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Heirloom of conquest point cost?


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Yes, I was confused about this too for many weeks and someone had to explain it to me!


-1 heirloom: free (assuming, as Withershadow noted, you paid the up front wargear cost, if any)

-2 heirlooms (1 CP using the Imperial Commander's Armory stratagem)

-3 heirlooms (3 CP using the Imperial Commander's Armory stratagem)


For example, last week I used 3 VP and I took the Dagger, the Aquila, and the Claw of the Desert Tiger (which I gave to Captain Al'Rahem since he had already paid 4 points for a power sword).

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-1 heirloom: free (assuming, as Withershadow noted, you paid the up front wargear cost, if any)

-2 heirlooms (1 CP using the Imperial Commander's Armory stratagem)

-3 heirlooms (3 CP using the Imperial Commander's Armory stratagem)

Needless to say, this is particularly great for guard given how we can stack the Command Points.

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If so, what heirlooms have you been having success with? 


The main ones I use are:


- Death Mask of Ollanius (on a Primaris Psyker). This one is partially for fluff and partially to give my favourite Primaris Psyker model something extra. The invulnerable save is nice, since they no longer have Refractor Fields as standard, and it also lets him heal up if he suffers a Perils (so that his subsequent castings aren't as risky). It's not strictly necessary, but I like giving my favourite characters stuff to distinguish them a bit, and I don't think I've ever needed to take more than 2-3 artefacts anyway.


- Laurels of Command (on a Company Commander). Getting multiple orders on the same squad is pretty nice, even if it only works on a 4+. However, in future I think I'll be trying it on a Tempestor Prime instead. He probably won't last as long as the Company Commander, but the concentration of firepower on Scion squads will make this devastating, I think.


- The Dagger of Tu'Sakh (on a Company Commander). Just a generally useful item for repositioning units. One possibility I've been toying with is using this along with the Tallarn stratagem to outflank 4 Special Weapon Squads. That way, I'll have two who can benefit from the outflanking Company Commander's orders, and a further two who aren't tied to him and can go after objectives or just attack without the rerolls. 

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I use 2 heirlooms mainly.


Kurov's Aquilla: it does work for me even in low point games. Between Strategist and Kurov's Aquilla I've had Combat Patrols where I got to use over 10 command points. It's solid, reliable, and let's you spam strategems and rerolls with no concern about running out of points because you get to leech from your opponent.


Dagger of Tu'sakh: when I want shenanigans I turn to the dagger. The ability to outflank any Infantry with the Imperium keyword can be hilariously strong. It gives mobility to static armies and can threaten a back line with units normally balanced in part on short range (I'm looking at you Krieger Engineer Squad).

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I did actually blow up a Chimera on its last 3 wounds with it and I didn't even have to burn a CP for re-rolls! B) 


I throw it on a platoon commander I use to spur a flamer squad forward so he's usually fairly close to the thick of battle
(Actually its the model I use for my avatar ;) ) 

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I did actually blow up a Chimera on its last 3 wounds with it and I didn't even have to burn a CP for re-rolls! :cool.:


I throw it on a platoon commander I use to spur a flamer squad forward so he's usually fairly close to the thick of battle

(Actually its the model I use for my avatar :wink:


Hah, that's awsome!


It's always nice when fluffy items manage to do something useful.



Also, something I hadn't noticed until you brought this up is that Platoon Commanders have identical melee stats to Company Commanders. Interesting.

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If so, what heirlooms have you been having success with?


The main ones I use are:

- Laurels of Command (on a Company Commander). Getting multiple orders on the same squad is pretty nice, even if it only works on a 4+. However, in future I think I'll be trying it on a Tempestor Prime instead. He probably won't last as long as the Company Commander, but the concentration of firepower on Scion squads will make this devastating, I think.

I have tried this and it works great. To give a Scion unit not only Take Aim for re-rolling 1s, but also to stack Elimination protocol to reroll wounds vs monsters/vehicles, or FRFSRF to double up on hellgun shots is brutal. Only sadness is you aren't in hellgun rapid fire range after deep striking.


The Tempestus relic is also pretty good if you only brought a Scion battalion. He can give orders to all three units (probably), which saves points on a second guy.


Kurov's Aquila is a great choice if your opponent has a good number of command points.


I have a Krieg Marshall with memento mori and sword of conquest, and he kicks serious ass.

Edited by Withershadow
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