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3 Hopes, 1 Nope - managing codex expectations.


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while we have a huge wishlist and conspiracy thread, I thought id start something quick and fun.  


Essentially, give your 3 main hopes or positive projections/predictions - specific or general, and one main point of concern/ trepidation or negative prediction for the army and its upcoming release

Mine are as follows:


1. Unique codex style which sees the most viable list being one that is different from a marine one. 

2. Solid CC ability.

3. CC ability that changes the meta (ala wyches "locked in combat" ability)  **




1.  You're going to screw up either the DC or the Baal again aren't you...? :dry.:  Please just not both. 

(** I'm convinced this wont happen....a guy can dream though, right?)

Edited by Morticon
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I foresee the following

1: librarian dread improved and given a massive point reduction.
2: chapter tactics that lets us more reliable reach close combat.
3: lots of options that favour movement over static gunlins, examples are baals with «machine spirit» and wings of sanguinus.

4: Primaris DC will be given amazing models and rules that scream «field multiple units of us» ... and I’ll be broke again buying 30 of them (they come in boxes of 3 models)

Edited by Are Verlo
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1) Buff to Assault Squads via stratagems or chapter tactics eqv

2) Jump Pack Deep Strike intervention via stratagems or chapter tactics eqv (Some overlap with the first)

3) Access to the other SM flyers (think this one is pretty much confirmed)




Complete reliance on special character bubbles to make a competitive army, as opposed to nice to have buffs.

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1. We get a book that gives us an army which gives strength to a close assault H2H combat build, but does not tie us to this.

2. Tactical marines gain some useful benefit from being blood angels - i.e. flat bonus in combat, not tied to who charged, this could be as a strategem.




Being a copy or weakened version of C:SM with not enough done to differentiate us, or the chapter tactic being markedly 'weaker' than codex marines.

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1- we become the most mobile Space Marine army. Lucifer engine, stratagems with JP units. Easy to get in cc, easy to move from one objective to another.

2- DC becomes something different than Black Vanguard vet.

3- (out of rule expectations) painting guide section



We will still have only one chapter tactic and very few support for successors.

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1. Blood Angels finally feel like Blood Angels. Army composition more than just red Ultramarines.

2. Our armies bring the fury in close combat like we are supposed to!

3. We get our own unique flyer that not only plays great on the table, but looks amazing too! What am I smoking? Lol. Not in this lifetime.




1. My Sanguinary Guard will still languish on the shelf with mediocre rules and high point costs.

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1) We can field competitive armies based around different BA archetypes (Archangels, Death Company, Fast Red Marines etc).

2) Death Company are worth taking.

3) We can actually do meaningful damage in close combat.



1) Assault Squads become Troops again.

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Really just echoing here.




1) Having the best dreadnoughts again.

2) Multiple (also read viable) plastyles of BA. Mech, JPs, Footies, Elites etc.

3) The unnamed chapter master for successors. (Shameless plug that every Hope list should still have)




Being pigeonholed into only one viable playable list.

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Ran outta likes. Good stuff here all. Your thoughts temper mine =)




1) Fluff and character of the Blood Angels units respected and made fairly costed/usable/competitive.

2) Numerous builds that I can choose from ie Good and varied internal balance amongst our forces.

3) Numerous ways to maneuver and successfully assault in our own particular idiom. Lucifer Enigines, Descent of Angels etc included and useful.



Being more or less what we are now with a lackluster chapter tactic added, some half considered point updates and only common strats etc added.

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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1- Dante gets awesome rules to reflect the whole warden thing

2- We have a variety of viable playstyles, but our assault units are among the best in the game.

3- Our chapter tactic is useful for our entire army, not just dedicated assault troops



My biggest concern is that they focus on assault to the exclusion of everything else.

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1) Overall, i'd like to see our codex receive the same fantastic treatment as for the Tyranids and Astra Militarum codexes. Both of are incredible codexes when it comes to make you feel the army's identity through unit's gameplay, chapter tactics, warlords traits, relics, stratagems and psychic powers.


2) Make our signature units and special characters great again! Let us be a fearsome and competitive army in terms of points (reductions?), mobility, charging, deepstrike, close combat and melee combat. Let the Sons of Sanguinius do what they should be (very) good at: Rip and Tear until it is done. :tongue.:

What if our melee units were some of the best in the game?


3) That would be cool to have the Sanguinor (almost) as powerful as a Primarch in terms of rules. Because ya know...Sanguinuis is...well...kinda dead. And for a long long time now. It would be kinda strange to bring him back, so why not buff the Sanguinor instead? (and update his fluff). What if the Sanguinor was the physical incarnation of Sanguinius's "spirit and soul"?




Nopes :


- Let us NOT be once again the overpriced "marines in red" that get mowed down by enemy's guns while trying to get in close combat. Pretty please.

Edited by R4v3N
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1. extremely mobile Marines, something like if you kill a unit you were engaged with you can I need immediately charge another enemy unit. Something to keep BA in CC.


2. multiple chapter tactics so successors have their own unique trait options.


3. Unique Primaris, something with chainswords and jump packs. (I can still hope! I want jump packing Primaris and Terminators)






1. Being UM in red, or Primaris taking over with no flavor of the BAs in them.

Edited by Caldersson
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I hope for a stratagem that allows us to upgrade a character to be affected ny the black rage (fnp, extra atack etc) similar to AM commisar tank and vannila chapter master. I also hope we get to keep mg/pg on or ras and hf on our devastators. And finally i hope we get an army special rule/chapter tactic that either helps us get into combat easier or turns our units into blenders once there, or god forbid both, or one each for flesh tearers and blood angels.


Whar i hope we dont end up with is a bad, uninspired, business as usual codex.


Edit:spelling and typos.

Edited by tu_shan82
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1. Better power vs cost balance on weapons, particularly for SG (ie. Inferno Pistols cheaper, encarmine blades buffed).

2. Fluffy yet useful chapter tactics. I'm not sure what exactly but ideally something melee-based. BA could be more tactical, focused on getting into assault easier or locking enemies in place. Though for Flesh Tearers it would make sense to have something purely aggressive, giving extra damage output. As long as it's fitting.

3. Unique units and characters to get flavoursome adjustments where necessary. As others have mentioned, Dante really should bring some extra tactical bonus as the oldest living chapter master on top of the generic reroll hits. To be the only chapter master to miss out on that is odd (and the death mask is nowhere near the same level if that's supposed to be his extra). On this note, certain units like the DC Dread will hopefully get a little cost reduction to be more in line with the Ironclad/Venerable (or some flavoursome stuff added to make the extra cost more warranted).


I don't want to see any inconsistencies between Codex units and ours when they're the same. If points were adjusted for Codex:SM models/weapons, we should be identical for the same stuff. If they list us with the Index cost for things like Terminators and power fists, rather than the current points from Codex:SM / Chapter Approved, that'd be extremely annoying.

Edited by Thoridon
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Yeah I honestly didn't think we'd get the death company character stratagem I just thought it would be cool so I shared my hopes. I'm also glad red thirst is quite potent. And the on wings of fire stratagem should help with strategically redeploying a unit of jump infantry. I only hope we don't lose our plasma guns and meltas on our RAS, and it would be nice to keep the heavy flamer option on our Devs, been holding off on assembling some heavy flamer Devs in anticipation of the codex. Over all I'm happy with what we're seeing regarding the codex, and the DA codex also. Edited by tu_shan82
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I just hope they don't nerf the Flybrarian in an upcoming FAQ, saying only infantry librarians. I've got this like super-sayan vision of my soon-to-be-built Flybrarian landing amongst a group of cultists/guard/termagants, sending them careening away in all directions. Maybe some "sho-ryu-ken" uppercuts from the force halberd to follow!

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I just hope they don't nerf the Flybrarian in an upcoming FAQ, saying only infantry librarians. I've got this like super-sayan vision of my soon-to-be-built Flybrarian landing amongst a group of cultists/guard/termagants, sending them careening away in all directions. Maybe some "sho-ryu-ken" uppercuts from the force halberd to follow!

I don't see why they should. With only 3 attacks he really isn't OP. ^^

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I just hope they don't nerf the Flybrarian in an upcoming FAQ, saying only infantry librarians. I've got this like super-sayan vision of my soon-to-be-built Flybrarian landing amongst a group of cultists/guard/termagants, sending them careening away in all directions. Maybe some "sho-ryu-ken" uppercuts from the force halberd to follow!

I don't see why they should. With only 3 attacks he really isn't OP. ^^

Drifting off topic, but we haven't seen what our other psychic powers do, and whether the Libdread still only has 3 attacks. If he's quickening or unleashing rage, he might become quite potent.

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I just hope they don't nerf the Flybrarian in an upcoming FAQ, saying only infantry librarians. I've got this like super-sayan vision of my soon-to-be-built Flybrarian landing amongst a group of cultists/guard/termagants, sending them careening away in all directions. Maybe some "sho-ryu-ken" uppercuts from the force halberd to follow!

I don't see why they should. With only 3 attacks he really isn't OP. ^^

Drifting off topic, but we haven't seen what our other psychic powers do, and whether the Libdread still only has 3 attacks. If he's quickening or unleashing rage, he might become quite potent.


Fair enough but having to get off two psychic powers to make him super strong sounds like a fair gamble and more attacks is something we can only hope for. 5 would be appropriate imo. :P

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