. Most of my opponents take tons of tanks. Particularly tanks like Repulsors.


When I battled an UltraMarines with Primaris and Repulors, they literally took down half a company in  2 to 4 turns.



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what is lore friendly in taking one option times 6 and another times 3? If those two at least shared some link, like lets say berzerkers and khorn demons, the  argument could be used. But there is no special link in the fluff between defilers and noise marines.

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what is lore friendly in taking one option times 6 and another times 3? If those two at least shared some link, like lets say berzerkers and khorn demons, the  argument could be used. But there is no special link in the fluff between defilers and noise marines.

What a backwards assertion. 6 squads of Noise Marines is hardly improbable within a fluff context. A sizeable Emperor's Children warband might easily have hundreds of marines... and within that warband, you think it is somehow unfluffy for them to have three daemon engines following the 13th Black Crusade? Absurd. The fluff for the Brazen Beasts says it is rare for a chaos warband not to include at least one daemon engine- I hardly think three is somehow over the line.


I use 3-4 squads of plague marines and own two defilers. If someone said to me 'hey bub, you are pushing it there with your non-lore friendly army,' I would laugh in their face.



I think your lists are fine, BrightStarNova. 6 of one kind of unit is perfectly fine and fluffy.

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