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Pics or it didn't happen. This is too good to be true! I'm going to grab at least three sets! :happy.:


Here are the dice: 99220101015_BloodAngelsDice01.jpg



I like the dice also. They look sweet to me, but most importantly to me they look balanced and accurate.

I am so sick chessex and the extra 1's.


Will be getting some too.

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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Has anyone ordered those primaris box sets yet? Do they come with decals? They show them all with the raised Blood Angel shoulders. Just wondering if they come as generic primaris and then you pick up additional pack for the shoulders and extras?


So happy right now. Sorry for those that don't like the dice... but man do I ever love them! I was really hoping we wouldn't get some wierd glossy looking dice that are hard to read. These things look like they defuse glare. :happy.:




Gold ones are naff but the red and blue are good.

Blue? We aren't the bloody smurfs! (that's black mate)



I was wondering about that myself. ^_^


Edited by Aothaine
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So couple things, are we sure the dice are legit? Haven't seen anything on this side of the pond :sad.:

Dice are legit. I saw them. Blood Angel icon on the 6, Skull on the 1s. Blood Drops instead of pips. They look OK. Not great.



Pics or it didn't happen. This is too good to be true! I'm going to grab at least three sets! :happy.:


Edit: On the New Zealand site... OMG! I want 4-5 sets!


Lol! I was looking at the price and I was like... Whaaaaa! Everything is so expensive.. then I saw the $58 for the dice and I about cried. Then I realized again I was on the New Zealand site lol! Goodness me... LOVE the dice!



There you go. Straight from the GW New-Zealand's page.





Honestly, they suck. Hard. They are bland, tasteless. The only good thing is that they are kind of easy to read. But otherwise, these dice sucks and are overpriced. The Astartes ones were cheaper and way cooler than..."this".

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Has anyone ordered those primaris box sets yet? Do they come with decals? They show them all with the raised Blood Angel shoulders. Just wondering if they come as generic primaris and then you pick up additional pack for the shoulders and extras?


So happy right now. Sorry for those that don't like the dice... but man do I ever love them! I was really hoping we wouldn't get some wierd glossy looking dice that are hard to read. These things look like they defuse glare. :happy.:





Gold ones are naff but the red and blue are good.

Blue? We aren't the bloody smurfs! (that's black mate)

I was wondering about that myself. ^_^




Christ Almighty guys, I meant black. Friggin autocorrect.

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(I think it is usefull to add this to the topic, Lamenters are back in the game, i do hope they got a small presentation of the chapter background, but a proper artwork is good too. I hope it is as good as those 7th editions ones that were pretty good, on my opinion^^.)




Sons of the angel-winged Primarch Sanguinius, the Blood Angels are noble and magnificent, a proud Space Marine chapter with ten millennia of history. They are warrior heroes who descend into battle on flaming wings to stand between the Emperor’s servants and the heretical hordes that seek to destroy them. Yet beneath their heroic exterior lies a dark secret known as the Flaw, a gene-curse that has bedevilled them for millennia, ravaging their souls until they fight as much for a suitably heroic end as they do for victory in the Emperor’s name.

Codex: Blood Angels contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Blood Angels collectors. Within this 144-page hardback, you’ll find:

- The Angelic Host: the origin of the Blood Angels, the story behind their homeworld of Ball, the horror of the Flaw and the introduction of Primaris Space Marines to their ranks;
- Ordering the Host: a detailed breakdown of the Blood Angels’ Chapter organisation, their heraldries and vehicle markings;
- Colour schemes and heraldries for 8 successor Chapters: Angels Encarmine, Angels Sanguine, Flesh Tearers, Carmine Blades, Angels Vermillion, Blood Drinkers, Knights of the Chalice, and Lamenters;
- A Chronicle of Heroes: a timeline of major Blood Angels engagements, from the founding to the present;
- Background and details on each character and unit available to a Blood Angels army;
- A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.


Everything you need to get a Blood Angels army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:

- 77 datasheets, providing rules for every Blood Angels unit and miniature;
- Army abilities reflecting the Blood Angels’ methods of war on the tabletop;
- Armoury of Baal: wargear both ranged and close-combat for use by Blood Angels;
- Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
- Sons of Sanguinius: rules for Battle-forged armies, including:
- 25 unique Stratagems;
- 6 unique Warlord Traits that any Blood Angels commander can use;
- Relics of Baal: 6 rare weapons and artefacts available only to Blood Angels;
- Sanguinary Discipline: 6 psychic powers available to any Blood Angels model with the Psyker keyword;
- 6 Tactical Objectives unique to the Blood Angels.

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 so entertaining especially compared to miniwargaming.

Entirely subjective matter. I find Dave and Quirk from MWG way more entertaining than any tabletop tactics batrep for example. Tho tabletop tactics are definitely not bad either.




Most post on forums are subjective...nothing new here. I'm also a vault member so still completely support them and everything they do in the hobby. 



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Been thinking.  A jump librarian could REALLY be good now.  Give him a force axe and the relic jump pack.  Have him deep strike in then cast the +d3 charge distance and attacks spell then profit.  They can't overwatch you, you only need a 6 on 2d6  to make the charge and reroll if needed, then have 3+d3 attacks that are probably wounding on a 2+ and doing d3 wounds (and more attacks if you want to cast the +1 attack spell or use the stratagem). 


This guy could be a real problem for anything that's isolated in the backfield.  And you don't need to spend any command points to get the almost guaranteed charge out of the deepstrike.

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I like the JP Libby idea. He is virtually a mini guided psychic missile. And if he gets cornered, you can rinse and repeat with the Wings of Flame strat.


I have a libby with exactly that build. I may try him out for fun. :biggrin.:


Agreed, I'm also glad my jump librarian has a force axe.

If you use quickening and wings, drop diw 9 inches away, move 12 in psychic. Charge +3 inches with reroll to charge range. Fun ensues.


Yup, would allow you to jump over that screen of conscripts or scouts to get to the interior.

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(I think it is usefull to add this to the topic, Lamenters are back in the game, i do hope they got a small presentation of the chapter background, but a proper artwork is good too. I hope it is as good as those 7th editions ones that were pretty good, on my opinion^^.)





This...this right here!!!! Thank you for confirming!!! I'm so souped.



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If people would please ask for a power sword to be added as an intercessor option due to the anniversary model, that would be awesome, if enough people did, it might even happen lol.


I just find it very annoying that they marketed him as being usable for all chapters, but he isn't technically without a weapon swap

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I think this may be the most disappointed I've ever been with GW :sad.:


Seriously? Man, you guys need to relax. Yeah, the Baal, DC, and Dante aren't great options. Everything else is pretty solid. The army will play differently than any other marine army. We'll be fine. I'm still super pumped.


This is one of the reasons i've tried to manage expectations, and said that GW led with the best BA bits.


It's sucky to hear the awesome stuff, then see the bevy of minor stuff creep in.  


That being said, when you have you the codex in hand/ look at it on the whole, I think you'll see its really solid.  Maybe the best theyve done in the last 10 years. 


Also why I said its not getting an "A" - but rather a solid "B". 

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Yep, blood angels lose lol.


Still interesting to watch though


Spoilers dude! Lol. He had an amazing turn 1, but watching this I think a lot of people that start with the new Codex are going to make similar mistakes. All those buff characters he had got strung out and didn't get to contribute until it was too late. The way the table was laid out, he could have dropped in behind cover and saved the CPs from Descent of Angels. We have delivery systems, but I still think people that think they are going to get a ton of charges off turn 1 are in for a surprise. It's a bit of a gimmick.


I definitely like the Sanguinary Guard a lot now. They tanked a ton of wounds from those Berzerkers with that banner. Flybrarian was really fun too. He should have used the Quickening on him in melee. Death Company I'm just not sold on which pains be greatly. They did a lot of damage, but with 3 Thunder Hammers and 3 Power Fists how couldn't they? They are still just total glass cannons which is a bummer. His list would have really benefited from some sort of long range. I think a Devastator squad with 4 Lascannons and a Cherub would have really helped. In any case, I really like how the army plays. It'll be a lot of fun as it's not just show up and win. It needs a lot of finesse and tactics to pull off which is what I always wanted. From what I've seen, definitely the best Codex we've had in a long time. Love it!

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