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I'm super psyked about all of this. Definitely not a let down. Just getting into combat still going to be a challenge, but let's see how we do. Lemartes will be a no brainer, and I'm loving the sound of a death company captain with hammer a long side him for re roll charges too.



I'm not too worried about mobility. There are still previews yet to come but I personally love the Jump Pack Strat; mostly because I run a jump pack heavy army but still. The idea of having a Libby Dreadnought that can come out of a drop pod and assault flyers too? That is awesome. I genuinely did not expect to get anything this good and I know I was one of the naysayers so pass the crow please.


I had completely written off the notion that they would port this over from 30K as I thought it would be too good. I get that still getting into combat can be a problem but we are going to go back to wrecking face once we're there and with the way pile-in/consolidate works in 8th this will be beautiful.


The fact that people can still leave and shoot our killy mens still sucks, however, there might yet come a strategy/relic/some way to mitigate that and if you tie up enough things in combat it starts forcing hard decisions on your opponent. Never discount that if you can survive ~ 2 turns of shooting with the right models that you are now in their gunline, lightning fast compared to them (JP's, etc.) and you WILL kill in CC.

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Ooh, another thought. Because it's any turn you are charged, not the first round of combat, you get it again any turn the enemy charge another unit in, maybe not a massively frequent use case, but worth remembering.

"I'm not stuck in combat with you. You're stuck in combat with me."

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Well... the announcements are reasonably positive, the +1 to wound sounds great, but I'm still concerned about how we're actually getting to combat in the first place. I mean, I'm kind of tilted because my last few games have been turn two tablings, but aside from the librarians it's sounding like we still have to plough into melee as fast as we can, in an environment where everyone is geared up for 1-2 rounds of rapid fire shooting before we close the gap, and can retreat and keep shooting once we do.


I do like the idea mentioned further up the thread about melee Intercessors -  they seem like a killer pick with this boost, and worth exploring. But I'm worried that nothing we've seen here would have helped in any game I've actually played lately, and we're still looking at the same charge of the light brigade against grinding advance Leman Russ squads, etc.


Strats and wargear/relics will play a role here - Scouts will be big too.  With proper synergy, we'll be the most aggressive (and viable) CC marine army out there. 

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Not having a way to universally re-roll/modify charges could hurt and was one of my gripes from 7th.


However, don’t forget that we can bring some dakka. Rapid Fire range + charge or make the enemy charge into your OW/Red Thirst. We can plan our charges quite well now.


This definitely helps us shoot the stabby ones and stab he shooty ones

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Oh my god, this is all so great. I 100% did not think we would get a+1 wound in combat, that’s super strong. If artificer armor becomes a thing, i’m Making a blood angels- shrike captain with black armor and red crosses. A 2+/4+/5+++ (warlord trait) and like 6 attacks on the charge rerolling everything and +1 to wound is so good. As a fan of terminators I’m stoked about the archangel strat and the banner to give them a 5+++. Wings isn’t quite what I had hoped but with a low casting value, i’ll Happily take it. I think I’m always taking a librarian in some form now.


100% pleases so far, if the rest of the book goes this route I think we’ll have a solid, competitive even (gasp) book!

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I'm just super chuffed that Primaris get the Thirst.

Were Space Vampires dude, how could we not :P


I believe Age of Darkness stated that Cawl tried to remove all gene-seed flaws but found that some of them were intentional by design. The Emperor made us Angels the way we are for a reason, cherish that knowledge Brother.

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Do I have a little primarch Mephy - who is a t5, w5, s5 (10/ -3/ D3) 4 attacks (and buffable up to 6), with 2+/4++ (psychic power) and then in-build 5+++/ and then another 5+++ for banner/ and the another 6+++ for warlord trait.... and wait for it - we have a command re-roll for those once in a leap year missed wound.

And now he strides a range of 19 inches...

So Calgar/Abaddon/whatever, honey, what did you say about Sanguinius again?


When I read Devastation of Baal I thought - hey, they didn't ressurect Sanguinius per se.... but having Mephiston and Sanguionor - it's like Daemon princes of the Emperor.

That guy is tough as hell and beyond.


Also about that Archangeks stratagem - in my mind it fits for a 10 man squad but have a 2 targets - one that they shall fire guns, and the other that they will charge in that case it might get worth it.

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Do I have a little primarch Mephy - who is a t5, w5, s5 (10/ -3/ D3) 4 attacks (and buffable up to 6), with 2+/4++ (psychic power) and then in-build 5+++/ and then another 5+++ for banner/ and the another 6+++ for warlord trait.... and wait for it - we have a command re-roll for those once in a leap year missed wound.

And now he strides a range of 19 inches...


Wont be 4++, sadly. :( 


And named characters have their own WL traits.


But the idea stands- still very strong :D 

I love the idea of him blazing ahead and kicking ass.   

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Do I have a little primarch Mephy - who is a t5, w5, s5 (10/ -3/ D3) 4 attacks (and buffable up to 6), with 2+/4++ (psychic power) and then in-build 5+++/ and then another 5+++ for banner/ and the another 6+++ for warlord trait.... and wait for it - we have a command re-roll for those once in a leap year missed wound.

And now he strides a range of 19 inches...


Wont be 4++, sadly. :sad.: 


And named characters have their own WL traits.


But the idea stands- still very strong :biggrin.: 

I love the idea of him blazing ahead and kicking ass.   



4++ is a shield of sanguinius. I do not recall the case when psychic power was heavily modified form Index to Codex ( I think they had 6 powers table from the start, but cut only three of each, so I doubt they change that)

And yeah - it is truth that he will have in-built warlord trait - but that could be the one we saw - it is also a possibility)


The risk here is the datalate of Mephiston itself. That can be changed for sure.

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BlindHamster I expect to see Alfie finished soon and a possible DC variant just because!


Also I still need you to get me an awesome Alfie primaris conversion.


Just Oprah it mate! lol.




I've not touched anything non-primaris since the primaris stuff was revealed, that may well change in the not so distant future, but for the moment, I'm focusing on one thing at a time.. currently plodding through 5 intercessors (I am so slow that plodding is an apt word). They are getting there slowly.


Once those are done, I need to do another four to go with the veteran sergeant I did before.


Then I'll do either one of my lieutenants, or perhaps my captain. Then it'll be off to do Hellblasters and the inceptors I'd already begun.


Then MAYBE I'll get back to some non primaris for a change of pace, but thats likely to be sanguinary guard or perhaps custodes!


Aphael sits languishing in a cabinet along with the majority of my blood angels.

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Going to need a box of tissues*.

While part of me is now horrified at the scope of purchase & painting that could be ahead to make use of all this gold...

They have managed to keep a bunch of the fluff well integrated, open up some options that were previously restricted, but without just opening the flood gates so you can field something that looks like a Wolf or Fist army. GW looking to remain on my Christmas card list for 2017. 

My only little niggle is that the pic at the top of the community page is pure Primaris - hinting that new models will be pure NuMarines?


*For the tears... obviously. 

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So great to see everybody stoked =)

I think GW and playtesters et all really gave a damn after all. Looks like it will be a swing and a hit for the designers this time around so far.


Red Thirst etc looks great.

Looks to me like Primaris are going to get it which makes me very happy from a fluff standpoint etc.


That Standard of Sacrifice is so in character for us and also a badass addition in my opinion.

Gives the support fire section a way to be Blood Angels and do it well.

I am looking twice at Primaris troops back with the firebase just because of that item.

It is a somewhat shooting edition after all.


I am excited to see what they do with psychic powers.

Hope we keep Unleash Rage and Shield.


I think we may be waiting for the other shoe to drop on the black rage.

I am suspecting a loss of control type downside.

I think it can be done well, characterful and fun. I also suppose that is what command points are for right?.

"Calm yourselves brothers" said the warden over the vox ... =)

My devastators will prolly run off anyhow if the past is any guide.


I am really wondering what is going to be done with Lucifer Engines and the Baal Pred.

A wall of armour advancing with most jump troops behind on the table instead of in deepstrike is a way I would very much like to roll.

Especially with Wings of FIAR for later on when the best spots are open to redploy into.

Come at me bro this line of jump troops is waiting!! or we will be over shortly if you are chicken...


Looking great so far !!

Edited by Crimson Ghost IX
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