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Mechanized Guard - Regimental Choice


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Hey there, yet another thread regarding mech from me ;)


I'm pretty new to 40k. Had my first game 2 weeks ago, running a 1850 mechanised Tallarn force and I actually won :)


I really liked the ignoring of the -1 to hit while moving, but haven't made real use of the other regimental gimmicks (i.e. the stratagem and also the tank order which I just used once).


At the weekend I will have my next to matches and I'm already list building and I'm torn between the regiments....


Atm I'm considering Cadia, Tallarn or Steel Legion, but really can't decide.


So what are your experiences regarding the different regiments for mechanized guard?



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I field Catachan, you know, the regiment that is long known for its extensive and sometimes exclusive use of mechanized infantry :tongue.: I do uses Catachan actually, I field 4 chimeras with twin heavy flamers, 4 leman russes, and 4 self-propelled artillery vehicles along with a sentinel and Cyclops or two. The regimental doctrine just meshes with me better since this edition I have notoriously bad # of shot rolls and the reroll helps me quite a bit.
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Being a Cadian player myself, I don't recommend it for mechanized gaurd. The only use you will get out of it really is the strategm (which admittedly is amazing) and the tank order.


From what I have gathered reading online and reading the codex, Tallarn is probably your best bet. That being said with the right build most of them will work as Galron pointer out with Catachan. A seldom considered regiment for mech gaurd.

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Right out of the gate, Tallarn seems like an obvious choice to get the most from your Chimeras/Taurox.  Since the primary benefit to mechanizing is mobility and protection for your ground troops, Cadians aren't a great option (since they want to sit still).  Steel Legion seems like an obvious choice but in reality their abilities are a little too mechanized-centric.  I feel like Valhallans would be a good choice to gain more "durable" transports and more resilient Infantry, which could be a huge boon for your smaller units.

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Plus don´t forget that you are getting Mr. Pask ;-)


Regarding Catachan: Yeah I can see that it´s a nice doctrine, especially when taking lot´s of artillery; but I actually dont use any artillery ^^


My list for 2000 pts is a Brigade containing:


- 5-6 Infantry Squads with Transports

- 1-2 Scion Squads for Plasma Drops

- 2 Tank Commanders (Battle Tank + Executioner)

- 3 Scout Sentinels

- 2 Mortar HWT (as a tax)

- Leman Russ (Battle Tank)

- Support characters (Officers, Psyker, Astropaths and a Techpriest)


So only the Russes would really benefit from the doctrine.



The point why I am not comepletly convinced with Tallarn is there stratagem:

- It cost lots of point

- And I really dont see the point why I should outflank one of my command tanks?

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I'd like to give Steel Legion a go sometime, as I think 18" Rapid Fire is interesting.


My concern though is that having both Veterans and SWSs as Elites will screw them over in terms of Command Points.


Also, Heavy Flamer Chimeras are bloody expensive, whilst Heavy Bolter Chimeras seem really poor for vehicles that want to be advancing towards the enemy.

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I'd like to give Steel Legion a go sometime, as I think 18" Rapid Fire is interesting.


My concern though is that having both Veterans and SWSs as Elites will screw them over in terms of Command Points.


Also, Heavy Flamer Chimeras are bloody expensive, whilst Heavy Bolter Chimeras seem really poor for vehicles that want to be advancing towards the enemy.


Unless you take the Gryphonne Pattern Chimera with 3x Heavy Bolter as Tallarn. That sounds pretty tasty ;)


Atm I´m rewriting my list and I got some points to invest left (I am looking especially at the Heavy Support section)


What about something like a Wyvern or Hydra? Or just add another squad + chimera?

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Catachans make better Tank Commanders than Cadians in 8th.  They can move, order to reroll 1's and reroll not only their turret #shots, but also their plasma cannon sponson #shots.

If you want to see Steel Legion in action, this is a great BatRep:



Thanks for the BatRep i will check it out!


Keep in mind you'd have to put Scions in a different detachment if you want to use your doctrine in the Brigade.


Yep I know. Actually I am not really bothered loosing their doctrine since it´s just a small suicide squad anyways.

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