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Morning Brothers, long time lurker and haven't played in a very, very long time.


Got a friendly game coming up this Friday and will be facing either orks or tyranids in a 1250 point game.


I'm a fluffy player but really have no concept of what units and specific weapon stats actually translate to on the tabletop.


Wondering what recommendations you all would have. I know it's pretty vague but any help is appreciated!

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I played 1500 points against Horde Orks just the other night.


We are both not competitive type players and both new to gaming.


I crushed him.  Focus fire on a unit until you've hit a morale level that will have the rest running away.


Primaris intercessors were brutal against the orks because that -1 AP = dead orks


My redemptor with gatling gun setup has usually been pretty lack luster in my other games but against the orks it was a monster!

Against hordes.


HBolter is probably effective enough.


Plasma cannon is gonna average less shots but maybe the math works out to equal or more kills because of the high AP and then also gives you flexibility to take on tougher stuff too. But it's more expensive.


Multimelta is really just to crack open the big/hard stuff

Orks are an interesting horde army. The way you beat them is divide and conquer. And there is an important nuance to remember about this. If you can delete a 30 Man Boyz Squad don’t. Instead shoot 15 men from two Boyz Squad. Espacially if said Boyz have no other large Squad Adjacent.


Mob Rule works as follow, LD = Squad Size. May use a nearby Ork Squad LD instead of your own. If you delete a full 30 Man Squad or only kill 25-28 then can use the nearby Boyz Squad LD of 30. Meaning if you’ll be unlikely to kill additional. However if you reduce both squads down to 15. That means you kill an additional 2d6 Boyz. If you only kill 14 it’ll be 2d6-4. So on and so forth. 13 Boyz each is 2d6-8. So the magic number is 14-15 from each Squad minimum. (NB if if you kill 13 in one and 15 in the other. It’ll 1d6-2 and 1d6-4).


The way to beat the army is divide them. Seperate them so they cannot use mob rule. As the saying goes don’t let them mob you. If you can force on of our tide Squads into combat with one of their Boyz. Our armor will let us hold. Not let us win necessary but let us hold so we can counter charge.


1) Your Marines. Not Berzerkers. You have Bolter use them. Our units functionally better independently then theirs. Force them to seperate and engage on terms

2) They have issue like Gulliman Lists. They are static and move as a Blob. Encircle and surround.

3) Our tide Squads won’t win but we won’t die in melee vs a Boyz. Hold the line. Force them into a norrow corridor. Only 2-3 rows will be able to attack. If only half the squad can fight more the better.


Finally and most importantly. Proper tool for the Proper Job. A 5 Man MSU Crusader Squad will made mincemeat by those Boyz once they get in close to you. Intercessors and Tide Crusaders should form your front. Or you should use 5 Man MSU or Intercessors in a fighting withdrawal. Orks have Limited options for special deployment. Da Jump being the most notable option they have. Instead if near the Warboss they can advance, charge and they reroll charge. If they are close, prepare counter charge. Better to charged then be charged.



To iterate the short and sweet. Know Thy Enemy, Know Thy Self. Proper Tool for the Proper Job.

Only two things that I can add that hasn't been said already.


1. Remember, if you have pistols, you can shoot them into the nearest enemy unit even if you are locked in combat.


2. Deepstrike distraction. Buck standard assault Marines make a good distraction. If you want some teeth, vanguard vets backed up with assault Marines and a jumppack chaplain can pull off one large squad. Terminator and assault terminators form a good sudden gunline as well.

Was thinking one of these two lists, thoughts, comments or suggestions?


++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [80 PL, 1250pts] ++


+ HQ +


Chaplain Grimaldus [6 PL, 120pts]


The Emperor's Champion [4 PL, 75pts]


+ Troops +


Crusader Squad [9 PL, 87pts]

. 4x Initiate

. Initiate w/Special Weapon: Flamer

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Chainsword


Crusader Squad [9 PL, 78pts]

. 5x Initiate

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Chainsword


Crusader Squad [9 PL, 78pts]

. 5x Initiate

. Sword Brother: Bolt pistol, Chainsword


+ Elites +


Terminator Assault Squad [12 PL, 251pts]: Teleport Homer

. Terminator Sergeant: Lightning Claw (Pair)

. 4x Terminator w/THSS: 4x Storm shield, 4x Thunder hammer


+ Heavy Support +


Land Raider Crusader [16 PL, 287pts]: 2x Hurricane bolter, Twin assault cannon


+ Flyer +


Stormraven Gunship [274pts, 15 PL]: Twin assault cannon, Twin heavy bolter, Two Hurricane Bolters, Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers


++ Total: [80 PL, 1250pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe


++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [1250pts, 78 PL] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


**Chapter Selection**: Black Templars


+ HQ +


Chaplain Grimaldus [6 PL, 120pts]


High Marshal Helbrecht [9 PL, 170pts]


The Emperor's Champion [4 PL, 75pts]


+ Troops +


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 86pts]

. 4x Initiate

. Initiate w/Heavy Weapon: Plasma cannon


Crusader Squad [5 PL, 86pts]

. 4x Initiate

. Initiate w/Heavy Weapon: Plasma cannon


Crusader Squad [9 PL, 130pts]: 10x Initiate


+ Elites +


Terminator Assault Squad [294pts, 24 PL]

. Terminator Sergeant: Lightning Claw (Pair)

. 4x Terminator w/THSS: 4x Storm shield, 4x Thunder hammer

. Terminator w/x2LC: Lightning Claw (Pair)


+ Heavy Support +


Land Raider Crusader [289pts, 16 PL]: 2x Hurricane bolter, Storm bolter, Twin assault cannon


++ Total: [78 PL, 1250pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe

My advice is as I say to others is take Neophytes instead of initiates, save those 20-30ish Points. Second I am not a fan of taking all of our characters. It’s too expensive. I much prefer Castallen/Marshall and Champion for 2nd Detachment. Second I’d really try to have 2 Man MSU backfield and 2 midfield tide or intercessor Squads. Having real numbers on field is vital in this edition. I’d drop either Raven or Crusader in the second list for this.



Use Second list

Add a Castallen

Add Cenobytes

Turn Assault Terms into 5 Man

Drop Raven or Raider

Add 2nd Assault Term Squad for Vangaurd

Turn 10 Crusader into 5 Man Intercessors and then Double. Or make them into 13-15 Man tide

Make the the two 5 Man in Heavy/Spec/Spec

Well he ended up bringing an all comers nids list with crone, flying hive tyrant, not sure what it's called but spawns the little guys with ranged weapons, a squad of said little guys, their long range artillery guys, genestealers and the genestealer bigger unit. Was a close game, I think I was lucky with mission choice (relic) as his infantry units died fast and I spent the last few turns protecting the crusaders carrying it but all in all a solid victory! Edited by sgtglenskovski

Well he ended up bringing an all comers nids list with crone, flying hive tyrant, not sure what it's called but spawns the little guys with ranged weapons, a squad of said little guys, their long range artillery guys, genestealers and the genestealer bigger unit. Was a close game, I think I was lucky with mission choice (relic) as his infantry units died fast and I spent the last few turns protecting the crusaders carrying it but all in all a solid victory!

Congrats on the win. IMPERATOR VULT!

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