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I think this may be the most disappointed I've ever been with GW :sad.:


Seriously? Man, you guys need to relax. Yeah, the Baal, DC, and Dante aren't great options. Everything else is pretty solid. The army will play differently than any other marine army. We'll be fine. I'm still super pumped.


This is one of the reasons i've tried to manage expectations, and said that GW led with the best BA bits.


It's sucky to hear the awesome stuff, then see the bevy of minor stuff creep in.  


That being said, when you have you the codex in hand/ look at it on the whole, I think you'll see its really solid.  Maybe the best theyve done in the last 10 years. 


Also why I said its not getting an "A" - but rather a solid "B". 



A very good job of it too Morticon *nod.

I am super excited to order this in a few hours regardless. =)


Lots of great sounding things coming, the hype train is real *nod


My current biggest gripe sight unseen:

I am thinking we as a community should stand up and refuse to allow our successor players to sufffer that listed indignity on offer.

There HAS to be a better way to rule that bit as an option not a requirement and GW should correct it.

These players should not be left aside because of a story, fluff, and paint scheme choice.

My guys are already all main chapter BA so it's not personal interest here. It is just a bad decision from GW that they should address in the FAQ I feel.

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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Yep, blood angels lose lol.


Still interesting to watch though


Spoilers dude! Lol. He had an amazing turn 1, but watching this I think a lot of people that start with the new Codex are going to make similar mistakes. All those buff characters he had got strung out and didn't get to contribute until it was too late. The way the table was laid out, he could have dropped in behind cover and saved the CPs from Descent of Angels. We have delivery systems, but I still think people that think they are going to get a ton of charges off turn 1 are in for a surprise. It's a bit of a gimmick.


I definitely like the Sanguinary Guard a lot now. They tanked a ton of wounds from those Berzerkers with that banner. Flybrarian was really fun too. He should have used the Quickening on him in melee. Death Company I'm just not sold on which pains be greatly. They did a lot of damage, but with 3 Thunder Hammers and 3 Power Fists how couldn't they? They are still just total glass cannons which is a bummer. His list would have really benefited from some sort of long range. I think a Devastator squad with 4 Lascannons and a Cherub would have really helped. In any case, I really like how the army plays. It'll be a lot of fun as it's not just show up and win. It needs a lot of finesse and tactics to pull off which is what I always wanted. From what I've seen, definitely the best Codex we've had in a long time. Love it!


he lost when he left all his units open to being charged by 3 squads of 'zerkers.  I don't think he should've left the giant blob of death co. as the middle of the field to just hurl into the opponent.  and throwing in the libby dread in the same area was a bit overkill i think.  while WOW those sanguinary guard did some work, once you factor in the amount of points spent between the ancient, priest, and dante, how could they not?  that was way too many eggs in one basket, and a waste of dante, though i get he did it for thematic reasons.  I too agree, this game would've went vastly different if he had even one anti-tank unit to pop those rhinos so he could charge the 'zerkers before they charged him.  I think if he had picked a flank and pushed hard there, he could've done much better, though i can see his logic as well trying to get the points, since they're turn cumulative.


I think between wings of sanguinius, descent of angels, the death co movement strat, and wings of fire, blood angels have a ton of movement options, and utilizing those effectively will give us a huge edge.  I think trying to hurl our army into the opponents like we're orks will end badly, but with good positioning, and planning your combats and charges, we can reap a huge dividend.  overall, i'm in love with this codex.  my only gripes are dante, baal preds, and maybe sanguinary guard (really would've liked a 3rd attack).  everything else, i'm completely happy with.

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Used the voucher I had lying around to get the codex, datacards and ten BA Hellblasters for £22.50


Should I have gotten Inceptors...?


(Genuine question, may cancel and reorder)

Well I would. Inceptors are a great mobile shooting platform and the only Primaris unit that benefits from the Jump Pack and FLY specific Stratagems and stuff. ^^

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I would usually say Hellblasters. Inceptors are niche, while Hellblasters are one of the best units in the Marine book. Having said that, Inceptors have synergy with BA. Here is the question. Do you have other JP units that can benefit from Wings of Fire and the other JP Strats? If yes, Hellblasters. Do you have a Repulsor? If yes, Hellblasters. Do you already have 3 Inceptors? Then get the other 3.


Consider this. Hellblasters are 10 dudes, which are two units or one big one. That way you are basically set for Hellblasters for quite some time. Only 3 Inceptors won't do that much. If you really want to capitalize on them with Stratagems and so forth, then 6 would be a better number. If you just want a harassment unit, then 3 Inceptors will be a solid addition. If you just want a mobile unit, you can get Assault Hellblasters, that can run and shoot.


In short, depends on current collection and play-style.

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I have 3 Inceptors (plasma) but the sheer value of the kit is what pointed me to Hellblasters.


Ten dudes for £37.50 (including an upgrade frame) whereas Inceptors are only THREE guys for £30?!


Are Repulsors any good?

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Repulsors are good, yes.

If it's your only tank it will get targeted early however.


I run two of them often and they do work. I love deploying them completely behind cover if I don't have turn 1 and then flying over it in the movement phase.


I typically run 5 Hellblasters and 5 Intercessors in each, but am looking forward to trying out Aggressors with framers in them also.

Edited by Ishagu
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Yep, blood angels lose lol.


Still interesting to watch though

Spoilers dude! Lol. He had an amazing turn 1, but watching this I think a lot of people that start with the new Codex are going to make similar mistakes. All those buff characters he had got strung out and didn't get to contribute until it was too late. The way the table was laid out, he could have dropped in behind cover and saved the CPs from Descent of Angels. We have delivery systems, but I still think people that think they are going to get a ton of charges off turn 1 are in for a surprise. It's a bit of a gimmick.


I definitely like the Sanguinary Guard a lot now. They tanked a ton of wounds from those Berzerkers with that banner. Flybrarian was really fun too. He should have used the Quickening on him in melee. Death Company I'm just not sold on which pains be greatly. They did a lot of damage, but with 3 Thunder Hammers and 3 Power Fists how couldn't they? They are still just total glass cannons which is a bummer. His list would have really benefited from some sort of long range. I think a Devastator squad with 4 Lascannons and a Cherub would have really helped. In any case, I really like how the army plays. It'll be a lot of fun as it's not just show up and win. It needs a lot of finesse and tactics to pull off which is what I always wanted. From what I've seen, definitely the best Codex we've had in a long time. Love it!

he lost when he left all his units open to being charged by 3 squads of 'zerkers. I don't think he should've left the giant blob of death co. as the middle of the field to just hurl into the opponent. and throwing in the libby dread in the same area was a bit overkill i think. while WOW those sanguinary guard did some work, once you factor in the amount of points spent between the ancient, priest, and dante, how could they not? that was way too many eggs in one basket, and a waste of dante, though i get he did it for thematic reasons. I too agree, this game would've went vastly different if he had even one anti-tank unit to pop those rhinos so he could charge the 'zerkers before they charged him. I think if he had picked a flank and pushed hard there, he could've done much better, though i can see his logic as well trying to get the points, since they're turn cumulative.


I think between wings of sanguinius, descent of angels, the death co movement strat, and wings of fire, blood angels have a ton of movement options, and utilizing those effectively will give us a huge edge. I think trying to hurl our army into the opponents like we're orks will end badly, but with good positioning, and planning your combats and charges, we can reap a huge dividend. overall, i'm in love with this codex. my only gripes are dante, baal preds, and maybe sanguinary guard (really would've liked a 3rd attack). everything else, i'm completely happy with.

Dante + sanguinary guard was not optimal. It would have been much better with the sanguinor and cheaper. And that charge to the center with the Libby and the DC was killer....for both ')
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Yeah that as well. The Primaris range is still lacking a lot of things and I'm not even talking about filling battlefield roles but rather about getting chapter specific units. I'll be definitely going to give the apothecary a grail tho.

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The TTT report showed some of the strengths but big mistakes were made as already mentioned. I was cringing as I could see a mass disembark of berzerkers coming. Nothing against the Sanga but I believe (may be wrong) he is fairly new and I have the feeling if the Spider had taken charge it might have been a different story. appreciate Blood Angels are Sanga's thing though and love everything 40k TTT do.


I'm still finding myself being drawn into the too many buff trap, really need to get away from that. and also need to get some kind of long ranged threat to support my assault and pop some transports. I quite like the idea of three predators to get use of Kill Shot.

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The TTT report showed some of the strengths but big mistakes were made as already mentioned. I was cringing as I could see a mass disembark of berzerkers coming. Nothing against the Sanga but I believe (may be wrong) he is fairly new and I have the feeling if the Spider had taken charge it might have been a different story. appreciate Blood Angels are Sanga's thing though and love everything 40k TTT do.


I'm still finding myself being drawn into the too many buff trap, really need to get away from that. and also need to get some kind of long ranged threat to support my assault and pop some transports. I quite like the idea of three predators to get use of Kill Shot.


The Sanga is really new. Just started playing a month or two ago. So he will make a lot of mistakes. But that is how you learn. Also his list was more about showing off as many special rules as possible rather than being competitive.


Limiting yourself on buffing units is detrimental though. Our army synergizes incredibly well with them. But we do need to be careful because every aura we get reduces our model count pretty significantly. 


The Sanguinary Ancient with relic banner is an auto include imho. Having a captain for reroll 1s is always handy, especially if you are running something like Hellblasters. I also think that Death Company units should almost always be 15-man and have 11-12 Bolter and Chainsword and 3-4 Thunder Hammers. Only reason to take 4 is if you want to be able to multi-charge with them. But they are glass cannons. So just realize that and know that they will meet a glorious end on the battle field. 



What I'm really curious about is how effective our normal assault marines will now be with that banner, how many assault squad units we can field, is it better to deep strike them or load them up in rhinos or is it better to take one nasty beat stick squad (Sanguinary Guard) and max size deep strike then descent of angels that unit with the relic banner supporting them and use the rest of the army in a similar fashion to a smurf army and just slowly move up the field with 30" -1ap 1dmg bolters.

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