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Is Mephy an auto take now?




Youre going to want a lieutenant with JP, Astorath for rerolls and other fun, and a priest to ensure we're getting 2+ to wound vs MEq


Only then, i would start to consider Meph


So we're still stuck with a broken Codex ;) :teehee:

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Warp timing things from deep strike is quite common in tournaments, i think your pretty safe on it not being nerfed (Zerkers from FW pod or Warp Talons to mention a few are quite common and potentially more devastating as a pure hammer).



A libby dread turn 1 charging might not even be a good plan in many spots, similar to the heldrake or celestine if you run too far head of the pack you will often get isolated and die without doing much. I still love the power, it gives us so many options. Even taking it on a jump pack libby, having the option to first re-deploy and then move 12 is really cool for some lategame objective clearing. Or jumping Meph over a screen to kill an important buff char. 


So much potential just with this small teaser.




Rhino rush with Meph and Libby Dread and Death company (msu)

10 assault terminator wall with the 5+ fnp banner + corb rezzes and chaplain / libby dreads (all chars hiding behind termi wall) with some jump msu in reserve.

Scout close combat msu supported by psykers + misc

Assault/Vanguard heavy list - maximising red thrist and redeployment

Fire Raptor list giving it 4++ (shield of sanginous) for an efficient bullet magnet (Raptor went down 60p)

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I'm going to need more scouts. 


And I will need to find all my jump packs again.


Pics or it didn't happen. You having models is a myth imo :teehee::tongue.:


:teehee: :teehee: :teehee: 


Maybe ill start from fresh, here in China. 


Either than or pick up my stuff when i head back for a visit next year. 

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Drop within 9" then wings is fine. It's only the librarian, so hardly overpowered. Chaos can do it with squad loads of Terminators and warp time, tyranids can do it with anything with onslaught and hive commander, genestealers can deploy 4" from the enemy via infestation nodes.


It's powerful, but wings is hardly the most broken thing there.


It's main use will probably be allowing a power armoured Libby to hide behind units for protection in the opponents turn, then leapfrog his squad to jump super close to the opponent to guarantee the charge. A real big issue is our characters not making it into combat with a failed charge and being left high and dry in the opponents turn.

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The only shame is that there's no terminator armored Sanguinary Priest so I can't do an entirely terminator army.


I have still one Termi Sangpriest back from the old days waiting for his resurrection but i guess we wont get one because there is no model released or announced yet. :sad.:



Me too :cry::cry:

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Oh shoot I just realized - who ever said that the bonus to wound doesn't last for multiple turns of combat was wrong, since you count as charging for the entire turn (precedent =- Berserkers continually attack first with blood for the blood god).

You're right and wrong.


It counts for the whole turn. However to clarify:

1 Battle Round = 2 turns

1 turn = 1 Movement Phase, 1 Psychic Phase, 1 Shooting Phase, 1 Charge Phase, 1 Fight Phase, 1 Morale Phase


So it still only lasts for a single Fight Phase (aka a single turn).


EDIT: spelling. :dry.:

Edited by sfPanzer
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The only shame is that there's no terminator armored Sanguinary Priest so I can't do an entirely terminator army.


I have still one Termi Sangpriest back from the old days waiting for his resurrection but i guess we wont get one because there is no model released or announced yet. :sad.:



Me too :cry::cry:


Heh yeah. I don't have the old Termi Priest, however I really wanted to convert a Cataphractii Priest some time ago and still wish we had him as option. 

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LC Cataphractii w/ Corbulo and a Company Ancient w/ Standard of Sacrifice...then either a roided up Captain or Chaplain or Termie Ancient....


...2W 2+/4++ each, shrugging off wounds on 5+, getting to swing again on death on a 4+, getting rezzed next turn (w/ Corbs’ free re-roll to himself)...


...and getting 3A each of S5, wounding most things on a 2+ re-rollable (Shred from LCs), plus exploding 6’s...get a way to re-roll those Hits and damn that’s a resilient blender.


That is some serious shreddery right there. Question is where does it become points efficient especially compared to a DC bomb?

Edited by Indefragable
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LC Cataphractii w/ Corbulo and a Company Ancient w/ Standard of Sacrifice...then either a roided up Captain or Chaplain or Termie Ancient....


...2W 2+/4++ each, shrugging off wounds on 5+, getting to swing again on death on a 4+, getting rezzed next turn (w/ Corbs’ free re-roll to himself)...


...and getting 3A each of S5, wounding most things on a 2+ re-rollable (Shred from LCs), plus exploding 6’s...get a way to re-roll those Hits and damn that’s a resilient blender.


That is some serious shreddery right there. Question is where does it become points efficient especially compared to a DC bomb?

Delivery is going to be the issue. Even an LRC will be groaning under the weight of that lot so only 5 Termies + Chaarcters I think. Without working it out exactly, I think you are well north of 800 points. Sure you can delete almost any target but once you have done that, you have a very slow walk to you next target while the opponent backs away and shoots like heck!


You could teleport them in but then you only have a 28% chance of charging the Termies and a big risk of leaving your buff characters behind.


It is cool coming up with Deathstar concepts but without the ability to add some speed, I don't think they will be competitive against shooty armies. Granted it gives you a powerful unit to counter enemy CC armies (not that those are common in the meta right now) or for fighting over fixed targets like objectives but that seems situational for such a big chunk of points.


DC Bomb on the other hand is looking tasty. 3 squads of DC with jump packs, Lemartes and a character with "Death Visions of Sanguinius" and either JP or TDA. Deep strike and you get 5 charges, each with a reroll and units that can fight twice. That lot could be had for under 600 points (MSU with only a few special weapons) and brings its own mobility with it. Granted each unit doesn't hit nearly so hard but they still pack a punch and can either gang up on hard targets or split up to engage multiple enemy units. While your opponent is dealing with the death-seeking crazies that are pummeling his line, the rest of your army can tear up the field to engage. I think DC Bomb has potential and if we get anything that boosts our charges then it could be very good indeed.

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Don't get me wrong, everything in the preview is awesome...but the pattern with index to codex is that armies are getting considerable points cost reductions on most everything. I'm still most looking forward to not paying 20 points for power fists, 8 points for angelus boltguns, etc :tongue.:


I'm already winning most games with index points costs, I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna play with  approximately 25% more army on the table

Edited by Brother_Mike
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“Units that can fight twice.”


Explain yourself!

There's the rumour of DC getting the same special rule as Khorne Berserker.


Yes, I should have clarified that I am assuming that rumour is true. The DC bomb would be a lot less potent without it. We shall have to wait and see.

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Just thought of it....a Flybrarian means we'll have a Dreadnought that can get up ruins to charge something or sit on an objective. God my opponents will be so surprised the first time I pull that off! :biggrin.:

Wont you need to cast Wings again to get off?
That Wings of Fire Strategy could be useful for that.

1) Drop a 5 man Assault Squad between the target and your oppositions main gun line.

2) Unleash Flybrarian (Love that by the way) on its target.

3) Assault squad acts as meat shield during your opponent's turn.

4) Flybrarian exits stage right at the start of your next turn un harassed.

Edited by SM1981
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