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Forgeworld Titans Bundle


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So last I was up late because of several cans of Mt Dew and I ended up obsessing over the Titan bundle on Forgeworld and worked out individual costs and the savings, including tax. I kinda came at this under the idea of buying the bundle with four other people so everyone saves some money.

Here's what I came up with: (Note: all costs are given in USD cuz I'm a filthy 'Merican)


Total Cost: $3955.09


Warlord: $1582.03

Normal cost: $1794.28

Savings: $212.35


1x Reaver: $758.26

Normal cost: $895.10-$940.91 (Reaver price varies a lot based on the weapons so I included low and high costs and savings)

Savings: $156.82-$182.63


1x Warhound: $438.27

Normal cost: $521.30

Savings: $93.03


So yeah, that's my calculations, I hope it was a little interesting. I'll probably go for one of the Reaver's personally. Do note, due to currency exchange rates the prices might be a bit higher or even lower depending on politics and other stuff I'm too lazy to research.

Edited by Magos_Adephus
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