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It sounds like playing as a successor chapter will be pointlessly handicapping yourself- no access to most of the relics.

The relics are for successors as well. Only the special characters with a fix "Blood Angel" or "Flesh Tearer" faction keyword would be what you're missing out...however that's only a minor issue since you could always just use them as counts-as or treat your successor as differently painted Blood Angels and there would be literally no difference.
This is sadly true. Only one relic and its not one of the good ones in my opinion.
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Death Company seem unchanged which sucks. Seems like my 2 favorite units Baal Preds and Death Company will languish this edition. :sad.:


Your joking right? Death Company are amazing! Bolters and Chainswords! I love them! 


Other than the successors not getting access to additional relics I have pretty much already decided to run Blood Angels anyway. But I wonder if successors are getting unique chapter tactics. Anyone know?

Edited by Aothaine
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My initial optimism is quickly fading....It may just because they are repeating the same stuff over and over again....


Agreed, They've repeated a lot from the 2 preview articles.


There is a new spell called Bloodlance that's a 12" beam.  Every model under the beam takes a mortal wound on a 5+.  WC value of 6.

Edited by Emissary
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My initial optimism is quickly fading....It may just because they are repeating the same stuff over and over again....


Agreed, They've repeated a lot from the 2 preview articles.


There is a new spell called Bloodlance that's a 12" beam.  Every model under the beam takes a mortal wound on a 5+.  WC value of 6.



Massive downgrade from being an additional melta shot. Ugh....

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Said there around 10 stratagems from the space marine codex like auspex scan and the one that splits units into combat squads after deployment.  13 new stratagems. 


There is a new statagem that increases a vehicles movement by 6" if advancing.  A Baal Predator increases by 6+D6".  Costs 1.


He said he doesn't remember anything in the book stopping you from using the special characters for other chapters, but you can't mix Seth in the same detachment.  He didn't confirm it.


Archangels shard relic is S-user, -3 AP, 1 damage, D3 if they are a monster and d6 if they are a demon.  


Dante doesn't award command points.


It is getting very tiring every time they move to a new section of the book revealing stuff already revealed in the warhammer community articles.  Relics the picked out to "reveal" were the veritas vitae, that standard and the archangel shard.  Spells were wings and the blood lance spell.  Spent a long time on units they revealed in today's article as well.  Warlord traits they revealed was first the +1 weapon damage one, foresight one, and another lets you always strike in the charging phase like emperor's children.



Lucifer engines is a stratagem now: 6" extra movement for non-flyer non-dread vehicles, or 6+D6" extra movement for Baals.

Was that for normal moves or advance only?


It increases the movement statistic, so any kind of move.



I got the impression it was only if the vehicle advanced.

Edited by Emissary
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No changes for Mephiston unless his points got reduced.


Killshot stratagem is in the codex and can be used with baal predators.

Sounds like Dante is unchanged - worst chapter master still.


If his points went down I think he's perfectly fine.  He just costs too much right now.


There's also a warlord trait that gives a 6" heroic intervention range.

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No changes for Mephiston unless his points got reduced.


Killshot stratagem is in the codex and can be used with baal predators.

Sounds like Dante is unchanged - worst chapter master still.


If his points went down I think he's perfectly fine.  He just costs too much right now.


There's also a warlord trait that gives a 6" heroic intervention range.


If he still has a basic inferno pistol instead of the proper perdition pistol, doesnt have any extra rules and didnt get a significant price drop, I dont see much point to using him - which sucks as he was my favourite character forever.

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