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Liberated Cadians?


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Hello everyone, new player here dedicated to seeing our glorious chaos pantheon triumph over the false emperor. I'm putting together my first army, which will either be BL or AL, and I'm interested in using Cadian guard models as chaos cultists. Will this be an issue?


Given that the latest crusade finally liberated Cadia from corrupt Imperial control, isn't it possible that some regiments of guardsman saw through the corpse gods deceit and swore allegiance to the true masters of mankind? Seems to open up some cool paint options, and the chance to troll IG players.

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I think it'd be a bit of a stretch to say Cadians would turn especially after Cadia was destroyed, but there's nothing stopping you creating your own force with the Cadian models as their equipment style is said to be used widely. You could mod them and remove the aquilas to help differentiate them some too. You may want to reconsider your motivations though, as trying to wind players up isn't going to win you many friends or games for that matter.

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Nope. Just be sure to paint 'em up/convert them in an appropriately Chaos-y fashion.


Something to keep in mind is that Cadians are often the basis of many - if not most - other Imperial Guard regiments across the galaxy. They need not necessarily 'be' Cadians, so to speak. Forge World also sell some conversion kits for their Renegades and Heretics line that are meant to work with the Cadian models. Of course, you could just use spare bits from your CSM kits to spruce 'em up yourself.

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Another reason that cultists might have Cadian gear is it could be looted from the dead, either by the cultists themselves or more likely distributed to them by their masters.


"Here you go, take this set of flak armour.  It's only lightly used.  Don't mind the large holes in the chest plate it or the sticky texture inside - neither compromise its effectiveness in battle.... much."


This would work well if you drill or cut battle damage into the models, and paint appropriate stains.


Personally, this would be a good way to tweak your imperial opponent's noses a little bit while still having them go "oh neat".

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Personally, this would be a good way to tweak your imperial opponent's noses a little bit while still having them go "oh neat".

This right here. I have a zombified Tau painted in the blood-spattered colors of the Sa'cea sept after defeating one of my good friends back in 5th edition. I will likely add an Ultramarine zombie after managing to kill a regular opponent's captain with my walking dead last week. These sorts of things are all in good fun, and anyone who gets their panties in a twist over disloyal Cadians needs to take a muscle relaxant and unclench. 


Maybe these Cadians witnessed the worst horrors of the Eye, and turned rogue to save themselves rather than dying like mindless fodder. Maybe they were betrayed by a superior and Tzeentch opened their eyes to the grand conspiracy of the universe and the Imperium of Man. Perhaps their officers were beguiled by Slaaneshi succubi and traded the souls of their troops for everlasting pain and pleasure. There are all sorts of reasons to fall to chaos- but it might be a good idea to figure out the 'how's and why's' before you start cutting and gluing. 


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Personally, this would be a good way to tweak your imperial opponent's noses a little bit while still having them go "oh neat".

This right here. I have a zombified Tau painted in the blood-spattered colors of the Sa'cea sept after defeating one of my good friends back in 5th edition. I will likely add an Ultramarine zombie after managing to kill a regular opponent's captain with my walking dead last week. These sorts of things are all in good fun, and anyone who gets their panties in a twist over disloyal Cadians needs to take a muscle relaxant and unclench. 


Maybe these Cadians witnessed the worst horrors of the Eye, and turned rogue to save themselves rather than dying like mindless fodder. Maybe they were betrayed by a superior and Tzeentch opened their eyes to the grand conspiracy of the universe and the Imperium of Man. Perhaps their officers were beguiled by Slaaneshi succubi and traded the souls of their troops for everlasting pain and pleasure. There are all sorts of reasons to fall to chaos- but it might be a good idea to figure out the 'how's and why's' before you start cutting and gluing. 



After playing a few rounds of SW:A with friends I captured one of the AM players (Cadia) Guardsmen and he tried to free him again but gave up on it quickly because he would've risked too much in that mission (I was positioned very well and he was not plus he whiffed his first turn ^^). Better yet even, that Guardsmen was "guarded" by a Slaanesh Marine so we decided to not even talk about how or why he turned traitor. :biggrin.:

Anyway, he gave me one of his models and it's my first Cultist model now. :biggrin.:

Edited by sfPanzer
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Cadia wasn't 'liberated', the system is still under Imperial control.

Cadia was literally dragged into hell.


From the chaos perspective, it might well have been liberated... and no one is talking about the greater Cadian system in this thread. This is just about the fortress world and the messy fate of its people and how that pertains to OP's proposed traitor Cadians.



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