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Making the «goatmen» work

Are Verlo

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I have wanted to start a thousand sons army since the late rogue trader days. And I really like tzaangors, but struggle to find the right unit size.


As of now I am considering msu, with many (3-4 ish) 10 stong units. But then on the other hand I would love to run a few small and one lagre herd of goatmen.


Have any of you foul traitors, heretics and renegades got any tips for the soon to be goatmaster of Tzeentch? How do you field your goats?

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I generally run 2 units of 10 in Rhinos with music. Rhinos keep them safe and get them where needed.


I normally run 3 units of 10 Rubrics on foot with Soul Reapers and bolters in support.


The Tzaangors are excellent character killers, frequently I will call out belakor or other Demon Princes and make their lives short.

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Hey there.


First: Might want to put this in the Thousand Sons subforum.


Second: An 18 or 19 man squad of goats in a Storm Eagle with a character for backup is no joke....and the goats are cheap enough to offset some of the flier's cost so you don't have too many points concentrated in one transport. Alternately, you could remove between 5 and 10 goats and replace them with Warpflamer Rubrics.

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