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Chimera/Hellhound dimensions and Catachan arms sizes


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Hej guys, so two questions:


1. How long, wide and tall is a chimera and/or hellhound (metric system if possible, thank you)


2. How 'big' are catachan arms compared to cadians and is there a noticable diference between the new command squad and the old infantry squad? They look so damn huge in pictures.


Thank you! :)

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I've covered tank dimensions here - you'll need your calculator though :wink:


The infantry box Catacham arms are quite large as Shredder mentioned, but the CCS arms are much better and work nicely. I've heard the HWT boxes are much better than the infantry sprue, but I've never used them so I can't say by how much. Hope that helps :thumbsup:

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1) It is roughly 90mm wide x 120mm long x 50mm high.

2) I think the command squad is a touch smaller than the regular infantry. Actually, more than that, the command squad details are crisper and the models are better-proportioned than the old infantry squad.

As for compatibility, I found this from our very own WarriorFish:


Edit: ninja'd by the man himself! :D

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*Flag, it's only the Jack if it is flown from one of Her Majesty's ships :wink: He's lost his mug I need to glue it back on, along with the sniper rifle - some hard battles for the Veterans recently!


I'd be interested in hearing about the Catachan HWT sprues if anyone has used them, as potential alternative to the (excellent) CCS ones as I think I've eked out all the poses you can with them :tongue.:

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OK, cool. Thanks for the proportions Gilber.


Good you posted that image of warriorfish's vets, because that was mostly my idea. I had some plans to make a display piece featuring a chimera or hellhound and a small group of Mordant 'Acid Dogs'. Looking at the image in the new codex they seems to be a bit of a mix of cadians and catachans, with some personal touches.


Well, I just realized I actually asked about dimesions before :sweat:

Edited by GrandMagnus
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