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Gorgon Heavy Transporter viable?


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So just thought I would make a thread, now its gone down a fairly chunky amount (a good what, 40-50 points), it seems to me that its fairly viable as use as its about the price of 3 chimeras but seems more efficient at getting troops across the battlefield to where you need them to be (and more resiliant at that).


I know transports are not really that greati n 8th, but just wondered on others thoughts, especially given the gorgon mortars are free I believe so the vehicle is 316 points or so? Most of my guard armies have enough infantry to make it fully used without risking other places while my death korps fields enough engineers to effectively fill the vehicle nearly it does seem like a very fluffy and possibly points effective way to get them forwards without suffering heavy losses.


But given its rarity on ebay etc etc due to being OOP before I went through all the hassle of setting up lots of reminders on those sites to send me emails when they get something I thought I would see if I am deluding myself in its usefulness.

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T8 W30, 3+, 5++, transports 50 models. Whats not to love? gorgan mortars are decent as well, free 2 heavy bolters with longer range and ignores cover


Fill it with bullgyrns and lap up your opponents tears....... they take up 3 each, so that is 15 bullgryns and 5 spaces for character support (read PRIEST) or some psykers. 


Plus you can use CRUSH THEM strat for 5 str 9 attacks if you need to. 

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Its a plan after my deployment to have two of these and the Storm hammer as a super heavy detachment loaded to bear with troops. Didn't know about the nice price, that's most excellent. I like them on paper. Have never seen one in person or heard of people using them in battle reps.
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Yeah I was thinking along those lines, though not so much bullgryns because I dont own any lol.


The main issue I have now is trying to find 1 for sale lol, damn FW removing the stuff I want from sale!


Maybe go for 40 guardsmen, 2 command squads, a priest and straken? all that str 4 goodies

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Yeah I was thinking along those lines, though not so much bullgryns because I dont own any lol.


The main issue I have now is trying to find 1 for sale lol, damn FW removing the stuff I want from sale!


Maybe go for 40 guardsmen, 2 command squads, a priest and straken? all that str 4 goodies



I was thinking of that if i played it as reg guard as it would be a very strong "burst", but i think more often than not i will be playing krieg, so something like 40 engineers as my storm force plus maybe a squad of obsec to sit on the objective for me might work with it too :biggrin.:


Also, just curious if anyone knows the exact dimensions, tempted to see if i can make a LVT-4 into a suitable stand in till I can find 1 to actually buy. (or an lvt-5 spun around without the top of the hull added)

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I am currently on a search for one of these, actually.  I routinely fit 3 chimeras into some of my lists, and a Gorgon is so incredibly Krieg in character I don't know I don't have it already.  I would fill it with 30 Engineers, 5 Ogryns, and the rest of the slots on support characters.

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I am currently on a search for one of these, actually.  I routinely fit 3 chimeras into some of my lists, and a Gorgon is so incredibly Krieg in character I don't know I don't have it already.  I would fill it with 30 Engineers, 5 Ogryns, and the rest of the slots on support characters.


I actually like the idea of doing something like that, just need to decide if its worth the massive points cost of the entire force really.



Also, for those whom might be interested, I got in contact with FW, the reply to my asking if the gorgon will return was this.



Thank you for your email. The Gorgon Transporter kit you are after is currently under Master mould rework.


The master mould and/or miniature itself is being remastered. Periodically master models need some work so we can continue to produce moulds, this means we have to take the products of sale for a short time to replace and repair the master models and then produce new moulds.


We intend to issue the kit back to the web store once the work is complete and test runs approved but unfortunately the studio cannot guarantee the damage is fixable or give us a time-frame on how long this will be if it is fixable.

Please continue to check back on our web page regularly and please get in touch with the Forge World team if you have any further questions and we would be glad to help you out.


Thanks again,



So people whom want 1, pray to the emperor as from what I remember it was originally setup as a "last chance to buy/not returning" model.

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  • 4 months later...

Bumping this thread for a neat little story :)


Funnily enough, I bought my entire AM army back in 7th from a friend who is a commission painter and it was his own personal army that he longer wanted. It's like 4-5000 pts worth and he's always liked using uncommon FW units so naturally there was a Gorgon as his super-heavy rather than a Baneblade variant.


It always upset me how useless it was in 7th and it never saw a game which was sad because I loved the idea of a giant tank with a horde of men spilling out of it as if it was D-Day in the 41st millenium. Then 8th came long and the Gorgon became quite decent. Then Chapter Approved came long with the 50 point drop and now it's bloody great! Joy!


I like running it full of 4 Catachan infantry squads with flamers, Straken, Priest, Commissar, Commander, and a SWS with whatever weapons needed for that game. 50 men on the nose. The mortars are definitely great but if I have the points I'll give it the heavy flamers since as Catachan it rerolls all the dice for it's hits making it horrendously deadly against infantry. I like this loadout because it makes it easy for the characters to give their buffs to the infantry squads without worrying too much about them spreading out and it maximises their chance of a devastating charge.


You can disembark 2 squads a turn and combine them and they can put out 66 shots with FRFSRF and 2D6 flamer hits followed by 60 S4 attacks on the charge with the Straken/Priest combo. It's like playing Orks with Guard :D


The other awesome thing about the Gorgon is that it drastically lowers your drops. The above loadout takes 10 drops (9 units + Gorgon) and makes it 1. Combined with some vehicle squadron shenanigans you can easily get the +1 to go first. It also makes a great target from the +1 save spell as it means it will have a 4++ from shooting.


The main issue with the Gorgon is that all those infantry units won't be screening your other tanks. This isn't too huge of a problem though as Deep Strike is getting nerfed so it's not too much of a problem. In saying that, it makes target priority a nightmare because killing the Gorgon is incredibly difficult and any firepower going into it isn't going into your artillery, Russes, etc.

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