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Hey guys. I'm hopping on the Tyranids hype train and building myself some bugs. i use vallejo paints, but ill write the gw equivalent names in parentheses.

the blue, im at a loss on how to achieve the gray blue. i was thinking something like

Base: Ultramarine Blue (Altdorf Guard Blue)

Wash: Nuln Oil or Drakenof Nightshade (im not sure what would look better.)

Highlight: Ultramarine Blue (Altdorf Guard Blue)??

Highlight 2: Wolf Gray (Fenrisian Grey)??

Im not sure if this will get the desired result. like maybe too blue. i also have Sombre Gray (The Fang), maybe base with that instead? its a fairly dark blue gray. where would i go in terms of highlighting that though?

As far as the skin and vents go, im going to be doing

Base: Hexed Lichen (Xereus Purple)

Highlight: Alien Purple (its kinda close to Genestealer Purple)

HIghlight 2: Thinned, Squid Pink (Emperor's Children)

Wash: Drucci Violet

for the carapace and weapons ill go with black with gray striping/ weapon highlighting, Im not sure how this would work. Opinions?

Base: Black

Mild Dry Brush: Cold Gray (Dawn Stone) i hope this will give a grainy bone look as opposed to a smooth surface

Wash: Nuln Oil (to darken up the gray a bit)

Carapace Striping / Weapon Highlight: Cold Gray (Dawn Sone)

Carapace Striping Highlight: Stonewall Gray (Administratum Gray)

For the tounge and flesh (like whats on the tervigons belly), i was thinking

Base: Warlord Purple (Screamer Pink)

Wash: Reikland Fleshshade

Highlight: Warlord Purple (Screamer Pink)

Highlight 2: Squid Pink (Emperor's Children), possibly extreme highlight, maybe ill mix in a little Warlord Purple into it, 1:1, to give it a bit more redness. thoughts?

what do you guys think? im open to all ideas

Edited by jbaeza94
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