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Hey all, any of you have ideas for taking on an armored company? I'm having problems with my buddy's list. Basically, he has 3 basilisks in back to deal with my armor, and 6 or 7 Leman Russ tanks in front. This is at 1500 points, and I'm struggling to find something that will even the odds.

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The one problem I see with that is getting stuck with second turn, Morty is a big target. He may just get shot off the board in the first volley. Should I stick a second unit of Deathshroud next to him to soak up some wounds?

True, maybe just the one unit of Deathshroud and stick them next to him at the beginning. Since Warptime has a range of 3", should I have a jump pack on the sorcerer? Otherwise, it seems that Morty would be out of range after the first move/advance?

I think your best bet is getting in close. I dont know if earthshakers still have a minimum range but its worth a shot


Then start using anything and everything to cause mortal wounds.

Lord of contagion aura

Nurgles rot strategem



Also things like equiping plague weapons like the big plague cleaver to help make holes in those armoured boxes!!


Deep striking blightlords possibly.

A landraider loaded with deathshroud and A lord should bring the pain!

Edited by Wolf Lord Loki

I thought about Mortarion, but he is a bullet magnet and will get dropped pretty fast- and even if he does get to grips with the enemy, there is only one of him. The big guy is only going to be tying up 1-2 tanks after a successful charge and when those die or back up on the opponent's turn, he gets to eat a whole lot of pain.

I propose daemon prince spam: take 1 flying prince w/ axe for each tank he brings. Take a bunch of cheap screening anything, poxwalkers with miasma, or big squads of 'infiltrating' Nurglings. Alternatively, if the table is dense just stay out of line of sight and don't worry about hiding behind blobs (and don't be the closest thing to the basilisks). All you need to do is get into assault with his tanks- once you do that, he is basically done for.

Good luck.

Edited by Azekai

In my last game i had a plague drone end up in a slap fight with a predator. Neither of us wanted to Fall Back because that would leave us at the mercy of the others shooting.

Spawn/ rot flies/ beasts of nurgle/ blight drones are all fast and could tie the tanks up for a turn. Yes he can Fall Back but thats one less turn shooting at you

  On 11/18/2017 at 3:32 AM, Wolf Lord Loki said:

In my last game i had a plague drone end up in a slap fight with a predator. Neither of us wanted to Fall Back because that would leave us at the mercy of the others shooting.

Spawn/ rot flies/ beasts of nurgle/ blight drones are all fast and could tie the tanks up for a turn. Yes he can Fall Back but thats one less turn shooting at you

The problem with taking fast conventional units that they can be shot. If the Leman Russ can take down a daemon primarch, what is going to stop them from killing some drone or spawn? Any guard player will see the beasts coming and blow them off the table, and then concentrate on the slower elements of the army over subsequent turns. 


The army needs to be able to weather the 1st turn volley of the guard... no easy feat.

  On 11/18/2017 at 11:50 AM, Wolf Lord Loki said:

Probably a better question is what do you you already have and we can see about helping defeat the tanks perhaps?



Lord of Contagion

Daemon Prince w/wings

Malignant Plaguecaster

1x3 Deathshroud

1x5 Blightlord

2x5 Plague Marines (can bulk them out... got another DI worth of stuff)

2x10 Poxwalkers (same)

3x Foetid Bloat Drones (1 of each weapon. With the spare parts and the extra DI I can double up on one of the weapons... probably heavy blightlauncher)

1x5 Possessed

2x Chaos Spawn

2x10 Cultists (can be bulked out)

Noxious Blightbringer

1x Helbrute w/multimelta 

1x Plagueburst Crawler

1x Defiler

1x Land Raider

Edited by Possessed Marine
I find laser destroyer Vindicators can be pretty damn deadly against tanks since they can easily dish out 12 wounds on a single tank a turn ( though always keep a lord nearby to stop them overheating) though the only problem is once they get off a volley or two they can become high priority targets pretty damn quick which would be even more so in a Armoured Company

Well the first thing that i can see is landraider with lord of contagion +deathshroud barreling toward the enemy.


Deep strike the blightlord termis in the shaddow of the landraider so they can only be shot at indirectly


Have the daemonprice swoop up with the blightdrones and harass the other flank with an eye to fighting their way through to the earthshakers. Charge with bloat drones too as it forces the tanks to stop firing for a turn (make them an outrider detachment for +1 command point)


If you have points left take the defiler/ hellbrute and plague marine squads and advance up the middle of the table


Should make him sweat at least! ;-)

Here's what I've got:

  •                HQ
    • Daemon Prince of Nurgle [9 PL, 180pts]

      Daemonic axe, Plague Wind, The Suppurating Plate, Wings

    • Typhus [9 PL, 175pts]

      Blades of Putrefaction, Gift of Contagion

  • Elites
    • Blightlord Terminators [14 PL, 242pts]
      • Blightlord Terminator

        Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter

      • Blightlord Terminator

        Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter

      • Blightlord Terminator

        Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter

      • Blightlord Terminator

        Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter

      • Blightlord Terminator Champion

        Combi Weapon

        Bubotic Axe, Combi-melta

    • Deathshroud Terminators [11 PL, 225pts]
      • Deathshroud Champion

        Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlets

      • 2x Deathshroud Terminator

        2x Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlets

    • Helbrute [7 PL, 156pts]


      • Helbrute fist

        Heavy flamer

  • Fast Attack
    • Foetid Bloat-drone [8 PL, 159pts]

      Heavy blight launcher, Plague probe

  • Heavy Support
    • Defiler [11 PL, 201pts]

      Reaper autocannon, Twin heavy flamer

    • Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 162pts]

      2x Entropy cannon, Rothail volley gun                 

  • Total 1500 on the nose. 


The reasoning is that last time, he blew up the raider in 1 turn, and my luck has been that the <cuss>  thing blows up every time, forcing mortal wounds on my dudes. So, raider gets killed on turn one, and my terminators with their "blazing fast" 4" movement speed end up walking across the board. If they survive the exploding raider. I figured it's better to have a few things for him to shoot at instead of 1 big one. Deep Strike the termies and get in his face, Prince, Brute and bloat drone up the flank. Deep Strike Typhus for Smite and Living Plague shenanigans.



I think its good. Lots of threats most of which will deploy close to his lines after a deep strike


With some luck he will start finding his tanks get in each others way and are unable to excape the wall of death advancing on him!


Please post a review of how the battle goes!

So some minor tweaks.....that id go for are as follows,


Give every Blightlord a combi-melta/plasma, without them they are good for anti infantry, and only sub at tanks


Id dakka the defiler, or not bring it (twin las and havoc launcher)


I know you prob like the deathshroud (I do too) but they are the best fit at their current points as a threat enhancer and bodyguard, they dont provide a fast threat even when you deep strike them b/c they are basicaly a move 4 melee troop.


While typhus is great.....and i do mean great....is he just a drop and smite role in this army? and if so can something do it cheaper?


Personally with the point drop i have been Trying LoC's in multiples to drop and distract...small footprint is magic


IDK really these are just idea's based on what you got....guard is tough, theor tanks are brutal. Just hope he doesn't get smarter and drop 1-2 of em for a proper bubble wrap

There seems to be a bunch of not great unit/wargear choices.


The drone with Blight launcher is alright at best if you don't move and have a lord with arch contaminator nearby. Without that you average 1 wound against t7 or more.


The Daemon Prince needs to not have an Axe against imperials since it removes dttfe. Claws give most potential, while sword helps through the armour. Plague wind is a waste vs tanks, take miasma.


Typhus doesn't seem to buff anything right now, and his warlord trait sucks compared to arch contaminator. Take a Plague caster or lord or something else. If you're sold on him, take the +1 s/t and miasma. You need all the defensive boosts you can get.


Helbrute wants Las and missiles.


Blight Lords have nothing on them really. You want plasma for deepstrike damage potential. Meltas if you're putting them in a raider. Combi Bolters suck, as do their melee weapons vs tanks without arch contaminator.


Deathshroud seem to have no purpose beyond melee beat stick. They're also far less effective against shooting lists than melee, since theyre so slow they can only effectively block for one turn on a DP or morty

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