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Get Ready For Chapter Approved

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I've no problem with the principle of the thing, and I'd much rather get an annual tuning of the game than what we had previously, where your faction could go multiple years, even multiple editions, without an update. 


You can choose to view it cynically if you want, or you can choose to view it as three expansions to the game (Apocalypse, Planetstrike, Stronghold Assault), 2 matched play mission packs (Eternal War, Maelstrom of War) and a bunch of new terrain and battlezone rules for less than the price of a Codex. And it just happens to have new army rules and points adjustments in it too.


Besides, if all you're looking for is the points changes, what do you even need to spend the money for? We've all seen them already, so just pop some post-its in your codex with the new values on.

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Seems like most people who actually like the CA changes are the ones who judge it based on only their army. Like "My army got good changes so I'm happy". However if we look at the whole picture then we see that many issues got simply ignored (GK point costs being the most glaring example) among other things.


That being said I'm still happy we get something like the CA. I just wish they would've been more thorough with their adjustments. I'm definitely looking forward towards trying the new missions and battlezones and stuff.

Hopefully their campaign guidelines are good as well this time since I feel the game is really lacking an official campaign system people can easily pick up and use without having to do research on the internet and writing something together themselves.


Bottomline is that the CA is a good thing with still much room to improve.

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Its a shame they didnt include the gravgun option for the design your own Land Raider (using the grav guns from the warhammer world Land Raider Excelsior)

I think it´s kinda hard to get model but kitbashing is always option, though it would be kinda weird. We could always push out landraider with 8 gravguns with amps, right brother?

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It does feel like the first CA should have been next year not this year.


In my opinion it a great idea to freshen up the game with extra content once a year, including anything published in White Dwarf would be nice too but basic stuff like points changes should be free.


Luckily if you do only want the book for the points changes and you have access to the internet then the points changes are effectively free.

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Questions on the Land Raiders:

  • Can they ONLY transport Loyal Astartes & Chaos Marines?
  • Whats the craziest one?

What a Raider can carry has not changed. As the craziness, there are no set-in-stone builds. Even the named ones are built with the table. The only thing unique about the named Raiders is that they have a name. Nothing else. What the craziest is in terms of rules? Dunno. None, probably. Land Raider aren’t known for their efficiency. Slapping more guns on them won’t help. I’d the dedicated ones are best, i.e. full anti-infantry, full anti-tank, etc.

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If you only play with a couple of friends, it's not.


If you play with a wider range of people and / or go to tournaments, then yea it's pretty mandatory to play with the updates since smite is supposed to be nerfed, the point changes and the matched missions.

Right, so it’s not mandatory - that is a false statement then. If you have conditions on need, then a single statement doesn’t hold true, therefore the single statement is false without those conditions.


Let’s all agree to not be misleading.

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If you only play with a couple of friends, it's not.


If you play with a wider range of people and / or go to tournaments, then yea it's pretty mandatory to play with the updates since smite is supposed to be nerfed, the point changes and the matched missions.

The smite nerf is not a direct nerf to smite but an increase of points for psyker so you can't spam them as easily anymore (like Malefic Lords going up to 80ppm).

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I love paying for patches to my games. It feels like good old EA is at the helm.


I'm just happy that GW is even thinking about balancing. It is a lot better than the past few years of "We are just a model company" approach. 



There are probably better ways of getting armies balanced (like an army builder app), but I feel this year Chapter Approved was not JUST for balancing points, but adding a bunch of things to improve the game.


Instead of releasing dozens of supplements for campaign guidelines, terrain, buldying your Land Raider, catch up mechanics for your armies, point reductions, and new missions, we get everything in the same package. In the old editions if you wanted to play apocalypse, YOU NEEDED the big apocalypse book. Want to play a campaign or build your own? Get Crusade of Fire/Damnos/Apocalypse:Warzones. Want to use THESE terrains? Get these datasheets from this website for 4.99! 


People may say they have a problem of how you need three books to play your army. But I would say you have two books to play your army (if that), and a book to play warhammer in general.



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There are probably better ways of getting armies balanced (like an army builder app), but I feel this year Chapter Approved was not JUST for balancing points, but adding a bunch of things to improve the game.






I just read through mine and I would say it is mostly new scenarios and stuff around campaign play. There is a fair amount of terrain rules which will be handy for players who never wanted to pick up the Indexes which had those - plus a few new rules for some of the newer terrain sets if that is what floats your boat. Then there are bits and pieces like the Land Raider and Objective Marker sections which I would say are mostly to inspire modelling/kitbashing efforts.


There is a definite familial similarity between the a lot of the new scenarios and the existing AoS scenarios - which is a good thing as those AoS scenarios are pretty good.


The points changes are a very small part of the book. 8 pages out of 128. This is what seems to have everyone hot under the collar but I really do not think it is the main point of the book at all.


EDIT : Looking at those points I see a fair few which have already been put out in FAQ/Errata available for free. It really looks like an opportunity taken to tidy things up and put them in a physical book for those who prefer dead tree media.

Edited by Happy-inquisitor
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If you only play with a couple of friends, it's not.

If you play with a wider range of people and / or go to tournaments, then yea it's pretty mandatory to play with the updates since smite is supposed to be nerfed, the point changes and the matched missions.


The smite nerf is not a direct nerf to smite but an increase of points for psyker so you can't spam them as easily anymore (like Malefic Lords going up to 80ppm).

The Smite change is coming in the balance update in March

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If you only play with a couple of friends, it's not.

If you play with a wider range of people and / or go to tournaments, then yea it's pretty mandatory to play with the updates since smite is supposed to be nerfed, the point changes and the matched missions.


The smite nerf is not a direct nerf to smite but an increase of points for psyker so you can't spam them as easily anymore (like Malefic Lords going up to 80ppm).
The Smite change is coming in the balance update in March

Where did you hear that?

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Its a shame they didnt include the gravgun option for the design your own Land Raider (using the grav guns from the warhammer world Land Raider Excelsior)

The more I think about it and the way GW implemented the VDR thus far, there's really nothing stopping us (the community) from making our own Land Raiders with our own loadouts, using the guidelines for things like carrying capacity (pick an equivalent weapon from the list) and fielding what we want in Open Play.


While GW didn't give us the rules for things like Sonic Land Raiders or the like, I'm sure we can take what they started and make it our own.

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