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I feel like this goes back to us using Intercessors as in assault. Because they seem quite deadly now even at base strength and 2 attacks per for only 18 ppm

I will do that for sure. Tho not because I think they are better than the regular Marine options. :P

I just need to figure out if I'm more happy with the crappy but thematically more fitting Assault Bolter or the simply better Rapid Fire Bolter. >.<

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Interesting, red thirst actually encourages people to stay in melee with you, to negate your charge bonus.


Which means we might get to use our pistols!

Omg you're right! I didn't even think about that! I...I can't even right now. So satisfied with this leak! :biggrin.:




Strike of the Archangels at 2CP

Worth it?


Yeah or Nay 


It will depend on whether or not they have something to help them get into charge.  if you pay 2 CP's, and still have to make a 9" charge, then I think it's schlock.  Granted, yes it helps them with shooting...but...we have Captains for that...but also, there's only one weapon this really affects and that's the Assault Cannon.  Heavy flamer auto hits, and stormbolters...I mean...who plops down storm bolters with termies with the intent of really hoping for high damage output?


The article says that this stratagem is good for gunning down squads of massed infantry and I recon that even the lowly storm bolter with 4 shots under 12" could pull that off.

But is that enough reason to spend 2 CP


We have a new GK player in our group. I can confirm Terminators with Storm Bolter are no joke. :biggrin.:



I don't disagree. I did a tourney on saturday with RG and my Storm Bolters did great.


The question is whether it's worth it to spend 2 CP to reroll, what amounts to, on average, 5 storm bolter shots.  The wording indicates you have to spend the CP before you start shooting.  Storm bolters will hit on 3 (no penalty for moving with heavy weapons, like there will be for Assault Cannor, Cyclone, or Autocannon).  So assuming 5 man squad, 4 of whom have stormbolters, you got 16 shots coming in, 11 of which will hit.  So you spend 2 CP to hit with...what...3 more bolter shots? (And 1.5  Assault cannon shots)


If you're unit has 10 dudes, including 2 heavy weapons, then yes, I think it's good expenditure.   But man, that's a lot of termies in one basket!


Yeah probably not. 2CP is quite a hefty price for some S4 AP0 shots. Especially when CSM can do it this much better (Noise Marines or a Combi-Bolter squad with MoS shooting twice for 2CP).


I think I'll definitely make my plan of a Dreadnought army into reality until I wait for BA specific Primaris units to build a real Primaris army. Dreadnoughts never come out of fashion. :biggrin.:

This has made me even more excited to use 40k'd Vargheists as Deathcompany dreads! (Tower of Amereo style) 25quid for 3 dreads? yes please!


The main reason why I want a Dreadnought army is because I love how they look so sorry if I'm not too excited about your post. :tongue.:


I do not require you to share my excitement brother, go forth and dread.

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Seems to me the "Strike of the Archangels" isn't for getting some more bolter hits, but all meltagun or plasmagun command squads. Plasma especially. Overcharge those bad boys.


EDIT: Terminator infantry only.

Edited by toaae
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Strike of the Archangels at 2CP

Worth it?


Yeah or Nay 


It will depend on whether or not they have something to help them get into charge.  if you pay 2 CP's, and still have to make a 9" charge, then I think it's schlock.  Granted, yes it helps them with shooting...but...we have Captains for that...but also, there's only one weapon this really affects and that's the Assault Cannon.  Heavy flamer auto hits, and stormbolters...I mean...who plops down storm bolters with termies with the intent of really hoping for high damage output?


The article says that this stratagem is good for gunning down squads of massed infantry and I recon that even the lowly storm bolter with 4 shots under 12" could pull that off.

But is that enough reason to spend 2 CP?


Our Terminator Ancient can currently take an Archangel Standard which adds 1 to the Leadership score of units with 6" and reroll misses in the Fight Phase. I think that's better, unless it goes away for the new Standard.

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Desth Visions of Sanguinius is brilliant. Getting to choose when to roid our your beatstick before you deploy is nuts. Assassinate another character or go out swinging.

To be clear it says you play the strategem when you muster your army, so you can't do it in the middle of a match.

Updated that. Just realized that means hammer captains benefit from Lemartes then too :o

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What are we thinking would be the best target initially for Death Visions? Captain, chaplain or lieutenant , keep in mind no primaris.

At first thought, captain. Get to re-roll 1’s for himself, 5A on the charge, 6+ FNP.


Although a LT alongside Lemartes and a squad of boys would be nice...


...given him wargesr like a TH and jump pack prolly brings him close to a Sang Ancient cost-wise.

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What are we thinking would be the best target initially for Death Visions? Captain, chaplain or lieutenant , keep in mind no primaris.


A company champion looks interesting as well, with a jump pack. They can re-roll hits vs characters in the fight phase, so might be a good character sniper.


Whops misread the strat, only those 3 are legal. 

Edited by Remtek
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Seems to me the "Strike of the Archangels" isn't for getting some more bolter hits, but all meltagun or plasmagun command squads. Plasma especially. Overcharge those bad boys.


It's Terminator Infantry only.


If you can somehow guarantee that charge though, slap this onto some Lightning claw Tartaros to come down, shoot then charge and re-roll to hit and to wound, with a +1 to wound, meaning the worst you are hurting anything T5/6/7 on a 4+ re-rolling.

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Mmm the Red Thirst is delicious again.


First turn charge is now reasonably possible for a jp libby with wings.  Probably not worth it, but interesting nonetheless.


Wings of Fire looks pretty good for trucking our auras around.  I can imagine keeping a Dante with reroll to hit back with devastators and twin lascannon razorbacks while also providing effective support against alpha strikers.  Then once the vanguard of the army is close to the enemy, Dante flies to the front where he's needed most.  Truly a beautiful sight to behold.

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What are we thinking would be the best target initially for Death Visions? Captain, chaplain or lieutenant , keep in mind no primaris.


A company champion looks interesting as well, with a jump pack. They can re-roll hits vs characters in the fight phase, so might be a good character sniper.


It's only the Captain, Chaplain and Lieutenants, unfortunately.

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Well... the announcements are reasonably positive, the +1 to wound sounds great, but I'm still concerned about how we're actually getting to combat in the first place. I mean, I'm kind of tilted because my last few games have been turn two tablings, but aside from the librarians it's sounding like we still have to plough into melee as fast as we can, in an environment where everyone is geared up for 1-2 rounds of rapid fire shooting before we close the gap, and can retreat and keep shooting once we do.


I do like the idea mentioned further up the thread about melee Intercessors -  they seem like a killer pick with this boost, and worth exploring. But I'm worried that nothing we've seen here would have helped in any game I've actually played lately, and we're still looking at the same charge of the light brigade against grinding advance Leman Russ squads, etc.

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I'm super psyked about all of this. Definitely not a let down. Just getting into combat still going to be a challenge, but let's see how we do. Lemartes will be a no brainer, and I'm loving the sound of a death company captain with hammer a long side him for re roll charges too.
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The amount of things +1 to wound effects is incredible!


A simple 4 point powersword is deadly wounding most things on 3s


Dante is going to wound most things on 2s


I can hardly wait....if this is all we got + some price balancing id be pretty happy! and we havnt even seen everything yet!

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