Helias_Tancred Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 Subject says it all. I'm going from Blood Angels to Dark Angels. I've begun building my army without the benefit of our soon-to-be-released 8th edition codex. Just tossing this out to make sure I haven't screwed the pooch on anything. This is what I have so far: 4 Rhinos 1 Razorback 1 Predator Annihilator 1 Vindicator Azrael Ezekiel Asmodai Chaplain with jump pack Company Master "Command squad" for the Company Master (Ancient standard bearer, apothecary, company champion, 2 Vets) 10 Company Vets with combi-melta x6, stormbolter x3, plasma pistol x1, power fist x1, and power sword x1. Tac squad with plasma cannon, plasma gun, and combi-plasma, power fist. Tac squad with grav cannon, plasma gun, power sword. Tac squad with heavy bolter, plasma gun, combi-plasma. Dev squad Sergeant, 4 lascannons. Dev squad Sergeant, 4 heavy bolters. 10 man Primaris Hellblaster squad. 10 man Primaris Intercessor squad 2 three man Inceptor squads with assault bolters 1 three man inceptor squad with plasma exterminators Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought Primaris Captain Primaris Chaplain Still more to get in order to complete my Dark Angels army including 3 Deathwing squads, a coupleRavenwing bike squads + speeders+Sammael, a Dark Talon, 2 land raiders, Repulsor tank/APC for the Primaris, Venerable Dreadnought for the Deathwing, 1 ten man assault squad with jump packs, 2 five man scout sniper squads, another razorback, and 2 drop pods. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt_149 Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 Not sure how you can screw the pooch when you have all that lot? :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4935985 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Interrogator Stobz Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 Except for the Primaris stuff, welcome to the Rock Brother. :D Stobz Helias_Tancred, Frater Cornelius and Aradiel 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936008 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sneakybamsen Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 You seem to be well sorted for a big army, there. But why the switch? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936021 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 Subject says it all. I'm going from Blood Angels to Dark Angels. Changing sides? You picked the right Legion for it Helias_Tancred and Valistan 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936128 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoic Raptor Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 I wanted to do DA when DI came out, but without knowing for sure how Primaris are going to fit (if at all) I decided to wait. Sure, people expect they'll all be in there - I say, sure, right along with the Centurions and Talons and such. in other words, no guarantee just because of the Index. Once the Codex is out, I'll see what I can do. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936178 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Komodo Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 Well as for fluff in upcoming book from Phil Kelly Primaris guys will be a part of chapter, but not generally loved or trusted by astartes 1.0 brethren. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936269 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chmur Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 Well as for fluff in upcoming book from Phil Kelly Primaris guys will be a part of chapter, but not generally loved or trusted by astartes 1.0 brethren. I wanted to do DA when DI came out, but without knowing for sure how Primaris are going to fit (if at all) I decided to wait. Sure, people expect they'll all be in there - I say, sure, right along with the Centurions and Talons and such. in other words, no guarantee just because of the Index. Once the Codex is out, I'll see what I can do. Well as for fluff in upcoming book from Phil Kelly Primaris guys will be a part of chapter, but not generally loved or trusted by astartes 1.0 brethren. I do not see them not being supported part of the chapter, fluff wise. Primaris are obviously going to be the new Marines of 40K, I do not believe we will ever see a normal-sized box released/updated in the future. If nothing else, GW is showing in the past year they are not dumb with their releases and financial decisions, so they will not undermine Primaris for their most played army offshoot. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936272 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoic Raptor Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 To me, it's not a matter of whether or not they're integrated in the lore, it's a case of whether or not some of the options will be supported in the Codex. There's no reason the DA shouldn't have Centurions or Storntalons, for instance - or more significantly, Contemptors or Cataphractii... but they didn't in 7th so I'm not going to assume and commit until I know whether or not some of the kits I own will be excluded. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936288 Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLion Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 There is already the FAQ that already puts all the primaris into DA . Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936301 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aothaine Posted November 20, 2017 Share Posted November 20, 2017 I understand the desire for long time vets to want to be able to use their old miniature lines and GW has provided that option. But honestly, I hope GW keeps on with the primaris line. Certain things like Centurions will fit right in with primaris. The only thing I have concerns about is transport options. Right now they just have a really expensive (and good) tank that can transport primaris. Maybe this is GW trying to move marines to a more infantry based army? I wouldn't be terribly upset with that as long as primaris get some good anti-tank alternatives to mix things up. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4936516 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helias_Tancred Posted November 22, 2017 Author Share Posted November 22, 2017 You seem to be well sorted for a big army, there. But why the switch? Good question, one that I will fully answer. Reasons for the switch: 1. My #1 enjoyment of our hobby is reading. I do a lot of Black Library reading, and I've learned over the last year from my reading that Dark Angels are much better supported by Black Library and better done overall too. That's a big deal for me, since I play what I enjoy reading about. I think its a big help that most DA material is done by one author. There is consistency in story and style. 2. I've really come to love the Dark Angels and the Lion through my readings. I read Descent of Angels and Fallen Angels back to back two years ago and mentally noted how cool their pre-HH beginnings were. Fast forward a year to when Angels of Caliban came out, and pow! Blown away. Then I read the Legacy of Caliban trilogy, then several audio dramas, several short stories, etc ... I was hooked! I also embrace their shortcomings and humanity lol. Lastly I also see a piece of my own persona in them. That's important for me, as I have to see a link between myself and whatever I play in terms of "could I or would I be one of them if possible?" ... my answer here was definitely yes! 3. I was hired into a new company. With the new change I felt it was warranted I reflect that in my hobby. I now work for Games Workshop ... the employee discount doesn't hurt ;) 4. I like how the Dark Angels are organized as a chapter, and the opportunities it offers for new styles of play, tactics, strategies, etc. 5. Lastly I'm an Imperium fan boy of the Astartes persuasion. Would I leave that realm? Umm no. sneakybamsen 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4937648 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helias_Tancred Posted November 22, 2017 Author Share Posted November 22, 2017 I'm also eager to learn how we deal with the new Primaris marines? I'm a lore/fun player first and foremost. If we disavow them, well then my army will reflect that. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4937652 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sneakybamsen Posted November 22, 2017 Share Posted November 22, 2017 We won't disavow primaris, but we will not trust them either. We might end up not having primaris inner circle members, depending on what GW wants to do with the legion, a twist to The First that clearly sets them apart from other legions chapters, and one I'd really like, as it fits the fluff. Helias_Tancred 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4937730 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJD Posted November 22, 2017 Share Posted November 22, 2017 You seem well set up with green marines have you given any though to adding some bone and black. Are they all painted up and will you be sharing any photos. Helias_Tancred 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4938001 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helias_Tancred Posted November 23, 2017 Author Share Posted November 23, 2017 You seem well set up with green marines have you given any though to adding some bone and black. Are they all painted up and will you be sharing any photos. Yes I have. This is what I'm thinking currently for the Deathwing. Belial Librarian in terminator armor Chaplain in terminator armor Deathwing Command Squad Deathwing Knights squad 2 Deathwing terminator squads Land Raider Crusader Venerable Dreadnought And for the Ravenwing: Sammael Ravenwing Bike Command squad Ravenwing Black Knight squad Ravenwing bike squad 3 Land Speeders with either Typhoon loadout, or the multi-melta/assault cannon loadout? Dark Shroud land speeder Land Speeder Vengeance Dark Talon Fighter Nephillim Fighter Thoughts? sneakybamsen 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4938658 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sneakybamsen Posted November 23, 2017 Share Posted November 23, 2017 The command squads are a thing of the past. You can have the champion, apothecary and ancient, but they are individuals, so the rest of the squads should be within size limits of deathwing terminator squads or black knight squads. Just so you don't end up with models that you won't be able to use (some of us got quite close to that with 8th). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4938780 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helias_Tancred Posted November 25, 2017 Author Share Posted November 25, 2017 The command squads are a thing of the past. You can have the champion, apothecary and ancient, but they are individuals, so the rest of the squads should be within size limits of deathwing terminator squads or black knight squads. Just so you don't end up with models that you won't be able to use (some of us got quite close to that with 8th). Thanks. Yeah I still use the term to refer to the models included in it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4940518 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Helycon Posted November 27, 2017 Share Posted November 27, 2017 You seem well set up with green marines have you given any though to adding some bone and black. Are they all painted up and will you be sharing any photos. Yes I have. This is what I'm thinking currently for the Deathwing. Belial Librarian in terminator armor Chaplain in terminator armor Deathwing Command Squad Deathwing Knights squad 2 Deathwing terminator squads Land Raider Crusader Venerable Dreadnought And for the Ravenwing: Sammael Ravenwing Bike Command squad Ravenwing Black Knight squad Ravenwing bike squad 3 Land Speeders with either Typhoon loadout, or the multi-melta/assault cannon loadout? Dark Shroud land speeder Land Speeder Vengeance Dark Talon Fighter Nephillim Fighter Thoughts? I'd suggest building the RW Ancient as an Apothecary instead. I'm not too keen on what a Ravenwing Ancient brings, and a LOT more keen on what a speedy Apothecary can bring. Two of them are even better, hence my suggestion ;) . Helias_Tancred 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341511-starting-dark-angels-without-the-codex/#findComment-4943371 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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