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Get Ready For Chapter Approved

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Every codex release, every edition of the core rulebook is a "patch".


Chapter Approved is an effort to routinely ensure balance to the game rather than going a whole edition or two or three where your army is so utterly broken that either the United Nations considers it to break the Geneva Convention to even put your models on the board because they will be subjected to torture beyond human comprehension...or they will do the subjecting.


If you are just going to focus on the perceived negatives about CA, then I shall do my best to bring the positives to light. This release might not be perfect, but it's a damn big step in the right direction for 40k.

No, a codex is DLC. FAQs are patches. CA is FAQs in pay-to-play format.

The FAQs freely available as PDF files from the GW website?


I'd be surprised if the points adjustments aren't made available online too within a month of the book being released.



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No, a codex is DLC. FAQs are patches. CA is FAQs in pay-to-play format.


Warhammer 40k is not a video game. It is a tabletop wargame. There is no DLC or patches.


I'm a lot happier paying $55aud for Chapter Approved rather than the same for Apocalypse, Planetstrike, Stronghold Assault, a campaign supplement AND vdr rather than the same price (or more) for each book.


I am really struggling to understand why you are unable to see the potential good in this book. What am I missing?



The idea is, balance patches are free, therefore FAQ's and Balance Patches should be free.


Unfortunately, paper has costs.

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, December 1, 2017 - ad hominem attack
Hidden by Brother Tyler, December 1, 2017 - ad hominem attack



Lets pump the brakes a bit here.


Competitive, playing to "Win the Game" is not a crime.


The only negative connotation of WAAC is that you would cheat, if you could. I highly doubt anyone is claiming the title of WAAC with that in mind.


There is NOTHING toxic (lol am I on the overwatch forums again...) with being competitive in focus.


Not everyone plays for the same reasons, and thats perfectly fine.


I mean can I call anyone who doesnt like GrimDark toxic? (Please? :p)

You’re defending “competitive” here, and that’s not what we’re talking about here.

Being competitive is fine as most people will agree, WAAC is not.

If you can’t tell the difference, then you know what you are.

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No, a codex is DLC. FAQs are patches. CA is FAQs in pay-to-play format.


Warhammer 40k is not a video game. It is a tabletop wargame. There is no DLC or patches.


I'm a lot happier paying $55aud for Chapter Approved rather than the same for Apocalypse, Planetstrike, Stronghold Assault, a campaign supplement AND vdr rather than the same price (or more) for each book.


I am really struggling to understand why you are unable to see the potential good in this book. What am I missing?



The idea is, balance patches are free, therefore FAQ's and Balance Patches should be free.


Unfortunately, paper has costs.



Some games reach a point where balance patches for the base game are no longer available, or not relevant, and the expansions are required to take advantage of further balance updates.


This analogy is stretching thin.

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, December 1, 2017 - reply to asinine ad hominem attack
Hidden by Brother Tyler, December 1, 2017 - reply to asinine ad hominem attack




Lets pump the brakes a bit here.


Competitive, playing to "Win the Game" is not a crime.


The only negative connotation of WAAC is that you would cheat, if you could. I highly doubt anyone is claiming the title of WAAC with that in mind.


There is NOTHING toxic (lol am I on the overwatch forums again...) with being competitive in focus.


Not everyone plays for the same reasons, and thats perfectly fine.


I mean can I call anyone who doesnt like GrimDark toxic? (Please? :tongue.:)

You’re defending “competitive” here, and that’s not what we’re talking about here.

Being competitive is fine as most people will agree, WAAC is not.

If you can’t tell the difference, then you know what you are.



Pretty quick with those generalizations and assumptions eh?

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, December 1, 2017 - OT
Hidden by Brother Tyler, December 1, 2017 - OT

I love paying for patches to my games. It feels like good old EA is at the helm.

I literally just paid for a patch.

Combat Mission Red Thunder, WWII sim strategy game.

Very small developer so I get that they have to charge for patches if they want to survive.

I wouldn’t say that CA is exactly that tho. Still I see your point.

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Posted · Hidden by Brother Tyler, December 1, 2017 - another ad hominem attack
Hidden by Brother Tyler, December 1, 2017 - another ad hominem attack





Lets pump the brakes a bit here.


Competitive, playing to "Win the Game" is not a crime.


The only negative connotation of WAAC is that you would cheat, if you could. I highly doubt anyone is claiming the title of WAAC with that in mind.


There is NOTHING toxic (lol am I on the overwatch forums again...) with being competitive in focus.


Not everyone plays for the same reasons, and thats perfectly fine.


I mean can I call anyone who doesnt like GrimDark toxic? (Please? :P)


You’re defending “competitive” here, and that’s not what we’re talking about here.

Being competitive is fine as most people will agree, WAAC is not.

If you can’t tell the difference, then you know what you are.


Pretty quick with those generalizations and assumptions eh?

I wouldn’t call several years of your posts quick assumptions.
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If you’re going with video game analogies then chapter approved isn’t a Pay to play faq, it’s actually an expansion pack as it brings new missions and game types.

And we’ve always had to pay for expansion packs to games.


I for one welcome the change and not having to be bogged down in multiple years of things not changing. As it’s annual and not say...monthly it’s really a non issue and they’d be doing a lot worse if they wanted to milk our cash

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Posted · Hidden by Reclusiarch Darius, December 1, 2017 - Off-topic
Hidden by Reclusiarch Darius, December 1, 2017 - Off-topic


Not defensive, just don't understand people who treat winning and people who like to win as if it's a "bad thing" or people who are wired that way are "bad people".

Because it's people with attitudes like yours who thought it was great fun to take a taudar list in 6th and table newbie players in 2 shooting phases. This game is played to win of course, but also for both players to have fun.

And way to many people focus very heavily on the winning, and not on whether their opponent is gaining any enjoyment.


Basically, your saying "don't hate the player, hate the game", but that's a load of :censored:, people are more than capable of not using their smelliest cheese, but they choose to do so anyway.



Love the assumptions you're making about me when you don't even know me. I returned to the game at the tail end of 6th, after having sold the Blood Angels and Chaos armies I'd had in second and third editions for a pittance (about $300 USD) because at the time I needed both the space and the money. The faction I picked back up? Sisters.


I was a volunteer for Alderac from Gold Edition through Celestial Edition, running tournaments and demos. Before that I volunteered for Precedence for Babylon 5.


No, you don't teach the newbie to play the game by taking a tournament competitive deck. You show them the very basics, let them make mistakes and help teach them along the way.


If anything, I've seen the term WAAC used way to frequently to include any form of competitive/tournament play, often because their lists "aren't fluffy" or what have you. In a truly competitive environment? Expect no take backs, expect once you touch a model you'll be treated like a chess tournament where you have no choice but to use it now... and be pleasantly surprised when someone goes "as long as you afford it to me at some point, sure." And, no, I'm not going to say there aren't scum in these tournaments -- I've seen people do things in tournaments I've watched (the 2015 40K Conquest finals at GenCon being a prime example) that just disgust me and would perma-ban them for if I had the power.


If WAAC = cheating and :cuss:hattery only, then those people have always been a problem and will always be - in every facet of life, not just 40K. People who take a tournament competitive list against a newb? Could be either/or. Maybe they just don't realize they're doing themselves and that player a disservice. But as I said, I've seen WAAC thrown about way too liberally here and elsewhere to the point that anyone who attends a tournament with a list designed to win (like flyer spam pre-Boots on the Ground) is a horrible person ruining their game.

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Posted · Hidden by Reclusiarch Darius, December 1, 2017 - Off-topic
Hidden by Reclusiarch Darius, December 1, 2017 - Off-topic

There is nothing wrong with being completely focused on competition. The only issue is when ones opponent is not.


This is why points and balance are critical.


For narrative types it's irrelevant, you lose nothing by having a tight balanced system.


The only group that ever loses from poor balance are the bleeding edge competitive players.


This is true of everything, any game, table top to PC, to hoops in the backyard.


I agree, and it's why I suggested better play testing in the survey. I get that no one's perfect and things will get missed, but I have to ask just how many people actually play tested 8th. More importantly, how many groups of people tested 8th? Further, how much did the testers get to see - was it indexes only, or did they get to playtest the codexes as well?


If it's just GW employees + Frontline Gaming, that sample size is way too small to get a good balance, especially in a game with as many factions as 40K. Likewise, if they only got to test the indexes and not the codexes, then that's more data that was missed in testing.

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Removed yet more off-topic content. Talk about Chapter Approved please.




I think the timing is too soon, but it at least shows GW is willing to tinker with point costs and I'm glad they finally addressed all the factions locked in Index prison. They at least have a few bits and pieces to work with until a codex release now. It's still not good enough, but will tide them over. 


Here's hoping the 2018 Chapter Approved is a more complete rework. I think the game should be more mature by then and we'll see more substantive changes. Not to mention we should see FAQ updates as we go along. 

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I already have my Chapter approved, and in all honesty I'm underwhelmed by the book.


It is mandatory, however.

As you seem to me an all around nice guy, what is the source of the "underwhelm"?

I simply wish they had full army point lists for the factions and marked the changes. Now to compile an army I need to reference and compare multiple books simultaneously for the same units.


The point re-allignment varies from reasonable and well thought out to silly and plain vindictive, hurting dedicated hobbyists by making some financially expensive units unplayable in the most common way people game - matched play.


The vehicle design rules are very regimented and limited, but as a result aren't actually subject to abuse. As a result, I don't understand why they are limited to open play.


The best thing about the book are the missions, terrain data sheets and apocalypse sections, but in all truth they are quite bloated and apocalypse is easy enough to arrange without the book.


I actually love point re-adjustments but they let me down by not addressing some things that need it. For example - chain fist costs were updated for Chaos but not Imperium so the option remains useless. Also, struggling armies like Grey Knights were nerfed even more with wargear point increases for GW and FW options alike.


To put simply, the book feels... Unfinished, rushed and badly thought out.

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Thanks! I, for once, like the point changes I read about until now (I feel better about not owning a Malathrope and I will probably stick a lot of Doom sirens on my champion's back!) and I also understand some of the "forgeworld nerf", still I am really interested in the rest of the book!


Any news of the new "Don't shoot on the pian...I mean 'character' " rule?

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What? I expected the exact opposite, something like "can't shoot Characters with less then 10 wounds if they are not the closest model, ignoring other less then 10 wounds characters"

As in "charachters who benefit from these rule can't shield other characters"


Seems pretty hard to write in english...maybe with a bit of recursive language...




Character with less then 10 starting wounds are PROTECTED


PROTECTED models can be shot at only if they are the closest non PROTECTED model




Maybe it could be a special keyword like FLY (so instead of "less than 10 wounds" some characters could simply have it and some not )

Edited by Filkarion
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One warlord traits allows you to advance and shoot the warlord without penalty.


The other allows the warlord to re-roll hits of 1 when they haven't moved that turn.


The relic allows the warlord or a friendly tau unit within 6" to re roll a single hit, wound or damage roll once per battle. Also on a roll of 6+ you gain a command point every time your opponent uses a strategem.


All a bit tame. There is a cool new strategem however:


When you score a marker light hit, you can spend a command point and add D3+1 additional marker lights.


Edit :


Lol I just typed this out :-P

Edited by Ishagu
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