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Possible to have true Undivided Chaos anymore?


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Just wondering.. I get that marks don't really do anything anymore, but I still constantly see lists taking them just because or for spells.  Is it even possible to be TRUE Undivided anymore, such in the way that Iron Warriors/Night Lords/Alpha Legion/Word Bearers* might be?  Or are marks and fluffing them as something else the only way?  I see so many IMHO unfluffy armies that I wonder if the days of undivided are really over and we are just back to the old Realm of Chaos everything has a mark whether you want it or not.


* Word Bearers, to me, have always been the "No marks/cult troops but use daemons" force as opposed to Black Legion which always felt like the "All marks/mixed cult troops" army; that was always the difference to me in that Word Bearers venerate the chaos gods as a pantheon, so never dedicate themselves to any one, while Black Legion would freely go and devote to whomever.

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Playing a bit of devil's advocate, we have seen examples of receiving the touch of a god whether the individual wanted it or not a la Cyrion in the NL series.  I definitely appreciate where you are coming from, as I play NL, but GW has given me no reason to forgo the marks in the current dex like the traitor legions book did.  Unfortunately I think they are moving to push away with the undivided approach, but that may just be my interpretation.

Edited by MyD4rkPassenger
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The Word Bearers as a whole are devoted to Chaos as a pantheon, but so long as their individual legionnaires remain productive they are free to devote themselves to whomever they choose. I imagine this can also mean calling on the different Gods for different occasions. Praying for Khornes aid before a battle, or for Slaneeshs allure before giving a motivating speech to the cultists. So long as one doesn't invest himself too heavily along a single Gods path, he can beseech them for favor as necessary.
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I play undivided IW. I use marks because they are free and effectively allow me to use stratagems. I console myself with my Iron Warrior infantry using Endless Cacophony that they are that good at reloading and firing again or its just the modern version of Pride of the Legion from 30k. I don't have a single visible mark or mutation in my army and they all including the daemon prince look like they just stepped out of the Heresy.
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Personally, I always saw the Word Bearers as being unaligned. In more recent editions, I thought the 'fluffy' thing to have done would have been to give them something like a "Mark of Lorgar", which doesn't grant the benefits of the other four marks, but let them count as having those marks for the purposes of psychic powers or summoning. Not sure what exactly the 8th edition equivalent of that would be.


Otherwise, if GW is going to insist on daemons being a part of Chaos as a way to justify stripping out so many "loyalist" options like multi-meltas, Whirlwinds, etc., I wish they'd bring back the Mark of Chaos Undivided and even undivided or "generic" daemons to represent lesser horrors or things like Belakor. Won't happen since GW would never do a 'generic' set of daemon kits, but it'd be a nice option for those wishing to stay more unaligned, as well as a great conversion opportunity for people wanting to theme their armies more IMO.

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Well there is Mark of Chaos Undivided...it just doesn't affect anything except that you are able to use that one specific icon and are excluded from all the tasty mark specific stratagems and psychic powers. ^^

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Sorry, in my head I was meaning they need to make Undivided something in its own right, rather than just a minimal rule (from the icon). Like rules or options or units or something to replace not taking daemons or cult troops, and it to be something that you don't get unless you go Undivided.

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Well the theory is that with Undivided you can take everything. Any cult unit, change your undivided mark into any of the god specific marks via stratagem to benefit from their stratagems, summon any kind of daemon etc.

It's still rather weak tho. Especially since summoning is weak currently.

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From a fluff perspective, i never thought of undivided as "no marks" but rather that they were all together.  I think about the black legion as having warriors from all the legions, united under Abbadon, but still very being touched by various patron gods.  A 'mark' in mind has always just been whatever way the gods have touched then.  As Iskandar always says, in the eye we wear our sins on our skin.  

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I see two versions of Undivided Chaos.


1. You worship all gods equally.

2. You do not worship the gods at all.


In both chases you make still be favoured or have an aspect of a god.

For example there might be a warrior that is prone to berserk rage, but do not worship Khorne.

This warrior could be just as "bad" as the World Eater, but have no sign of chaos visible other that a really really bad temper.


So to me any assault unit would have the berserker game stats, if the model has a look that show their violent tendencies.

(Like blood spatter and battle damage.)

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I'm pretty disappointed that they didn't give Undivided a stratagem as rocking as the Slaanesh or Khorne one, to make undivided just as valid an option. Instead we got a stratagem that allows us to spend CP to become marked... bleh.


I'm pretty disappointed with the codex, but that's just because I play WB. Bottom of the barrel in almost all categories. :/

Good thing there are other games to play. :)

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Undivided has a stratagem...it Let's you turn a unit from Undivided to Marked!

Psh, nice try, Night Lords, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors and Word Bearers! Time to stop waffling around and choose a real alignment!!!!


~8th Edition, apparently




I do not get why GW started chucked Undivided as an legitimate option. It might not have been exciting, but losing the mark of Chaos Undivided hasn't improved anything, and it makes 'vanilla chaos' feel unsatisfying and ill-defined.

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If your undevided you worship the gods equally, but nothing is stopping the marine(s) from brown nosing one particular god to gain favour for whatever reason they have at the time.


As for not worshiping the gods, I wouldnt exactly call them Chaos Undivided, just renegades.

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